People prefer to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. However, demographic changes, rising costs and new family structures are increasing the demands for new care solutions. ...

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The purpose of the project is to relieve informal caregivers through the use of information and communication technology.


The objectives are :

  • A developed and evaluated platform for informal caregivers in ambient assisted living.
  • An exploitation plan for the dissemination of the results.

Expected results and impact

The expected results is a platform for the delivery of self-care @ home services , as well as for stimulating and supporting daily activities at home by means of technologies that include smart sensing environments integrated with adaptable information system to connect elderly people with informal carers.

The SALIG++ product will be sold as individual licenses to elderly and informal caregivers, or as group licenses to care funders and formal caregivers. SALIG++ will primarily be paid by care funders. The market size is approximately 50 million people in need that will grow to about 75 million (2050).


Partners involved in the SALIG++ project

Organization Type Country Website
Stockholm University R&D Sweden
Divitel BV SME The Netherlands
Almende BV SME The Netherlands
HI Iberia SME Spain
TU Delft R&D The Netherlands
Stockholm LänsLandsting End User Sweden
Actimage SME Luxembourg
PIAP R&D Poland
  • Project name: Smart Assisted Living involving Informal careGivers
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2014
  • Total budget: € 4.175.433,00
  • Public contribution: € 2.494.421,00


Gustaf Juell-Skielse


T.: +468161672


Older persons wish to live independently in their homes and to perform daily activities without relying on or asking for external help. For some, provision of support to Instrumental Activities of ...

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The objectives of the PIA project are to:

  • Support older adults to manage Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) to prolong independent living at home by using smart devices to support location- or object-relevant content delivery, e.g., video clips.
  • Support formal and informal carers to produce, share and distribute care experience and knowledge content through social network and rich interactions.
  • Provide personalised and intuitive user interfaces to secure accessibility for all, templates and tools to facilitate video clip production and deployment for carers, and guidelines and supporting materials for PIA system deployment.

Expected results and impact

The quality of the primary end-users everyday life will be improved through a communications and support tool designed to help them cope with daily activities with increased independence, while it is anticipated that the secondary end-users (carers) will benefit from stress reduction rendered by this support tool. A tool for carer stress analysis will be developed and used in order to measure this. The PIA system will be technology-tested in laboratory homes and trialled in real home environments. A subsequent commercial minimum viable product and associated support service will be future developed to enter the assistive technology market no later than 6 months after the project end.


Partners involved in the PIA project

Organization Type Country Website
Karde AS SME Norway
University of Castilla-La Mancha (MAmI Research Lab) R&D Spain
Tellu AS SME Norway
University of Ulster (Smart Environments Research Group) R&D United Kingdom
Accord Group End User United Kingdom
StickyWorld Ltd. SME United Kingdom
Asker Municipality End User Norway
Berliner Institut für Sozialforschung R&D Germany
  • Project name: Personal IADL Assistant
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Karde AS, Norway
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2013
  • Total budget: € 1.198.878
  • Public contribution: € 727.657


Dr. Riitta Hellman


T.: +47-98211200


The iCarer project will work with end user organisations involved in supporting the informal care of elderly adults in the UK and Slovenia to deliver interoperable solutions providing a holistic ...

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The increasing population ageing index makes customised care necessary to maintain the quality of life of older adults at home. As modern societies recognise their commitment to taking care of elderly citizens, new and innovative approaches are necessary. New models of care must be deployed, in which informal carers play a crucial role as one of the most important sources of care for older adults. The role of the main caregiver is often taken by the spouse or a close relative, which may often lead to stress, over-work, depression, and even being physically hit or struck. In addition, they might be not adequately prepared for some situations, causing a great sense of insecurity. Thus, support and distress relief in caregivers should be a key issue in the home-care process of these older adults

Expected results and impact

The iCarer project will develop a personalised and adaptive platform to offer informal carers support by means of monitoring activities of daily care, as well as their psychological state, and providing a learning framework to help them improve the care provided.

Registered data will be analysed and fed into the platform in order to model the Activities of Daily Care based on behavioural patterns. With this information, and if the informal caregiver is absent at the time, the platform will act as a “virtual carer”, giving support to the older adult and providing information to the carer in case a daily activity is done incorrectly.


