The main areas of AAL are assessed by the AmCo project. Project work will be done in two sequential phases. In the beginning of the first phase, two existing AAL systems will be presented by the ...

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The aim of AmCo is to develop a new, innovative and integrated standard‑AAL-platform to enhance the quality of life and help all and especially elder people coping with every-day life, like bed‑linen‑changing‑, cleaning‑ or party‑services. Therefore smart living services are offered, adjusted to the needs of the individual. Communication should be endowed, advocated and inspirited, i.e. by easily video-conferencing and digital black boards. Furthermore the individual safety is increased, i.e. by automatic cooker-deactivation or in-house emergency calls. So the individual potentials can be brought into action.

Expected results and impact

Developing a new standard AAL-platform is the main purpose of the AmCo Project, therefore the AmCo Platform is the most remarkable result of the project. Another result will be the academic evaluation of the pattern-of-use categorised by demographic respectively geographic parameters, which can be consulted in future AAL projects. Furthermore the evaluation can be used to design service portfolios for new applications.  Moreover the utilisation of the AmCo-platform will help elderly people living in their own homely ambience as long as possible with as little inpatient health care as possible.


Partners involved in the AmCo project

Organization Type Country Website
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz End User Germany
FACO Immobilien GmbH End User Germany
Fraunhofer-Institut für Software und Systemtechnik ISST R&D Germany
BEKO Engineering & Informatik AG Competence Center Smart Home Solutions Large Industry Austria
Wincasa AG Immobilien-Dienstleistungen Large Industry Switzerland
Competence Center Independent Living University of St. Gallen R&D Switzerland
  • Project name: Ambient Concierge, AmCo
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: German Red Cross
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.11.2011
  • Total budget: € 2.620.726,85
  • Public contribution€ 1.427.109,00


Mario Pawlowski


T.: +49 65 61 / 60 20 – 51


As elderly often refuse to wear any additional sensors to activate alarm calls, FEARLESS will visually and acoustically detect and handle risks by contacting the relatives or care taker organisation ...

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FEARLESS is a project designed to detect a wide range of risks with a single sensor unit, enhancing mobility and enabling elderly to take active part in the self-serve society by reducing their fears. Another main focus of this project is the lack of expertise at the supplier side and thus the integration of important parts of the supply chain (i.e. network of electricians and electric shops).

It will utilise the flexibility of vision based sensors and combine it with acoustic event detection. This combination will significantly enhance the reliability of the overall system. The potential dangers, which can be detected with FEARLESS include smoke/fire, flooding, falls or sudden changes in daily life caused by a deterioration of the health condition. The overall aim of this project is the reduction of barriers (i.e. fears and concerns), which impedes the mobility of elderly people, often suffering from dementia or light loss of cognitive activities.

Expected results and impact

The social alarm technology is increasingly deployed to provide non-institutionalised care and to promote an independent lifestyle for the elderly population. The actual low penetration of the technology is expected to offer growth opportunities to information and communications infrastructure providers, social alarm equipment suppliers as well as community service providers.

The following technologies are proposed in the actual market:

  • First-generation Alarms: These devices consist of a simple telephone unit and a pendant with a button that can be triggered when help is required by the user. The monitoring centre systems receive the call, which displays the caller’s identity and location, thereby enabling care staff to provide immediate response based on the level of urgency.
  • Second-generation Alarms: This segment, otherwise known as telecare refers to the use of sensors such as smoke, fire and flood detectors, among others, which enable the care staff to respond to a crisis by providing immediate response in case of emergencies.
  • Third-generation Alarms: This refers to a more advanced type of telecare service, which collects activity data automatically through various sensors on a continuous basis through the detection of various movements.

At present, the most mature market in the field of ICTs and ageing concerns social alarms (first generation). FEARLESS is an enrichment of the current home care services covering the third generation alarms market.


Partners involved in the FEARLESS project

Organization Type Country Website
CogVis GmbH R&D Austria
Vienna University of Technology R&D Austria
University of Bamberg End User Germany
TeSAN End User Italy
i2CAT Technological Center End User / R&D Spain
InfoKom GmbH End User / SME Germany
Linkcare Health Services R&D Spain
Fraunhofer IPK R&D Germany
Samariterbund Wien End User Austria
Medical University of Vienna R&D Austria
  • Project name: Fear Elimination As Resolution for Loosing Elderly’s Substantial Sorrows FEARLESS
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: CogVis GmbH, Pulverturmgasse 3, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2011
  • Total budget: € 2.680.777
  • Public contribution:


DI Michael Brandstötter, MSc


T.: +43 1 997 1594 0



InclusionSociety provides a preventive health solution for senior citizens at home & in institutions by providing a management portal with an overview of Service Users condition and data ...

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Inclusion Society is a connected service system which will support organisations delivering an improved community care service. The aim is to help people adapt their lifestyle, improve their health, and feel connected. InS aims to encourage a change in behaviour by applying motivational techniques and thinking. The client uses a tablet PC & records health data via smart sensors. Social interaction with family, friends & care provider is supported by a network of cloud ‘portals’. InS will provide preventive health care for senior citizens at home and institutions, improving their security and quality of life.

