The Inspiration project will apply state of the art development processes. The coordinator YouPers with u-sentric and its associated experienced development partners, will introduce its user centred ...
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The goal of INSPIRATION is it to help older adults living a healthier life to stay mentally and physically fit. Our digital coach will motivate them to be active – every day!
INSPIRATION provides health tips and motivates to perform recurring movement exercises. A daily planner schedules activities and also integrates health tips into shopping lists. Activities are recorded and displayed in a health agenda, where reading rights can be granted to relatives, friends and caregivers. Pressing the done button and the awareness of the performed activities become the main motivators.
Expected results and impact
INSPIRATION will deliver a comprehensive working prototype for mobile applications, which will be validated with end-users in Switzerland and Belgium.
The systems main results will be: (1) a unified and intuitive user interface that appeals to people who are not familiar with technology, (2) provision of content regarding daily live activities and nutrition, (3) provision of inspiration management including agendas and reminders and (4) basic information for third partners to display health status for caregivers and friends.
Partners involved in the INSPIRATION project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
YouPers AG | SME | Switzerland | |
CREAGY AG | SME | Switzerland | |
Romus AG | SME | Switzerland | |
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Engineering & Architecture CEESAR - iHomeLab | R&D | Switzerland | |
terzStiftung | End User | Switzerland | |
u-sentric | SME | Belgium | |
Alternatief VZW | End User | Belgium | |
OpenSky Data Systems | SME | Ireland | |
Waterford Institute of Technologie – Telecommunications Software & Systems Group | R&D | Ireland | |
- Project name: INSPIRATION
- Website:
- Coordinator: YouPers AG
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.08.2013
- Total budget: € 2.749.960,00
- Public contribution: € 1.457.480,00
Urs Baumeler
T.: +41 79 479 72 56
Project partners and end-users co-design a reciprocal exchange-service for an engaged senior life. The service addresses a market opportunity and releases an unexploited societal potential for solving tasks predominantly under the public sector realm. Behind the need and opportunity are societal macro trends as well as documented positive effects of seniors’ prolonged professional activity and voluntary work. Give&Take empowers seniors, by improving occupational lifestyle through a reciprocal exchange-service to maintain societal engagement as a key to mental, social and physical fitness.
Expected results and impact
The project will have important impact for European societies in the area of welfare and quality of life for senior citizens. Through social and digital media innovation the Give&Take project will 1) release a currently unexploited societal potential for tasks currently under the public sector realm, 2) increase empowerment of independent living of seniors and 3) strengthen quality of life of seniors through occupation and social engagement as a key to mental, social and physical fitness – and by this further (indirect) effects on welfare state by delaying the need for intensive public care.
Partners involved in the Give&Take project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
IT University of Copenhagen | R&D | Denmark | |
Socialsquare | SME | Denmark | |
TakeTheWind | SME | Portugal | |
Technical University of Vienna | R&D | Austria | |
Frederiksberg Municipality | End User | Denmark | |
Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design | R&D | Denmark | |
- Project name: Give&Take: Designing a reciprocal exchange service for a good and engaged senior life
- Website:
- Coordinator: IT University of Copenhagen
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2014
- Total budget: € 1.601.762
- Public contribution: € 1.080.545
Over 5% of the world’s population suffer from a disabling hearing loss. Profoundly deaf people can be helped with a cochlear implant, and for milder losses a bone conduction implant can bring relief. These devices are rather complex containing many advanced features, i.e. connectivity solutions. This project aims at developing a telehealth platform empowering senior users in their daily life. It provides a communication channel with clinicians and manufacturers offering counselling and troubleshooting information, training and hearing assessment, and device use and fitting services.
Expected results and impact
Deafness is very disabling causing social isolation and is possible linked to accelerated cognitive decline. Hearing implants are not always available, as the devices are expensive and the after care is intensive requiring regular travel to the clinic, audiological centre or the speech therapist. The proposed telehealth system intends to increase the quality of the hearing therapy (e.g. less down time, better information and training, optimal hearing in everyday environment), reduce the cost of ownership (e.g. less need for specialist consultations) and empower the hearing implant recipient.
