The main areas of AAL are assessed by the AmCo project. Project work will be done in two sequential phases. In the beginning of the first phase, two existing AAL systems will be presented by the specific operators to all pilot users to gain a common knowledge base. The main purpose of the first phase is the installation of the existing systems in different regions and the operation by the end-users. During the usage time the users are interviewed concerning their pattern-of-use, which services are mostly used, which are obsolete or which services are desired in addition. The results of the first phase are used in the second phase to design and develop the new AmCo platform containing existing and new services. Moreover the second phase will be used to determine if there exist demographical or geographical discrepancies concerning the use of the AmCo platform or the set principally used services. Therefore the end-users are interviewed a second time. These deliverables will help to design further scenarios in future AAL-projects.
The aim of AmCo is to develop a new, innovative and integrated standard‑AAL-platform to enhance the quality of life and help all and especially elder people coping with every-day life, like bed‑linen‑changing‑, cleaning‑ or party‑services. Therefore smart living services are offered, adjusted to the needs of the individual. Communication should be endowed, advocated and inspirited, i.e. by easily video-conferencing and digital black boards. Furthermore the individual safety is increased, i.e. by automatic cooker-deactivation or in-house emergency calls. So the individual potentials can be brought into action.
Expected results and impact
Developing a new standard AAL-platform is the main purpose of the AmCo Project, therefore the AmCo Platform is the most remarkable result of the project. Another result will be the academic evaluation of the pattern-of-use categorised by demographic respectively geographic parameters, which can be consulted in future AAL projects. Furthermore the evaluation can be used to design service portfolios for new applications. Moreover the utilisation of the AmCo-platform will help elderly people living in their own homely ambience as long as possible with as little inpatient health care as possible.
Mario Pawlowski
E.: mario.pawlowski@drk-bitburg.de
T.: +49 65 61 / 60 20 – 51