Partners involved in the iCarer project

Organization Type Country Website
Tunstall Healthcare Large Industry United Kingdom
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid R&D Spain
S3 Group SME Ireland
Nottingham Trent University R&D United Kingdom
Pyxima SME Belgium
Spanish National Institute of Health R&D Spain
Nottingham City Council Telecare Service End User United Kingdom
Federation of Pensioners' Organization of Slovenia End User Slovenia
  • Project name: Intelligent Care Guidance and Learning Services Platform for Informal Carers of the Elderly
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Tunstall Healthcare
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.029.785,84
  • Public contribution: € 1.194.666,90


Jim Charvill


T.: +44 (0)1977 661234


The proposed service will automatically generate a personalised fitness program based on the health status and the continuous monitoring of activity level of the user. This continuous monitoring will ...

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Frailty syndrome confers disability for activities of daily living (ADL disability) and is an important cause of loss of autonomy. The project idea is to use the proven advantages of elderly fitness to develop a personalised self-care solution based on self-check of health conditions and elderly fitness at home. The solution will use an autonomous fitness system targeting not frailty or pre-frailty elder people living independently at home. The use of this solution will help the elderly to stay independently at home and to deal autonomously with the activities of daily living by allowing them to prevent frailty.

Expected results and impact

The new service presented in ELF@Home is based on four functional innovations: – Elderly people do fitness at home at any time independently where they live. – Although the exercising is done without a human direct supervision, the system is able to monitor exercise execution and give feedback to the user about the correct execution. – The fitness program is personalised according to the user profile and the physical activity level without direct human intervention. – The impact of the fitness program is evaluated by using medical sensors in order to adjust the program.


Partners involved in the ELF@Home project

Organization Type Country Website
Fundación CTIC - Centro Tecnológico R&D Spain
Izertis SME Spain
Sociedad Gerontológica y Geriátrica del Principado de Asturias End User Spain
Umeå University End User Sweden
Explizit AB SME Sweden
Skellefteå Kommun End User Sweden
Franhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits R&D Germany
Innovationsmanufaktur GmbH SME Germany
2D Debus & Diebold Meßsysteme GmbH SME Germany
  • Project name: elderly sELF-care based on sELF-check of health conditions and sELF-fitness at home
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Fundación CTIC – Centro Tecnológico
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.604.926,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.437.492,74


Juan Luis Carús Candás


Sonia García Fernández


T.: +34 984291212



This always-on intelligent dashboard will be used to show status information and will enable communication and coordination towards the professional and the informal caregiver. The information to ...

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C4B will do on-demand and multi-stakeholder service design based on intelligent dashboard systems representing the status & context of the actors involved. The intelligent dashboard is an always-on interactive device that is easy to use for older adults. The system envisages improved and sustainable care provision by informal caregivers, optimized cooperation with formal caregivers and QoL improvement for the older adult. Better communication and cooperation in-between formal and informal caregivers are envisaged. C4B will support task delegation and community based care.

Expected results and impact

Realise and test a flexible and easy to use system that will support the elderly to interact with his/her support circle. Task overview, task delegation, care offerings and supporting intelligence captured through sensor networks will empower all actors involved. Co-creation and interoperability with other networks and services will leverage the go-to-market. The C4B project will test several business scenarios in order to come up with sustainable models for market introduction after the project finalisation in the four involved countries.




Partners involved in the Care4Balance project

Organization Type Country Website
iMinds R&D Belgium
Televic Healthcare Large Industry Belgium
connectedcare SME The Netherlands
Hogeschool Amsterdam R&D The Netherlands
Van Dorp Zorg en Welzijn Large Industry The Netherlands
AMSTA End User The Netherlands
Alcatel-Lucent Bell N.V Large Industry Belgium
Pervaya SME France
VigiSense Large Industry Switzerland
Hochschule Luzern – iHomeLab R&D Switzerland
  • Project name: Care4Balance – Care for balancing informal care delivery through on-demand and multi-stakeholder service design
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: iMinds
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.380.199
  • Public contribution€ 1.532.042


Ann Ackaert


T.: +32 473 29 56 51


WeTakeCare will develop an interactive and multimodal system for the training on ADL, built mainly on software solutions running on off-the-shelf hardware equipment. System functionalities will be: ...

