Ella4Life is the integration of Emma, Anne and specially developed sensor technology from the University of Gdansk. Emma and Anne are functioning digital assistants mostly for elderly people.
Emma is a mobile solution and has a working connection with several e-health self-management solutions. She stimulates her users to lead an active, less sedentary and healthy life. Besides stimulating self-management, she also connects the user to their informal caregiver and the professionals within several fields of chronic diseases. This connection makes it possible to monitor the disease and act and instruct when needed and not when planned.
Anne is an avatar that supports – by speech – elderly people with their daily life. By reminding them (of appointments and e.g. to take their medication), activating them and structuring their day. She reads the news and makes the use of home automation and video-calling very simple by voice recognition. Integration of Anne, Emma and the sensor technology in Ella4Life will result in an integral solution with a combined backbone.