Partners involved in the SHiEC project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Cochlear Technology Centre | Large Industry | Belgium | |
Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions | Large Industry | Sweden | |
Otoconsult | SME | Belgium | |
Vrije Universiteit Medical Center | R&D | The Netherlands | |
Onafhankelijk Platform voor Cochleaire Implantatie | End User | The Netherlands | |
- Project name: Supporting Hearing in Elderly Citizens -SHiEC
- Website:
- Coordinator: Cochlear Technology Centre
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2014
- Total budget: € 4.306.577
- Public contribution: € 1.958.418
The project brings together 3 universities and 5 companies active and experienced in R&D of assistive devices to specify the full-body personal mobility, reaching, and grasping requirements of elderly persons allowing them to continue managing their daily activities related to voluntary occupation (maintaining gardens or carrying groceries of more needy people) , as well as participating in local social activities while preserving their health and providing motivation to remain active and independent. Basic products comprising upper-, lower- and full-body assistive exoskeletons will be designed, developed, and validated.
Expected results and impact
The AXO-SUIT integrates recent advances in assistive technology to study and design exoskeletons and to meet the challenges in helping elderly workers. The results will include novel exoskeletons consisting of modules to allow integration to realise prototype upper-, lower- and full-body assistive suits. They will comprehensively supplement the strength of elderly persons with effective and affordable exoskeletons and improve directly their quality of life. The exoskeletons could also be extended to more aged persons, weak or disabled adults, or elder employees as their needs are similar.
Partners involved in the AXO-SUIT project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Aalborg University | End User | Denmark | |
University of Gävle | End User | Sweden | |
University of Limerick | R&D | Ireland | |
Welldana A/S | End User | Denmark | |
Bioservo Technologies AB | Large Industry | Sweden | |
MTD Precision Engineering Ltd | SME | Ireland | |
COMmeto bvba | SME | Belgium | |
Hjälpmedelsteknik Sverige | End user | Sweden | |
- Project name: Assistive exoskeleton suitable for elderly persons / AXO-SUIT
- Website:
- Coordinator: Aalborg University, Denmark
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.10.2014
- Total budget: € 2.788.762
- Public contribution: € 1.641.470
The project ANIMATE born with the aim of using new technologies to address one of the main problems of generational relay: the loss of knowledge by a lack of adequate transmission of experience among the older generations and younger generations. ANIMATE also seeks to solve a problem that affects people of a certain age: the feeling of not being useful, due to be jobless or have a job that does not conform to their current abilities and interests, leads to absence of ambition and a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover ANIMATE aims to help the development of the manufacturing sector across Europe.
Expected results and impact
ANIMATE is designed to maximise the recuperative and preventive effects of occupation on health and well-being. The solution highlights the important role of qualified older adults in the labour market and targets the preservation of their extended knowledge. The ANIMATE project aims to create a European wide community of intergenerational knowledge transfer which will bring together older and younger generations across the continent for the exchange of expertise and know-how.
Partners involved in the ANIMATE project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
HI-Iberia Ingenieria y Proyectos SL | SME | Spain | |
University of Geneva | R&D | Switzerland | |
Thurrock Council | End User | United Kingdom | |
e-learning Studios Ltd. | SME | United Kingdom | |
Biomedical Research Institute for Health in Lleida | End User | Spain | |
- Project name: ANIMATE – intergenerAtioNal communIty for coMpAny knowledge TransfEr
- Website:
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.04.2014
- Total budget: € 2.136.512
- Public contribution: € 1.170.685
BREATHE Project aims to provide a rich platform for improving the quality of life of informal caregivers. This system is fed by three sources: (1) AAL system that gathers information about daily life activities of the elderly at home, (2) structured information that should be completed and (3) non-structured sources of information such as a dairy, notes and posts in social networks. BREATHE AAL system is based on a combination of distributed video cameras and information acquired by other sensors. Appropriate measures will be taken to preserve dignity and maintain privacy and confidentiality.