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WeTakeCare project aims to empower the collaborative caring and training between the older person and the non-professional carer, in order to promote the independent living of the older person. Hence, the autonomous performance of Activities of the Daily Living (ADL) by the older person will be encouraged while training and supporting the caregiver in the provision of care, improving the quality of the provided care as well as safeguarding their own physical, physiological and occupational health. This project will integrate the end-users in the development of an interactive and multimodal system for the training of ADL.

Expected results and impact

There are 10-21 M older people with a light or moderate physical limitation hampering the autonomous performance of ADLs. It is estimated that 70% of the dependent older population solely receive informal care. The uptake of ADL by the non-professional carer leads to an overload of activities to perform, thus affecting negatively the physical and psychological health of the caregiver. WeTakeCare will address the specific assistance needs of older people in maintaining their autonomy in performing ADLs, as well as supporting their caregivers.


Partners involved in the WeTakeCare project

Organization Type Country Website
Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia R&D Spain
Centro de Producción Multimedia para la Televisión Interactiva S.L. SME Spain
Kaasa health GmbH SME Germany
Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften R&D Switzerland
Vereinigung aktiver Senioren- und Selbsthilfe-Organisationen der Schweiz End User Switzerland
  • Project name: Collaborative interaction in caring & training to improve the autonomy in Activities of Daily Living
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (IBV)
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2013
  • Total budget: € 1.746.741,00
  • Public contribution: € 995.007,10


Rakel Poveda Puente


T.: +34 96 387 91 60


Recent statistics show an average life expectancy of 76 years (men) and 82 years (women) * across the EU community, with this expected to continue to increase in the future. There are several factors ...

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imageEDLAH will utilise both current and developed technology, the aim is to provide the older person with a greater level of independence, motivation and capability, allowing them to live in their own home for as long as possible.

Technology relevant to the older person, their professional and informal carers, will be available in one easy to use platform. Giving the older person immediate contact to loved ones, peers, emergency services etc. The project will also provide assistance in the functional elements of life such as medication reminders, ‘lost’ object retrieval, dietary information etc. For the professional staff, care recording, care tips and information, health indicators and trends, etc, will also be available through the same service.

Expected results and impact

The EDLAH service is based on individual empowerment, motivation and user engagement. It is this user interaction, empowerment and motivation that are the keys to disease prevention and management, lifestyle and diet management; leading to an improvement in daily life and long-term health.

The older person will enjoy a greater independence and connection with their family, friends and carers. This will give a more motivated and improved lifestyle outcome.

There will also be specific knowledge available, leading to greater confidence in the care provided. The carer community will be more efficient, effective and therefore have improved cost effectiveness and productivity.


Partners involved in the EDLAH project

Organization Type Country Website
Karis Group Ltd SME United Kingdom
EverDream Soft SME Switzerland
Karis Homes Ltd End User United Kingdom
La Maison de Retraite du Petit-Saconnex End User Switzerland
Pyxima SME Belgium
Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbh R&D Austria
Universite de Geneve R&D Switzerland
  • Project name: Enhanced Daily Living and Health, EDLAH
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Karis Group Ltd
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.800.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.550.000


Mike O’Connor


T.: 00441962 601244


The RelaxedCare project is a research project with partners from Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and Spain. Nine different partners with interesting backgrounds work together to develop the ...

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“Is my mum doing fine right now?” Answering this question, in a quick comprehensible way without the need of calling or passing by could relieve a lot of stress from informal caregivers. The “RelaxedCare System” aims to build a “system in a box” solution upon an existing AAL platform, using multi-level pattern recognition to detect the actual state of an assisted person and communicates it in a pervasive and unobtrusive way to the caregiver. The outcome will be a highly accepted, well designed, and working and market orientated “AAL system in a box”

Expected results and impact

  • RelaxedCare will connect informal caregivers and assisted persons.
  • RelaxedCare will help to reassure informal caregivers.
  • RelaxedCare will help assisted persons to feel socially connected.
  • RelaxedCare will create nicely designed and accepted pervasive user interfaces.
  • RelaxedCare will bring up new methods for AAL pattern recognition on different levels.
  • RelaxedCare will contribute to the AAL community by widespread dissemination.
  • RelaxedCare will be developed to be brought to market as “AAL system in a box”.


