Bank4Elder project will develop and validate new interfaces for existing ways of banking. Each mode and technology will be:
- Web: Building new web pages will allow end users to choose between normal or personalised web page just to of fits its needs.
- ATM: We will offer users an easy and practical way to handle information shown in the screen.
- Mobile: standardised interfaces for most relevant operating systems (iPhone, Android, etc..) will be provided.
- TV: alternative ways to interact with TV (remote control doesn’t work)
New innovate testing technologies will be used to test interfaces operability in elderly people: conjoint analysis, physical response analyse, behaviour analyse, usability tests and pilot testing. End users will also participate in some project tasks helping developers to build this solution.
Bank4Elders is a project thought to help elder people using new banking modes: web, automated teller machine (ATM), TV and mobile phone just defining a new framework. Target users will be active European people aged over 50. As elderly people cannot enjoy these services with usually complex interfaces, we will develop new smart interfaces able to be customised and adapted to each user satisfying functional, accessibility, usability and aesthetic needs previously detected in different work groups with this elderly people.
Expected results and impact
We expect to exploit these interfaces/services in four countries: Spain, Portugal, Italy and Germany; moreover, as it is said, the interfaces will be easily adaptable to other banks so they could be sold to any European bank. Thus, we have a potential market of 3900 banks and 76.5M elderly potential users. Brief estimated sales summary: 1st year – 6 banks and 76530 users; 2nd year – 12 banks and 229590 users; 3rd year – 24 banks and 382650 users; 4th year – 36 banks and 765300 users. However, due to the characteristics of banking sector, a more accurate estimation will be done next years.
Jaime González Martín
E.: jagonzalez@vectorsf.com
T.: +34 911 830 654