Within the gAALaxy project bundles of existing innovative AAL solutions will be combined and interoperable with professional home automation systems in order to deliver a unique and unified end-user experience. The solutions within gAALaxy provide a holistic support for end-users as all relevant areas of daily life are considered. Still the focus is on three distinct areas: safety, comfort and mobility. Especially the provided security at home and outsides rises and supports independence, self-reliance and physical relief for oneself as well as for family members and friends. The technological design of gAALaxy and its high usability allow to select the functions at end-users’ own choice and to easily control them via the installed technologies. So called integrated AAL scenarios can be implemented and activated using all solutions combined in the gAALaxy bundle. From 150-180 households will be testing the gAALaxy bundle for 6-12 months to be able to measure the effects and the impact of the AAL solutions and scenarios.