Cogni Win

CogniWin will primarily help older adults adapt cognitively with their tasks based on information collected implicitly through their interactions with the system (intelligent mouse interactions, eye ...

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The CogniWin system is an easy to download and to install software; making use of an intelligent mouse and an eye tracker, providing services for both (older) adults at work and the organisations employing them. CogniWin will be equipped with personalised and adaptable interfaces considering the cognitive characteristics of the older adults while considering the cognitive factors that affect user interactions (e.g., present information in a diagrammatic representation in case a user processes graphical information more efficiently

Expected results and impact

The solution improves the older adults efficiency and effectiveness at work through a series of assistive software (assistance for learning, well-being adviser) and monitoring hardware (intelligent mouse equipped with sensors, eye tracking system). The system supports the older adults to overcome eventual ageing related cognitive degradation and gradual decreasing of their memory (fluid and working) and cognitive capabilities. At the same time CogniWin helps older adults increase their learning abilities resulting in a better acceptance of organisational and infrastructural change.


Partners involved in the CogniWin project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Geneva R&D Switzerland
Citard Services Ltd SME Cyprus
Orbis Medical and Healthcaregroup End User Netherlands
Microsoft Language Development Center Large Industry Portugal
Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria
Pedro Nunes Institute R&D Portugal
ArgYou Ltd End User Switzerland
Ingenieria y Soluciones Informaticas S.L SME Spain
  • Project name: Cognitive Support for older adults at work, CogniWin
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Institute of Services Sciences, University of Geneva
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2014
  • Total budget: € 3.639.208,56
  • Public contribution: € 2.244.997,00


Prof. Dimitri Konstantas


T.: +41 22 379 0237



When older people retire, valuable skills and expertise are lost to society and the labour market. For those affected, the step into retirement often proves difficult. The ExpAct project aims to ...

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The aim of the project is to develop a software framework that allows easy creation and operation of web-based platforms to support the preservation and transfer of older people’s experience for the benefit of future generations. ExpAct provides online and offline services to enable older people to stay in work or re-enter the workforce. Their skills and expertise are too valuable to be left untapped. By sharing their experience and knowledge, they make a valuable long-term contribution and stay engaged in society, which enhances their quality of life.

Expected results and impact

A software framework is being developed which allows older people to share their experience with those who may benefit from it. Various pilot applications in different countries will be tested. By providing retired people with the opportunity of engaging or re-engaging in professional and social interaction, their self-esteem will be strengthened. ExpAct offers new challenges and activities and thereby supports and promotes active and healthy ageing. Society in general and the labour market in particular will benefit from having access to a wealth of experience.


Partners involved in the ExpAct project

Organization Type Country Website
Zurich University of Applied Sciences R&D Switzerland
European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano R&D Italy
Andrássy University of Budapest R&D Hungary
Ethical Software Soc. Coop. SME Italy
Alpnet Engineering AG SME Switzerland
Aktivsenioren e.V. End User Germany
PowerAge Foundation End User Switzerland
  • Project name: Experiences keep people Active – ExpAct
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.09.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.501.888
  • Public contribution: € 1.567.200


Andri Färber


T.: +41 58 934 62 94



The wellbeing modules use a 3D sensor together with an RGB camera to provide feedback and to inform on how to change unhealthy situations (e.g. sitting position, malnutrition, too less water ...

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Wellbeing offers a holistic web-based platform, combining physical training, workplace ergonomics, nutritional balance and stress management in order to ensure a healthy life style at the workplace, especially focusing on the needs of older adults. Since older adults are working in very diverse fields, the project focuses on the main thing they all have in common in order to reach a broad target group: performing their job in a sitting position for a longer period of time. Hence the project supports e.g. secretaries, office clerks, technicians, lawyers at the same level and can be extended to new target groups easily.

Expected results and impact

The system will improve the quality of life of the end-users (older employees/white-collar-workers) in a twofold manner: 1) the system increases physical and cognitive fitness, which improves the employability in older age and counteract occupational age discrimination as well as early retirement; and 2) wellbeing motivates participants to change their lifestyles to healthier and more conscious ways of life, which improves physical mobility, agility, stress resistance and overall health status. Due to fostering a healthier lifestyle, wellbeing contributes to reduce the pension expenses.


