H2HCare system will offer older adults’ patients a personalized robot-based coaching post-discharge and support to reduced re-hospitalisation using a set of customizable and integrated services. The Pre-Discharge Comprehensive Elders Risk Assessment Service will help doctors to determine the re-admission risks associated with each older adult patient by conducting a comprehensive “whole-person” assessment and to configure and personalize the robot-based intervention accordingly. The Older Adult Post-Discharge Monitoring and Follow-up Service will use sensors and artificial intelligence to monitor and detect daily life activities that are not in line with the post-discharge treatment, care recommendations and medication plan. The Robot-based Coaching and Intervention Service provides timely intervention through personalized care and coordinated guidance and motivation for the older adults’ patients and associated informal caregivers to adhere to the post-discharge treatment recommendations.
H2HCare aims to support seniors with heart failure in their transition from acute (hospital) to the community (home) care by providing a robot-based coaching system for helping them to follow the recommended post-discharge treatment plan and lifestyle changes. Using the robot the H2HCare system will provide the following functionalities to end-users: (i) virtual coaching and a direct link with doctors for older adults during their convalescence empowering them to self-manage their recovery at home and avoid hospital readmission; (ii) support for increasing their adherence to post-discharge instructions; (iii) assist health professionals through older adults accurate monitoring and follow-up for preventing re-hospitalization.
Expected Results and Impact:
H2HCare will sustain and improve the quality of life of older adults in different dimensions helping them to better cope with and self-manage transitional care problems in case of heart failure avoiding hospital re-admissions. The expected impact is to reduce with 15% of the re-hospitalization rate of older adults’ patients and transitional care process costs due to improved and timely robot-based follow-up, coaching and intervention. H2HCare will follow a market penetration approach targeting to commercialize a robot with an ecosystem of services for transitional care using a monthly subscription, in 12 months after the project ends.
Dr. Tudor Cioara
E.: tudor.cioara@cs.utcluj.ro
T.: +40740062380