Expected results and impact

InclusionSociety development will deliver 4 modules, where at an early stage homePad and the friends & family portal can be installed. The system will grow with their demands to cover the demands of care by bridging the homePad to Care Management System at the Service Provider’s centre. Further, when there will be a demand for medical support, the nursePad will be linked to follow up in home or in institutions for senior citizens.  InclusionSociety will meet the goals to give senior citizens an opportunity to stay longer at home with a higher quality life as well as improving utilisation of the municipality facilities.


Partners involved in the InS project

Organization Type Country Website
Hospital Organiser AS SME Norway
Mediq AS SME Denmark
Alloy LTD SME United KIngdom
ViVit AS SME Norway
  • Project name: InclusionSociety- improving usability of the municipal health services and opening up access to the self- serve society
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Hospital Organiser AS Lysker w/ Oslo, Norway
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2012
  • Total budget: € 1.583.790
  • Public contribution: € 813.839


Thorhallur Gudmundsson


T.: 00 47 913 43 943


The ExCITE project methodology is highly inspired by a user-centric approach used for prototyping, validating and refining a solution in both multiple and evolving real contexts. In order for the ...

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ExCITEThe main objective of ExCITE is to evaluate user requirements of social interaction that enables embodiment through robotic telepresence. This evaluation is performed on a Pan­-European scale and with a longitudinal perspective. An existing prototype is deployed to the targeted end users, and is refined by tightly involving the users in the development cycles of the prototype throughout the project.

The technology used in the evaluation is called the Giraff robot, a telepresence device that allows anyone – professional caregivers, family and friends to virtually visit a home, move about freely and communicate with residents via videoconferencing technology.

Expected results and impact

The ExCITE project will achieve a breakthrough in the application of telerobotics to elderly care by developing a low-cost, easy-to-use device with practical functionality. By focusing on simple audio-visual communications via a mobile platform, the Giraff achieves practicality and a price point that enables large-scale home deployment. By focusing on the main objective of user involvement and assessment of requirements, it will also be an eminently usable device.

The project is also expected to allow researchers in clinical and academic fields to advance their understanding of acceptable forms for social interaction in the ageing process.


Partners involved in the ExCITE project

Organization Type Country Website
Örebro University R&D Sweden
Giraff AB SME Sweden
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ISTC R&D Italy
RatioConsulta SpA SME Italy
University of Malaga R&D Spain
Örebro City Council End User Sweden
  • Project name: Enabling Social Interaction through Embodiment
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Silvia Cordeschi, Örebro University, Sweden
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2010
  • Total budget: € 2.853.701
  • Public contribution: € 1.448.430


Silvia Cordeschi


T.: +4619303298


The functionalities of the ROSETTA system can be summarised as: Monitor activities of elderly persons with sensors. Generate alarm when unexpected/deviant (in)activity are predicted or detected (for ...

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The objective of ROSETTA is to help community dwelling people with progressive chronic disabilities, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, to retain their autonomy and quality of life as much as possible and to support their (in)formal carers by developing and providing an ICT system that offers activity guidance and awareness services for independent living.

Expected results and impact

The proposed project ROSETTA focuses on the prevention, early detection and efficient management of treatable psychosocial and physical consequences of chronic diseases that are accompanied by progressive cognitive decline and an increased risk of straying and falling during the advanced stages of the disease.
ROSETTA will provide benefits for end-users:

  • Increased ability to perform the activities of daily living and to maintain self-sufficiency for a longer period of time;
  • A feeling of safety in one’s own home for a longer period of time;
  • Improvement of the quality of life;
  • Prevention of overload of the caregiver and as a result prevention of burn-out;
  • Early detection of deviations in the patients’ behaviour.


Partners involved in the Rosetta project

Organization Type Country Website
Eaton Electric BV SME Netherlands
AVICS BV SME Netherlands
Landsbond der Christelijke Mutualiteiten End User Belgium
CPS Europe BV SME Netherlands
FRAUNHOFER-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. R&D Germany
I+ SME Italy
Novay R&D Netherlands
TNO Defense, Security and Safety R&D Netherlands
Vilans R&D Netherlands
Vereniging voor Christelijk Hoger Onderwijs, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en Patientenzorg, waarvan uitgaand VU medisch centrum R&D Netherlands
Westpfalz-Klinikum GmbH End User Germany
Zorgpalet Baarn-Soest End User Netherlands
CIBEK technology + trading GmbH SME Germany
  • Project name: Rosetta Guidance and Awareness Services for Independent Living
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: TBO, The Netherlands
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2009
  • Total budget: € 3.273.350
  • Public contribution: € 2.232.418


Dr. I.P. Karkowski


T.: +31 (0)88 866 11 02



The Hope is a budgeted solution that is installed at the elderly people’ homes, and provides services for (a) life-long, self-organised, appropriate educational environment and access to information, ...

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Independent life for Seniors

The Hope” solution consists of an integrated, smart platform that enables the elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease to use innovative technology for a more independent life, easy access to information, monitor their health, which provides a basis for integrating services for the elderly population while they are at home.  HOPE is a self-operated, self-adjusted, innovative intelligent IP Based Universal Control Box (UCB) that uses intelligence to manage the various connected subsystems and devices within a residence of the elderly people.

