The healthy@work project will apply state of the art development processes. The envisioned system consists of mobile and server based software components and will be complemented by different mobile, wearable and fixed sensor-systems. The mobile part of the system has to ensure that health-related activity data can be collected by using sensors which are integrated into smartphones (e.g. accelerometer, GPS, WLAN) or can be used or triggered by smartphones in conjunction with temporarily attached components within the building (e.g. NFC or QR-code) or on the body (wearable sensors).
End-users will be involved in Switzerland and United Kingdom through our local consortium partners CURAVIVA and Bournemouth Borough Council. End-users are involved in the requirement phase and the organisation can act as a showcase enterprise that will implement a growing healthy@work programme during the different field trial iterations.
healthy@work wants to increase occupational health maintenance and well-being especially for older care giving professionals and office workers. The project helps to establish healthier behaviours in occupation and at home. It addresses the often-experienced gap between just knowing what would be good for your body and mind and actually starting to change your daily behaviour. The personalised adaptive workplace health promotion programme (healthy@work) is a mobile application platform and associated infrastructure that promotes healthy behaviour through small daily inputs, activities and monitoring.
Expected results and impact
The healthy@work project will apply state of the art development processes. The envisioned system consists of mobile and server based software components and will be complemented by different mobile, wearable and fixed sensor-systems. The mobile part of the system has to ensure that health-related activity data can be collected by using sensors which are integrated into smartphones (e.g. accelerometer, GPS, WLAN) or can be used or triggered by smartphones in conjunction with temporarily attached components within the building (e.g. NFC or QR-code) or on the body (wearable sensors).
End-users will be involved in Switzerland and United Kingdom through our local consortium partners CURAVIVA and Bournemouth Borough Council. End-users are involved in the requirement phase and the organization can act as a showcase enterprise that will implement a growing healthy@work programme during the different field trial iterations.
Partners involved in the healthy@work project
- Project name: healthy@work
- Website: www.youpers.ch
- Coordinator: YouPers AG
- Duration: 24 Months
- Starting Date: 01.04.2014
- Total budget: € 2.277.571
- Public contribution: € 1.179.069
Urs Baumeler
E.: urs.baumeler@youpers.com
T.: +41 79 479 72 56