The MEMENTO project mission is to improve the quality of life of people in early and middle stage of dementia, by supporting the management of daily activities that are usually affected by the loss of memory and cognition, while at the same time collect timely warning signs and symptoms of more severe memory loss, changes in the ability of following a plan, changes in mood and other indicators relevant to understand the progress of the disease. Although memory loss affects each person differently, there are some characteristics that are relatively common in people with dementia. Most people with dementia remember early memories clearly than recent events. They may recall a surprising range of facts or experiences, especially earlier memories, even though they are very forgetful about other things such as recent events or familiar situations. By introducing MEMENTO services in the daily life of people with dementia, we expect to introduce a game changer solution in the independent living market arena. The project aims at support three common areas in which people with memory loss experience difficulties, such as remembering events, taking in new information, recognising people and places.
The Pilot will be organised not only to test in a realistic user environment the MEMENTO platform usability and acceptance but also to verify the expected increase of Quality of life level for both primary and secondary end users in three countries – Spain Austria and Italy. 15 primary end-users (5 in each of the three pilot site) will be selected as Test group and 15 primary end-users (5 in each of the three pilot site) as Control Group.