Recent statistics show an average life expectancy of 76 years (men) and 82 years (women) * across the EU community, with this expected to continue to increase in the future. There are several factors in the older persons life that can be adversely impacted by this increased life expectancy. For example, the possibility of isolation. The older person may find mobility restricted and loose connection with their peers, families, friends, social groups etc. Normal activities such as shopping, socialising, doctor’s appointments, exercise etc become major issues and stress points.
In addition there is an increasing complexity and workload placed on caring professionals, greater time pressures and an increase in informal carer activity. The Enhanced Daily Living and Health (EDLAH) project is designed to assist the older person as well as both formal and informal carers, providing them with the required service, information and data easily and immediately. The older person is central to the design of the EDLAH platform/service, with all carers requirements also covered. The design process allowing the older person and carers to provide input throughout, achieves this.
*Health at a glance: Europe 2012. OECD iLibrary.