Expected results and impact

Monitoring Patients

The HOPE project will support the elderly people to continue with their daily tasks without, for example, being afraid to leave an appliance ON or to not remember the ingredients for preparing their or others meals. With HOPE, they will continue to feel useful and capable to participate in life.

For the elderly people with advanced illness, the benefit in the quality of life of using HOPE will be significantly important. The HOPE application could monitor the patients so they will not leave the house, turn off appliances that can be turned on accidentally etc. But most importantly, when the system senses that there is a problem (for example the patient is starting to have a panic), it will talk to him or her, or even automatically inform one of the relatives.


Partners involved in the HOPE project

Organization Type Country Website
Rhodes Telematics SA (RTEL) SME Greece
KMOP NGO End User Greece
TRACS srl SME Italy
Unita Operativa Geriatra-Ricerca Gerontologia-Geriatria End User Italy
Andalusian Centre of Innovation, ICT (CITIC Foundation) R&D Spain
CETEMMSA Technological Centre R&D Spain
I2S SA SME Greece
  • Project name: Smart HOme for the elderly PEople
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Rhodes Telematics SA (RTEL), Greece
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 07.07.2009
  • Total budget: € 2.138.094
  • Public contribution€ 1.029.199


Dimitrios Kilias


T.: +30 22410 61031



The HELP Project consortium is designing a Health Monitoring System specifically targeted for the needs of Parkinson Disease (PD) patients. Without treatment, PD progresses over 5–10 years to a ...

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The HELP project intends to provide Parkinson Patients with a system that can supply specific amounts of drug according to their physical activity requirements at any moment.  Because it is a continuous drug delivery system, drug peaks and “valleys” in the blood stream are avoided and so improving classical PD symptoms. The HELP system is made up of a wearable subcutaneous pump, a intraoral cartridge inserted in patients’ mouth, a wearable movement sensor, blood pressure device and a control system that is constantly  sending data, checking the patient and calculating the right quantity of drug to be supplied.

Expected results and impact

This project intends to provide a proof that a monitoring drug delivery system can improve  the quality of live of Parkinson patients. We want to test whether this system is seen like an improvement in the three different countries we are setting pilots. Because this consortium is very targeted on the eHealth market, each of the partners is very interested in whether commercialize or improve their prototypes its services and devices or testing a specific drug that we are using in HELP.


Partners involved in the HELP project

Organization Type Country Website
Telefónica I+D R&D Spain
UPC R&D Spain
ABAT R&D Spain
Peh-Med SME Israel
Telecom Italia Large Industry Italy
University of Palermo R&D Italy
HSG-IMIT R&D Germany
MSG SME Germany
  • Project name: Home-based Empowered Living for Parkinson’s Disease Patients
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Telefonica, Spain
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2009
  • Total budget: € 11.625.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.840.000


Jordi Rovira Simón


T.: +933653147



One of the highest risks for elderly persons living alone or spending much time alone is  falling down and being unable to call for help, especially in case of loss of consciousness.  The main ...

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The project CARE aims to realise an intelligent monitoring and alarming system for independent living of elderly persons. Specifically, this project targets the automated  recognition and alarming of critical situations (like fall detection) using a stationary (and  non-wearable) technology and real-time processing while preserving the privacy and  taking into account system dependability issues, especially ensuring reliability, availability,  security, and safety from a holistic point of view. A biologically-inspired dynamic stereo  vision sensor from AIT is being integrated into the Everon caring system for seamless  analysis and tracking of elderly persons at home. This real-time information is exploited  for incident detection (e.g., fall detection, immobilised person), and instantaneous  alarming the concerned parties.

Expected results and impact

The system concept mainly targets single individuals living in their own private homes. By targeting elderly persons living in their private homes, the business potential of CARE is huge.

The AAL market is changing and is expected to boom in the next few years as a result of demographic developments and large R&D investment by industries and stakeholders. Safety of elderly at home is a clear European dimension. Actual products on the market mainly consist of wearable systems and intelligent floor technologies and exist since several years; however their success is narrowed to limited market like nursing homes rather than the widespread aged communities.

In the context of independent living, wearable systems do not have the best acceptance for primary end-users (elderly persons), especially those who are not impaired.
The CARE system has a huge potential for exploitation and ensuring safety for independent living if the evaluation goes successful. The fall detection service can be integrated in the Everon caring system for a wider deployed in Europe strengthening the independent living market and society.


Partners involved in the CARE project

Organization Type Country Website
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Coordinator) R&D Austria
SensoCube GmbH SME Germany
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Biomedical Engineering Knowledge Centre R&D Hungary
Oy Everon Ab SME Finland
Yrjö ja Hanna Ltd End User Finland
Senioren Wohnpark Weser GmbH End User Germany
  • Project name: Safe Private Homes for Elderly Persons
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2009
  • Total budget: € 2.380.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.730.000


Dr. Ahmed Nabil Belbachir


T.: +43(0) 50550-4215

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