The partners of the project will develop a digital infrastructure of the social housing and a gateway to their services. Within the project, the proposed idea is (i) to raise awareness of independent control among older consumers in selecting their own appropriate responses to requirements for a self-serve solution system; (ii) to improve the life of the elderly living in the current social house park, by developing the digital infrastructure of the social housing and giving a better access to their services; (iii) to provide the elderly in social housing with a large panel of ICT services and ease communication with and between their service providers and the “circle of support” composed of the family and local services, both public and private.

The aimed solution is to provide easy-to-use technologies and services in social housing flats to allow a better quality of communication and a better access to package services from the elders; by experimenting a European model of “connected flats” for elder people, characterised by specific equipment enabling easier relations with, family, service providers and housing operators, through enriched supports (images, text, voice, documents) the host project should:
- Bring more comfort of living to the elders
- Reinforce social inclusion (with friends, family, administrations, social operators…)
- Allow a longer stay in their house
Expected results and impact
The expected impacts on a European scale will be:
- An overall assessment (technology, usages, interface, contents, communication…) of such a device to capitalised on the project management
- Experimentation of business models for service providers, social housing operators and elderly tenants (what kind of opportunities induced by mutualisation?)
- A cross fertilisation process between different countries and different practices that could contribute to a long term “share of experiences”
- The sketch of a standard architecture to help the spreading of related projects
Françoise ABRY
T.: +33 (0)4 78 95 51 05 / +33 (0)6 48 26 52 32