The goal of I’CityforAll is to design “Audio Aged sensitive” ICT systems enhancing self-confidence, mobility, safety, for a better social and mental (overall) well being. The targeted population corresponds to people older than 50 years in mobility situations and affected by presbycusis that induces a loss of sense of safety and self-confidence. Affected Security and Mobility due to altered sound perception of elderly is observed in two main situations:
- Mobility in confined public spaces such as transport stations, airports, supermarkets, museums, etc…where altered audio/speech and verbal communication perception has serious impact on emotional, physical and social well-being.
- Urban Mobility where the elderly are involved in 40% of fatal injuries (105,000 deaths/year), and 1500 accidents/day require medical assistance according to the Εuropean Network for Safety.
Therefore two Audio Aged Sensitive ICT innovations will be designed:
- [I’CityLoudSpeaker]: smart loud speakers for better intelligibility in confined public spaces such as railway stations, airports, museums and during car driving.
- [I’CityAlarm]: Embedded system in vehicles for automatic outdoor alarm localisation and indoor alarm enhancement.
These systems will be “transparent” and embedded in mass products for people with presbycusic hearing without impacting normal hearing people, in the “Design for All” approach.
The I’CityForAll innovations will be tested by using the analysis software developed by the CENTICH and involving 90 users of the targeted population which will be compared to a normal group of population. The results of this assessment will form the basis of a labelling procedure that can be extended to other technological solutions.