Impact Assessment Survey
Did you take part to an AAL project that is now finalised?
With the goal of understanding the social and economic impacts of its funded projects, the AAL Programme launched a survey to assess successes and challenges of the funding scheme and support. This analysis (‘innovation impact assessment’) will contribute to accountability and advocacy of the AAL Programme and provide a new platform for past AAL Programme participants to highlight and promote their AAL solutions as well as feedback on their achievements and experiences.
This questionnaire serves as the platform of collecting the information necessary to perform innovation impact assessment. AAL projects involve a large number of participants from different types of organisations that all play crucial but different roles in the process of developing AAL solutions for the older people. Therefore, all individual project participants are asked for their contribution in providing information about their continued roles and achievements in the period following the end of the formal AAL JP project funding.
If you did not receive your personalised link to this questionnaire, please contact