The project objective is to enable older adults living alone to stay independent for longer in their own – not home – but SMART home. To achieve this and truly cater for the majority of older adults living alone (1 in every 3 elderly in Europe), we target informal next-of-kin caregivers to adopt and install the digital solution for their older adult, and become the effective user of the app, receiver of care alerts, etc., alongside formal caregivers. Consequently, both informal and formal caregivers play a central role in the end-user feedback and co-creation process alongside older adults and tertiary end-users such as municipalities and health insurers. The technology in use is based on commercially available smart home sensors and a voice agent that use sound-based learning algorithms to monitor for behavioural anomalies in the home of the older adult. The A4A project includes 4 end-user organisations in four different countries, which will conduct a field trial during the project and act as early adopters when the solution is commercialised.


The AAL4All project aims to democratise the healthcare system by enabling and empowering next-of-kin caregivers to implement digital care monitoring solutions for prevention and improved quality of living for their older adults. The solution provides a Smart Home digital infrastructure as the non-stigmatizing early entry-level offer with the capability to add on digital Care Monitoring services and adapt to changing needs ‘as-a-Service’ over time, including the implementation of voice agent and first responder services via professional care providers.

Expected Results and Impact:

The consortium expects to have a game-changing solution ready for commercialisation by the end of the project, which will be based on non-medical smart home devices enriched with AI and learning care monitoring algorithms for informal and formal caregivers. In
addition to the financial impact shortly after project completion, we expect a significant impact on the quality-of-life for the majority of older adults living alone, and not least their informal next-of-kin caregivers in terms of peace of mind. The targeted non-obtrusive
and non-stigmatizing solution design will also have an ethical impact for the older adults.

Project partners

Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Anyware Solutions ApS SME Denmark https://anyware.solutions/
exthex GmbH SME Austria https://www.exthex.com/
Hochschule LuzerniHomeLab R&D Switzerland https://www.ihomelab.ch
Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra End-users Portugal www.caritascoimbra.pt/
Fundatia Ana Aslan International End-users Romania www.anaaslanacademy.ro/
bonacasa AG SME Switzerland www.bonacasa.ch/
Blaeksrutten End-users Denmark www.blaeksprutten.dk/
  • Project name: AAL4All
  • Website: www.aal4all.com
  • Coordinator: AnyWare Solutions (Denmark)
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting Date01/01/2022
  • Total budget: € 2 100  000
  • Public contribution: € 1 400 000


Morten Bremild

E.: mbr@anyware.solutions

T.: +41762958560

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