AAL Solutions Supporting Older Adults during the Coronavirus Outbreak
AAL support to help mitigate today’s crisis
The AAL Programme was created with the mission to improve the quality of life of older adults, their families and carers, and thereby support the sustainability of our health and care systems.
Older adults are being particularly affected by the current Coronavirus outbreak. To protect lives, public authorities urge older adults to stay at home and be particularly vigilant of any contact with other people.
Unfortunately, that creates a new set of challenges that can affect other pre-existing health concerns, including mental health consequences. In order to support those in need with possible tools to stay connected with their family and community as well as to feel safe at home, the AAL Programme has supported a number of solutions, which are available in the market today.
How can AAL Projects help?
We would like to inform about different types of solutions, which are already available and can potentially alleviate the challenges created by the social distancing and measures of quarantine in different countries.
Therefore, we have grouped these solutions in two categories, ‘prevention of social isolation’ and ‘Feeling safe and secure at home’, while informing you also from which AAL Programme funded projects they have originated.
All of the solutions are available for potential users and can alleviate different challenges older adults often experience, when trying to preserve their autonomy and health in their own home environments.
All of the solutions are available for potential users and can alleviate different challenges older adults often experience, when trying to preserve independence and health in their own home environments.
Preventing social isolation through online communication

KOMP (winner of 2nd Smart Ageing Pre edition).
About: KOMP is a communication device in the form of a one-button computer for seniors that requires no prior digital skills and allows families to share photos, messages and make video calls. It does not include any passwords, touchscreens or advanced settings that makes it more accessible. Therefore, KOMP makes communications across all generations simple and effortless. It is currently available for rent.

CARU HOME (Caru cares project)
About: CARU connects generations through a voice-triggered device and an app. The CARU Smart Sensor is set up in the living environment and it registers various parameters in that environment, learns the resident’s typical behaviour, and notes any deviations. The CARU Web App allows individual configurations and serves as a platform for communication between residents, relatives and carers. It allows direct and indirect communication, emergency calls and informs about indoor climate.

YOOOM (KNK project)
About: 123family (previously: YOOOM) provides effective communication between generations. YoooM solution consists of innovative set of lenses, which magnify the image and a stand made from aluminium or plastic to put on one’s iPad. Combined with videocalling over the iPad, it provides easy video communication at any desired location in the house, and allows for free hand and body movements meanwhile.

LINK-AGES (finalist in 2nd Smart Ageing Pre edition)
About: LINK-AGES platform is suited both for families and care institutions, it allows for safe voice and text messaging, diary-keeping and calendar, video calling, photo sharing and archiving, digital photo books and remote assistance. The interface is designed to be as accessible as possible. There is no clutter or distractions and the buttons with large, clear and have high contrast text. Navigating the platform is kept simple with logical options and the minimum number of screens.

CONNECTED CARE (MyGuardian project)
About: The ConnectedCare platform brings together patients, formal caregivers and family caregivers in a platform, which can well be used to organize day-to-day support for seniors in need of care, and to balance care tasks between formal and informal caregivers. Technology can easily be integrated to monitor the actual status in the home of the senior with for example mobile alarm buttons (to ask for assistance) and sensors in the home (to monitor movement at home). The platform is used organize day-to-day support for seniors at home, support peace-of-mind for seniors and their caregivers, organize communities, and provide access to local on-demand services.
Supporting carers to help older adults stay safe and healthy at home

LIFE-MANAGER (Domosafety project)
About: The Life-Manager platform is an innovative and scalable IT solution that supports communication, planning and knowledge sharing for employees, residents and relatives. The solution manages and supports the resident in his or her daily communication and planning with the employees and relatives, thereby increasing the residents own activity, relative’s involvement, and the rehabilitative approach to the resident. The solution also manages employee work processes and daily planning and communication with residents and relatives.

Tinybots (eWare project)
About: Tinybot is a device that should be centrally located in the resident’s house and be connect to the internet via the local WiFi network. It reminds users of their tasks and other reminders or messages, which start with a tune in advance to attract attention, then the time, and then the message itself. The content is scheduled through an web app by family or caregivers.

About: NeoLinks is a medical software solution for audio and video conferencing based on a secure dedicated infrastructure: NeoLinks Network. It provides high-quality video conferencing, data sharing such as diagnostic reports and contact directory of fellow health professionals. Neolink is available on smartphones, computers, videoconferencing rooms and LimStar.

CogvisAI (Fearless project)
About: CogvisAI is a 3D solution platform that uses intelligence which, can prevent and detect falls, as well as detect absence and death. The customers for this product are nursing homes, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation clinics, and hospitals, where the product can alleviate the stress on the healthcare personnel. If there is a shortage of caregivers (either formal or informal), the product can take over vital monitoring routines and alarm functions. In result, the elderly feel taken care of and their families feel immediate relief, because they are notified automatically in case something happens.

DomoCare (Home4Dem project)
About : DomoCare allows to monitor older, frail or chronically ill adults by automatically detecting emergency situations and alarming a 24/7 call-center or the family. It allows a better care follow-up, by providing health metrics, notably regarding sleep, mobility, socialization and key vital signs (respiration and heart rate). It strengthens the collaboration of the care network by providing a communication platform, including an iOS/Android app, for the secondary and tertiary users, with live chat and notifications.

James (reMIND project)
About: James is a mobile robot that can move independently from room to room, helped by a healthcare professional. The end-users are able to receive a telephone call from their family or friends, with or without video. As well as being autonomous and easy to use, the advantage of this particular device is that it requires no physical contact and only voice control is required. As a result, the risk of spreading the virus generated by sharing tools and devices such as a tablets, phones or laptops is significantly reduced.

2PCS (2PCS project)
About: The 2PCS system is an alerting and locating system designed for older adults living at home, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, rehabilitation clinics, and hospitals. It is addressing the safety and independence of persons in care as well as reducing the stress on the healthcare personnel and informal care givers. Fall detection, classical alerting functionalities and location-based services can be provided at home and outside, which therefore supports safe mobility inside and outside of apartments and buildings.

EmmaHome (Emma project)
About: Emma the flexible living assistant is a voice-controlled, tailored smart home system that enables a more independent and safer lifestyle at age. Emma covers everyday support with functions such as emergency and concierge service, voice outputs for reminders, asks to use the text to voice tool to stay in contact with relatives and friends and is able to monitor possible safety challenges with tools like stove guards and smart door locks. Services, relevant for everyday life, can be booked directly on Emma’s platform.
New additions!

Anne4Care (Ella4Life)
About: Anne is a virtual assistant for multiple tasks and can be used without prior digital knowledge. She helps to have contact with people and to keep better control on daily matters. Standard features include video calling, medication diary, access to news through different media, as well as access to games that keep the end- users’ minds active. A new version of Anne is available now, namely Anne Light that is easier to install and delivered during the ongoing pandemic.

Eurotronik (i-evAALution & CoachMyLife)
Eurotronik device is able to solve issues with nursing homes in case of epidemic, where older adults reside in close quarters. It is a HomeTab Advanced IP-based carephone for home-care market that is connected to pill dispenser, which sends notifications to the device and smart wristband. It also allows for emergency and service calls, smart-home management, reminders, video calls, documentation for caregivers and more. Special features to address the pandemic including contact tracing.
Read more about each of the solutions here