Partners involved in the RelaxedCare project

Organization Type Country Website
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria
Hochschule Luzern Technik & Architektur – iHomeLab R&D Austria
50plus GmbH End User / SME Switzerland
New Design University R&D Austria
Mobili SME Slovenia
Szenografie SME Switzerland
Ibernex Large Industry Spain
Soultank AG SME Switzerland
Schweizerisches Rote Kreuz Luzern End User / SME Switzerland
  • Project name: RelaxedCare-destress care relations by unobtrusive information
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2013
  • Total budget: € 3.062.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.834.000




T.: +43(0) 50550-4843


The baseline activity around which MEDiATE is designed and deployed is a multi-functional and multi-role support to the requirement of the information circulation and coordination between the elderly ...

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MEDiATE objective is to design, build and experiment a multi-stakeholder communication and organisational solution, providing a service environment in support of the elderly‘s care-givers and more broadly of all functional needs taking place within their social environment that has to be facilitated and coordinated. MEDiATE focuses on the role of and support given to the informal network, aiming at enhancing the capacities of each ones of its members, regarding their possible complementary role with the elderly’s formal network, or the emergence of new services they can bring up.

Expected results and impact

MEDiATE will produce an ICT based solution that will support the elderly’s informal network, for direct social communications and service coordination between the elderly and their network, and also between the informal and the formal network, providing the existing platforms and caring configurations with an additional layer of capabilities (software middleware solution). Autonomy at home, when still possible and acceptable for the elderly and even considering different profiles and deficits, is reinforced making MEDiATE an overall capacity building framework.


Partners involved in the MEDiATE project

Organization Type Country Website
CRP Henri Tudor R&D Luxembourg
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne R&D Switzerland
Camera Contact SME France
Fondation Suisse pour les Téléthèses End User Switzerland
Pôle de Gérontologie Interrégional Bourgogne Franche-Comté End User France
SIVECO Large Industry Romania
G4S Security Solutions S.à.r.l. Large Industry Luxembourg
Dessine-Moi Mon Répit End User France
  • Project name: Collaborative and interMEdiating solution for managing Daily Activities for The Elderly at home
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Public Research Centre Henri TUDOR
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.799.694
  • Public contribution: € 1.578.177


Dr. Djamel Khadraoui


T.: 00 352 / 42 59 91 2286,


There are a number of problems that informal caregivers nowadays have to face: lack of experience and formal education in care, shortage of tools to manage the whole cycle, stress and depression. ...

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BREATHE Project aims to provide a rich platform for improving the quality of life of informal caregivers. This system is fed by three sources: (1) AAL system that gathers information about daily life activities of the elderly at home, (2) structured information that should be completed and (3) non-structured sources of information such as a dairy, notes and posts in social networks. BREATHE AAL system is based on a combination of distributed video cameras and information acquired by other sensors. Appropriate measures will be taken to preserve dignity and maintain privacy and confidentiality.

Expected results and impact

The result will be a comprehensive working prototype, which will be validated with real end-users in three different countries (Spain, Ireland and United Kingdom), whose main strengths will be: (1) all informal caregivers needs (communication, professional and amateur support, training, social integration and guidance) will be covered, (2) provision of support and guidance for the long-term care of elderly people, (3) training that will progressively adapt its contents to the current status of both the carer and the assisted person and (4) stress control of the informal caregiver and psychological support.


Partners involved in the BREATHE project

Organization Type Country Website
KU R&D United Kingdom
TCD R&D Ireland
BIME SME United Kingdom
CYB SME United Kingdom
TER SME Ireland
  • Project name: Platform for self-assessment and efficient management of the informal caregiver
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Soluciones Tecnológicas para la Salud y el Bienestar S.A (TSB)
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.051.361,29
  • Public contribution: € 1.109.626,05


Juan-Pablo Lazaro-Ramos


T.: +34 96 182 71 77


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