Partners involved in the wellbeing project

Organization Type Country Website
CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH SME Austria
Vienna University of Technology R&D Austria
AIMC Advanced Information Management Consulting GmbH SME Austria
Fitbase Institut für Online Prävention GmbH SME Germany
Stichting Smart Homes R&D The Netherlands
Intrarom SA End User Romania
Ingeniería y Soluciones Informáticas S.L. SME Spain
University of Vienna, Department of Sociology End User Austria
  • Project name: Optimizing the Workplace of ELderly Laborers: BE IN Good health! (wellbeing)
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.500.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.600.000


DI Michael Brandstötter


T.: +43 (0)1 / 236 05 80



The project builds an ecosystem for collaboration between SME and seniors.The main innovation of the Elders-Up! system is that will monitor the end user state through its interaction with the ...

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The objective of Elders-Up! project is to create an ecosystem for collaboration between seniors and small companies, in order to bring the valuable experience of elderly to them, thus addressing intergenerational knowledge transfer. SME may struggle to cover all the areas of knowledge that a company needs to bring their products to the market. For them, the knowledge transfer from experienced employees is vital. On the other hand, seniors are sometimes set apart in the work environment due to the fact that they are considered less efficient and productive. Their jobs represent the way of feeling useful.

Expected results and impact

For many elderly, their jobs represent the way of feeling useful for themselves and the society. Furthermore, the fact of for having goals keeps them motivated and the social life that is related to the people that are work mates is beneficial. Elders-Up! project aims to create impact on the elderly community and provide them with the means of being part again of a work team. More generically, Elders-Up! will have an impact on the valorisation of individual competences at all ages, fighting against stigmatisation and inadequate representations of elderly persons, and promoting digital social inclusion of seniors.


Partners involved in the Elders-Up! project

Organization Type Country Website
Ingeniería Y Soluciones Informáticas del Sur S.L. (ISOIN) SME Spain
Optimización orientada a la sostenibilidad S.L. (IDENER) SME Spain
GeoImaging Ltd SME Cyprus
CleverCherry Ltd SME United Kingdom
Elderly Care Center “Agia Marina” End User Cyprus
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca R&D Romania
Stockport City Council End User United Kingdom
Connectedcare Services b.v. SME The Netherlands
  • Project name: Adaptive System for Enabling the Elderly Collaborative Knowledge Transference to Small Companies
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Ingeniería Y Soluciones Informáticas del Sur S.L. (ISOIN)
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.101.036,47
  • Public contribution: € 1.333.205,66


Víctor Sánchez Martín


T.: +34 685 48 39 12,


Employment fills a large proportion of our lives and influences the way we live. It creates meaning, provides financial security, influences our social status, contributes to self-esteem, and has an ...

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The project aims at offering an ICT solution that will be designed to facilitate intergenerational dialogue, lifelong learning and to create value among generations. ProMe seeks to provide meaningful opportunities for occupation in the life of older adults, in the transition from work to retirement and beyond. It allows:

  • The exchange of professional formal and tacit knowledge
  • Intergenerational cooperation and mentoring via an online service, bringing together older adults with younger generations.
  • Meaningful occupation on a voluntary basis

Expected results and impact

The outcome of the project will improve the quality of life, autonomy and participation in social life by offering a platform that:

  • Offers an opportunity for meaningful occupation
  • Supports lifelong learning among generations and thus creates value for the society as a whole
  • Encourages intergenerational cooperation, by motivating and empowering users to share their tacit and formal knowledge
  • Strengthens existing social ties and allows making new acquaintances by being easily accessible from existing social network sites. Thus it contributes to social capital.


Partners involved in the ProMe project

Organization Type Country Website
Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg R&D Austria
Siveco Romania Large Industry Romania
GlukAdvice SME The Netherlands
National Foundation of the Elderly End User The Netherlands
The general Association of Engineers in Romania End User Romania
Inventya SME United Kingdom
EURAG Österreich End User Austria
  • Project name: ProMe – Professional Intergenerational Cooperation & Mentoring
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.109.666,20
  • Public contribution: € 1.404.193,95


Univ.Prof. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi


T.: + 43 662 8044 4811



Clients, significant others and clinicians are actively involved in the development of the eCare@Home system ( eCH ) through a series of need and usability assessments in an iterative development ...

