In an initial phase, end users will be contacted and a set of initial requirements will be developed. These requirements will be refined together with the partners and a final user requirements set will be developed. Based on these, the application will be developed, but also the stress and detection algorithm and the cloud recommendation server. A stress detection module will be developed, initially as a mobile module/service, and later as an online service. At the same time, the garment will be developed, which will contain various sensors, like heart rate, breathing rate, skin or body
temperature. The garment will connect to the application using Bluetooth technology and a proprietary protocol. The recommendation server will provide different recommendations based on the relaxation level of the user. The modules will be interconnected during the integration phase and adjustments will be made based on the feedback received from both the partners and the end-users. The project will be finalised with the trials which will help in further adjusting and improving the application and the modules involved in the entire project. During the trials, a total of at least 30
participants per trials will be involved, the pilots being run in Switzerland and in Romania. Two scenarios will be taken into consideration: working in an office and in a plant.
The StayActive system aims to reduce the stress condition and health problems and work problems arising from stress for older end users, while at the same time supporting the organisation by enabling users to adhere to corporate policies more easily.
StayActive objectives are(i) increasing autonomy and productivity in older workers; (ii) promoting empowerment and more equal access to services; (iii) creating a product that has an impact on the end user audience and has social relevance; (iv) providing access to a novel ICT product for older workers, which would easily integrate in their daily life.
Expected results and impact
To develop the Stress and burn-out detection prototype system consisting in: wearable sensors and cloud system able to monitor continuously some of the biological signals for detecting and indicating the stress state; a mobile application in order to supports the user “just-in-time”, through personalised recommendations and various relaxation activities, including relaxation games. An important social and ethical issue is the ability of the StayActive system is to collect personal and sensitive data about an older worker. The challenge is to optimise between comfort / strong support, only possible when personal data are collected, and protection against unwanted data collection, which leads to less
StayActive support.
Partners involved in the StayActive project
- Project name: StayActive
- Website:
- Coordinator: Teamnet International SA
- Duration: 30 months
- Starting Date: 01.04.2014
- Total budget: 2 679 021 €
- Public contribution: 1 536 395 €
Luminita Nicorici
T.: +4 0724 244 774