Expected results and impact
The result will be a comprehensive working prototype, which will be validated with real end-users in three different countries (Spain, Ireland and United Kingdom), whose main strengths will be: (1) all informal caregivers needs (communication, professional and amateur support, training, social integration and guidance) will be covered, (2) provision of support and guidance for the long-term care of elderly people, (3) training that will progressively adapt its contents to the current status of both the carer and the assisted person and (4) stress control of the informal caregiver and psychological support.
Partners involved in the BREATHE project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
TSB | SME | Spain | |
KU | R&D | United Kingdom | |
ISI | SME | Spain | |
TCD | R&D | Ireland | |
ERREMME | SME | Italy | |
BIME | SME | United Kingdom | |
CYB | SME | United Kingdom | |
TER | SME | Ireland | |
- Project name: Platform for self-assessment and efficient management of the informal caregiver
- Website:
- Coordinator: Soluciones Tecnológicas para la Salud y el Bienestar S.A (TSB)
- Duration: 30 Months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2013
- Total budget: € 2.051.361,29
- Public contribution: € 1.109.626,05
The technological approach of CarerSupport will emphasise the integration and use of an ICT based platform that will provide the following services: (a) Management of courses, training materials and ...
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CarerSupport will integrate, deploy and test an integrated ICT platform enabling the participation and collaboration of informal carers, psychologists and health professionals towards facilitating the training, learning, orientation, tele-consulting and psychological support of the carers. Based on this platform, the project will deploy and offer a wide range of services to informal carers including: Training, learning and orientation programmes; Psychological support services aiming at alleviating the stress of informal carers; Collaboration and tele-consulting services between formal and informal carers.
Expected results and impact
CarerSupport platform and services aim to improve the informal carers’ performance, so boosting the quality of provided care, while alleviating costs associated with the support of the elderly and vulnerable individuals. The alleviation of such costs will have a positive impact on both family and governmental budgets. Overall, CarerSupport will invert the loop of current support services for informal carers on the basis of a technology-driven and more integrated approach, that eases the participation of all stakeholders (health care organisations, individual formal and informal carers’, care service providers, etc.).
Partners involved in the CarerSupport project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Maggioli Spa – CEDAF Division | Large Industry | Italy | |
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Engineering & Architecture, CEESAR- iHomeLab | R&D | Switzerland | |
BluePoint Consulting | SME | Romania | |
Universitetet i Oslo | End User | Norway | |
Ana Aslan International Foundation | End User | Romania | |
soultank AG | SME | Switzerland | |
Kommunesamarbeidet i Vestfold v/ Nøtterøy Kommune | End User | Norway | |
Oslo Kommune | End User | Norway | |
- Project name: Integrated Platform for Informal Carers’ Training, Tele-consulting and Collaboration
- Website:
- Coordinator: Maggioli Spa
- Duration: 30 months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2014
- Total budget: € 2.309.597
- Public contribution:€ 1.294.642 (national)
Paolo Mattarelli
T.: +390543727014
Damiano De Rosa
T.: +32493061872
Be Well – VictoryaHome – Create Possibilities; this is the vision of a project that does not depend on automated functions, but augments them with immediate human presence when needed or desired by ...
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Living the way you want to. Active and healthy ageing together with the people we love. Isn’t it what we all wish for ourselves and our beloved ones? VictoryaHome is a project that aims to help and enable people to live their lives the way they want, and to help people care for each other. Important values are: peace of mind, pleasure, never being alone, safe and secure, feeling connected, sharing feelings and experiences, helping the helpers, personal care and making caring popular.
Expected results and impact
Our goal is to reach 10% market penetration in the care organisations associated with the trials. Strong collaboration takes place between the business strategy and the care processes. This is vital to ensure a solution satisfies the needs of the older adults and their caregivers. Alongside the initial commitments from the consortium partners were already expressed at the kick-off to guarantee a sustainable set of services after the project has ended.
