CleverGuard starts with the commercially available, CLEMAP One smart meter and the corresponding IOT-cloud infrastructure, allowing advanced NILM detection and load disaggregation monitoring. Adding smart ADL detection and classification – by means of self learning big data algorithms – allows detection and analysis of pattern and pattern shift of the user behavior. The activity status recognition is visualized in a secure dashboard for formal and informal carers. Additionally alert notifications can be pushed in potential critical situations.
During all project stages, the involvement of the end-users is actively sought and their feedback is used for design and implementation of CleverGuard. The process used, follows the UCD methodology, involving seniors living home alone, their informal and formal caregivers. Three iterations are planned to sharpen the final system: 1) acceptance testing of interface mockups and the already available business partner components; 2) 1st field trial with a MVP; 3) 2nd field trial with the final envisaged product.