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The project aims to develop and test a connected digital health service system for the promotion of self-management and the detection of early warning signs of relapse in older adults (aged 60 years and above) with a bipolar disorder or recurrent depression, to empower the patient and to facilitate contact with care. The system will enable digitally supported monitoring of symptoms and serve as a platform for remote assistance to patients at home. Furthermore, it will encourage social interaction by providing a platform for communication with family and friends, to promote inclusion in the “digital society”.

Expected results and impact

European countries are facing a significant growth in need of care services in the steadily growing older part of the population. This development constitutes both financial, recourse, and approach challenges. Modern technology and innovative organisation of care services proposed in the eCare@home project enables an efficient solution based on a stepped care approach. The system will promote possibilities for self-management and independence for older adults with mental disorders and will help to improve social interaction; thereby increasing the care potential of their professional/ informal carers.


Partners involved in the eCH project

Organization Type Country Website
Hospital Organiser AS SME Norway
The Alloy Ltd SME United Kingdom
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Faculty of psychology R&D The Netherlands
GGZinGeest, Mental Health Service & Research End User The Netherlands
  • Project name: eCare@home – daily life management and monitoring system for elderly with mental disorders
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Hospital Organiser AS, Norway, – Thorhallur Gudmundsson
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting Date: 01.02.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.256.565
  • Public contribution: € 1.529.745


Thorhallur Gudmundsson


T.: 0047 913 43 943


Three main tools will be used: an activity monitoring device, a feedback and support application framework and an innovative environmental circadian empowering system module, which includes the ...

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The main goal of the Clockwork project is to create a healthy and comfortable environment by supporting middle-aged to older adults in the improvement of their circadian rhythms. Particularly, the solution will target shift workers, such as healthcare professionals, who are greatly affected by chronodisruption, which can lead to health issues, long absences or early retirement. The objective will be achieved through the enhancement of external synchronisers that will help users maintain a healthy day and night rhythm by introducing some imperceptible modifications in their environment.

Expected results and impact

  • Identification of relevant chronodisruptors and parameters involved in their monitoring.
  • Portable Zeitgeber device.
  • Processing algorithms, including decision engine for various modes, signal processing and rule engine for situation interpretation.
  • Electronic hardware, incorporating signal processing and AI engines.
  • Intelligent, auto-regulated lighting device.


Partners involved in the Clockwork project

Organization Type Country Website
Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS R&D Portugal
BCB Informática y Control SL SME Spain
Università degli Studi di Ferrara R&D Italy
Portugal Telecom Comunicações Large Industry Portugal
Ab.Acus Srl SME Italy
Grado Zero Espace SME Italy
RK Tech, Kft SME Hungary
  • Project name: Smart system for the management and control of shift workers’ circadian rhythms
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 02.06.2014
  • Total budget: € 1.643.367,97
  • Public contribution: € 959.171,00


Maximiliano Romero


T.: 00351 220 430 340


A social platform will be created in order to facilitate the communication and networking between expert-seniors who have retired and interested users in the offered services. In order to increase ...

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SOPHIA project aims to create a network, the core of which will be senior adults after retirement who would like to continue offering their skills, knowledge and services. Some of the network branches will be companies and enterprises that would require the expertise of the seniors, while individuals could benefit from their help. This network will bring in contact the senior adults with the above people and handle all kinds of possible transaction they may have, in a friendly and efficient environment. Possible transactions between the senior adults and their “clients” could be assistance to set up a small business, consultancy services, or solutions to private inquiries.

Expected results and impact

The end of active working period of every individual is a crucial point from psychological and sociological point of view. As such, the existence of ways and possibilities for a person to stay active is crucial, in order to maintain that person’s physical and mental health. The platform SOPHIA follows strategic objectives of EU and contributes to prolong the active lives of seniors who have further possibilities to contribute to society. On the other hand, people, to whom senior adult’s services are addressed, will find in SOPHIA from simple handy advises to career boosts. Since a vast variety of people can benefit from SOPHIA, a big socio-economic benefit is expected.


