VIRGILIUS project will implement a system which will provide services to be tested in the following scenarios:
Hospital orientation: Considering the orientation difficulty encountered by the elders person especially in the big Hospital, the Perugia Hospital has shown interest in a system able to provide the necessary elders people support to the movement within the hospital.
To this aim, the development of a navigation and guidance application in an indoor complex environment has been taken into account.
By means of an easy device to be provided at the Hospital entrance and on which the dedicated personnel loaded the “pre-trip” of the person, the elder person will be able to go around the Hospital
Travel support-pedestrian guide: This scenario has been taken into account to answer to the elder person necessity to have a simple and international “guide-device” during their movement around the world. To this aim, the navigation and guidance application in an indoor complex environment developed for the previous scenario will be upgraded with the outdoor navigation functionally in order to provide to the users a device able to support their movements in both cases and in every place of the world, assuring the continuity and affordability of the services. In this case, the system will be able to provide the management and related filtering of the information providing indication and sending location info and/or alarm to the elder’s family.
In particular, the developed services and products will be used by elders, which travel without family or caregiver, in order to benefit of a virtual guide inside the Romanian Museum (ticket office, exits, toilet, a guide to the museum) and, if case, to send alarms to the family. Also, the family can check on a virtual platform the location of the elder.