Partners involved in the VictoryaHome project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Stichting Smart Homes | End User | The Netherlands | |
FFO Funksjonshemmedes Fellesorganisasjon | End User | Norway | |
SOS International | End User | Norway | |
Envida Care | R&D | The Netherlands | |
Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine, University Hospital of North Norway | R&D | Norway | |
Bluecaring | SME | Portugal | |
Giraff Technologies AB | SME | Sweden | |
Tromsø Telemedicine Consult As | SME | Norway | |
R&D Council, Sörmland County | End User | Sweden | |
- Project name: Victorya – a robot for integrated care@home and peace of mind of carers
- Website:
- Coordinator: Stichting Smart Homes
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.04.2013
- Total budget: € 2.360.000
- Public contribution: € 1.310.000
Information about old people at home is not efficiently shared between seniors, relatives, home carers, nurses… The ACCESS project aims to develop an easy and permanent communication system in order to share data between elderly people and their stakeholders, through electronic devices. As a consequence, the intervention of each will be adapted to the evolution of the senior situation authorising more efficiency in the visits and a better coordination in services provision. Thus, the objective of the project consists in a standardisation of data exchanges in order to support senior daily life management.
Expected results and impact
Expected results consist in the development and the experimentation of a pilot able to support informal and professional home, especially the management of daily life activities at home. After modelling and validating technical aspects at an industrial level, the pilot is expected to be commercialised in all European countries. Partnerships will be proposed to professional carers’ organisations, senior associations, public health agencies, insurance companies, and different European networks will be involved in the identification of new partners all around Europe. The time to market is estimated at two years.
Partners involved in the ACCESS project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
CEV | SME | France | |
LifeResult | SME | Italy | |
APOLOGIC | SME | France | |
Centro Regionale Alzheimer Policlinico Universitario di Roma Tor Vergata | R&D | Italy | |
ADESSA A DOMICILE | End User | France | |
FAMILIEHULP | End User | Belgium | |
- Project name: Assisting Carers for CooperativE Services to Seniors
- Website:
- Coordinator: CEV – Groupe Chèque Déjeuner
- Duration: 30 Months
- Starting Date: 01.09. 2013
- Total budget: € 3.792.383
- Public contribution: € 1.938.736
TOPIC aims to support informal carers in their daily needs with a CarePortfolio. It is an integrated set of shared spaces and services to support the physical and mental care ability of informal carers by enabling learning and orientation about care, by offering a platform for cooperation with formal carers, by improving, integrating, and making (mobile) multimodal communication easier and accessible for informal carers to connect with other informal carers, friends, or family members. We claim that we can help informal carers to alleviate stress and increase independence and efficiency.
Expected results and impact
Our consortium will first define technical infrastructure, where as user requirements will be gathered with help of user organisations and seniors. Prototypes will be developed by consortium partners and empirical tests will be done with seniors. Through iterations in prototyping CarePortfolio including all necessary web services and interfaces for user interaction in all scales (computer/tablet-based, mobile, iTV-based) will be integrated to an open customisable system of services, which can be easily composed to other useful products for care giving and self-caring.
Partners involved in the TOPIC project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Vienna University of Technology | R&D | Austria | |
ilogs mobile software GmbH | SME | Austria | |
SOZIAL GLOBAL Aktiengesellschaft | End User | Austria | |
University of Siegen | R&D | Germany | |
SOPHIA Franken GmbH & Co KG | End User | Germany | |
AVINOTEC GmbH | SME | Germany | |
Technology University of Troyes | R&D | France | |
E-Seniors | End User | France | |
Webinage | SME | France | |
- Project name: The Online Platform for Informal Caregivers
- Website:
- Coordinator: Vienna University of Technology, Assoc. Prof. Hilda Tellioglu
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2013
- Total budget: € 745.095,00
- Public contribution: € 558.821,00
Assoc. Prof. Hilda Tellioglu
T.: +4315880118716