- Technological breakthrough developments: a platform which will be developed as the central experience centre and data collection hub in the Brain@Home project.
- Monitoring and improving/maintaining cognitive status through serious gaming: The project will allow the evaluation of success of brain training and functional activities in several major dimensions, beyond what is currently considered state-of-the-art approaches used in conventional programmes
- Early detection of cognitive decline: Brain@Home allows an ongoing monitoring of cognitive and physical performances, that could intercept in a prodromal phase the arise of new clinical patterns
- End user-centred design: The participation is not limited to simply testing, but also includes defining the most relevant business model and Target Product Profile, all aspects of the user interface, and all issues related to data security, privacy, and end-user dignity;
- Business development: the project will earmark a significant budget to test, validate, and where needed adapt the platform following testing by European living labs outside of the project consortium. Through this approach, a thorough embedding of the Brain@Home project in the AAL community and the understanding of how socio-cultural differences within Europe are taken into account.
- Develop a platform through which older persons can accede to a motivating, challenging and playful environment to engage in brain training and physical activity within the safety of their own home,
- Build a hardware system using consumer-level portable devices for brain training
- Construct a gaming platform for social-powered brain training. Games and activities are stored in cloud repositories. A user’s score in a game can be compared to the scores of other users using the system with the same type of exercise
- A virtual community for older persons and caregivers, families, friends to share and disseminate knowledge and curiosities about interesting visits and travels
- A system to store results and give access (web, mobile, etc) to this data and trends to users, caregivers and possibly to GP/family physicians.
- To examine improvement in different domains such as well being, quality of life, and cognitive status following the training program

Expected results and impact
IT System: design definition according to the users’ needs and in time according to the project calendar.
Applications: definition of functionalities, development and test according to the defined project plan.
The scientific approach and the study design reflect the purpose of the research, and are in line with the major scientific findings in the field, going beyond the state of the art.
Involvement of the end-users in each developmental phase, to ensure system acceptance, usability and exploitability.
Business and cooperation agreements with at least 2 types of entities, if possible embracing at least 5 EU countries as well as efficient dissemination to stakeholders.
Proper approach to the market and end-user needs
Partners involved in the Brain@Home project
- Project name: Moving and enhancing brain training for an active life
- Website: http://www.brainathome-aal.com/index.php/en/
- Coordinator: SIVECO Romania
- Duration: 30 months
- Starting date: 02.06.2016
- Total budget: 1,379,515.00 €
- Public contribution: 849,184.00 €
Monica Florea
E.: monica.florea@siveco.ro
T.: +4 (021) 302 3300; 73-81