Partners involved in the SOPHIA project

Organization Type Country Website
GeoImaging Ltd SME Cyprus
Ingeniería Y Soluciones Informáticas S.L. SME Spain
University of Bamberg, Department of General Psychology and Methodology R&D Germany
Association of Social Institutions of Slovenia End User Slovenia
Infokom GmbH SME Germany
Ilumya Ltd SME Ireland
Wellness Telecom S.L. SME / End user Spain
  • Project name: Senior Occupation after Profession: Habit Intriguing Adults
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: GeoImaging Ltd
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2014
  • Total budget: € 1.000.420,00
  • Public contribution: € 532.012,00


Dr Stratos Stylianidis


T.: +357-22447770

Iron Hand

Good hand function is paramount to the performance of most tasks in daily life, such as personal care, leisure and occupation activities, whereas reduced grip strength is related to health ...

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The IronHand project targets frail older adults suffering from age-related loss of weakness to continue use of their arms and hands in occupation and leisure activities. As people get older, one of the functions that often declines is grip strength. The resulting reduced hand function can have a dramatic impact on the quality of life of older adults. Within the IronHand project, reduced hand function is supported through a smart glove during execution of functional tasks, not only in, but also outside of the home. In this way, elderly people are empowered to continue managing their occupation and community activities.

Expected results and impact

First of all, IronHand is expected to have assistive Impact: support of activity of daily life, enabling older adults to continue managing their occupation – at work in an office, a factory or any working environment. Secondly, a preventive impact is anticipated: maintaining or improving grip strength for preserving health and functional use of their hands when ageing or when suffering acute or chronic hand-impairing diseases during ageing. Thirdly, an impact on overall Quality of Life is expected: Marked improvement in older adult quality of life, as evaluated by 360 degree surveys (user, family and doctors).


Partners involved in the IronHand project

Organization Type Country Website
Roessingh Research and Development SME The Netherlands
Bioservo Technologies AB SME Sweden
Hocoma AG SME Switzerland
Stichting Nationaal Ouderenfonds End User Netherland
Eskilstuna Kommun End User Sweden
terzStiftung End User Switzerland
  • Project name: Iron Hand
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Roessingh Research and Development
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2014
  • Total budget: € 4.068.372
  • Public contribution: € 2.221.255


Ms. G.B. Prange


T.: +31 (0)53 4875777


  The healthy@work project will apply state of the art development processes. The envisioned system consists of mobile and server based software components and will be complemented by different ...

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healthy@work wants to increase occupational health maintenance and well-being especially for older care giving professionals and office workers. The project helps to establish healthier behaviours in occupation and at home. It addresses the often-experienced gap between just knowing what would be good for your body and mind and actually starting to change your daily behaviour. The personalised adaptive workplace health promotion programme (healthy@work) is a mobile application platform and associated infrastructure that promotes healthy behaviour through small daily inputs, activities and monitoring.

Expected results and impact

The healthy@work project will apply state of the art development processes. The envisioned system consists of mobile and server based software components and will be complemented by different mobile, wearable and fixed sensor-systems. The mobile part of the system has to ensure that health-related activity data can be collected by using sensors which are integrated into smartphones (e.g. accelerometer, GPS, WLAN) or can be used or triggered by smartphones in conjunction with temporarily attached components within the building (e.g. NFC or QR-code) or on the body (wearable sensors).

End-users will be involved in Switzerland and United Kingdom through our local consortium partners CURAVIVA and Bournemouth Borough Council. End-users are involved in the requirement phase and the organization can act as a showcase enterprise that will implement a growing healthy@work programme during the different field trial iterations.


Partners involved in the healthy@work project

Organization Type Country Website
YouPers AG SME Switzerland
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Engineering & Architecture CEESAR - iHomeLab R&D Switzerland
Romus SME Switzerland
u-sentric SME Belgium
XIM Ltd. SME United Kingdom
Bournemouth Borough Council End User United Kingdom
CURAVIVA End User Switzerland
  • Project name: healthy@work
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: YouPers AG
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.277.571
  • Public contribution: € 1.179.069


Urs Baumeler


T.: +41 79 479 72 56


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