Join AAL2Business Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights on 15 April!
AAL2Business teams invites you for another webinar on Intellectual Property Rights, this time witha more in-depth focus on such aspects as negotiation, license agreements and more. Join for a session on 15 April at 14.00 CET online!
How can you commercialize your IP? What is most suitable way for you? To commercialize in-house, to establish a spin-off company or to license out? These are some of the main questions discussed together with an expert in the field in the upcoming webinar. Participate and set up your product for a success!
The preliminary negotiation issues will be discussed with the major topics of license agreement by introducing the term sheet and the financial opportunities. The webinar will also introduce you to the non-technical issues of the license agreement and case studies to demonstrate the process of IP transfer and will present various ways of identification of potential licensees.
About the speaker:
Dr. Péter Mogyorósi has extensive practical experience in innovation management, research-industry co-operations, technology transfer and project development for international clients based on 25+ years’ work experience. He has gained experience in the field of exploitation of project results through contribution in the implementation of 40+ FP7 and H2020 projects, in which he has been a member of the expert team. Currently, he is the exploitation team leader of 3 big consortium projects of H2020.