
A coherent user-centric technological solution will be provided based on an innovative practice-oriented Virtual Partner (ViP) care model that considers established behaviour communication ...

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The target of CaMeLi. Is to create an ICT based solution for supporting the elderly in his daily in-house activities, minimising the need for formal and informal carers’ interventions. The CaMeLi services will be provided in the most natural form of interaction, and namely as an human avatar able to interact with natural language, recognise the emotional state of the elderly and express emotions in guiding the elderly in his daily tasks.

Expected results and impact

The Project will provide a system simulating human interaction and conversation. The user will interact intuitively with the system having the illusion of communicating with a real human who understands behaviour and emotion and assists the user appropriately. The system will provide benefits on a practical, psychological and social level enabling the user to feel self confident to remain longer active and independent at home improving well being.


Partners involved in the CaMeLi project

Organization Type Country Website
SIEMENS AG Large Industry Germany
University of Geneva R&D Switzerland
ORBIS Medical & Care Group End User Netherlands
Instituto Pedro Nunes R&D Portugal
NetUnion SA SME Switzerland
ViVa Association End User Switzerland
Noldus Information Technology SME Netherlands
Citard Services Ltd* SME Cyprus
  • Project name: Care Me for Life
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Siemens AG, Markus Dubielzig
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2013
  • Total budget: € 3.455.319
  • Public contribution:€ 1.898.932


Markus Dubielzig (Coordinator)


T.: +49 52 51 60 61 45

Prof. Dimitri Konstantas (tech. Coordinator)


T.: +41 (22) 379 0237


The understAID project focuses on easing the lives of informal caregivers and directly addressing their currently unmet needs for accessible educational support. The solution will be based on new ...

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The project will build an application to help informal caregivers of demented people (typically a spouse or an adult child) understand and aid their demented relatives and help them manage their new life situation.

Expected results and impact

understAID will significantly improve the quality of life of informal caregivers by providing accessible information and relevant support. The services will increase the quality of care and caregivers’ confidence in performing care and help to reduce the physical, psychological and financial burden of dementia on caregivers. The total estimated worldwide costs of dementia were €465 billion in 2010. The consortium will mobilise resources and key stakeholders, possibly large players with strong market access, to bring the solution to these markets.


Partners involved in the understAID project

Organization Type Country Website
VIA University College R&D Denmark
Sekoia Assisted Living ApS SME Denmark
The Centre of Supercomputing of Galicia – CESGA R&D Spain
Balidea Consulting and Programming SME Spain
Poznan University of Medical Sciences R&D Poland
Danish Alzheimer Association End User Denmark
The Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa – UDP A Coruña End User Spain
Ortopedyczno-Rehabilitacyjny Szpital Kliniczny nr 4 im. W. Degi End User Poland
Skanderborg Municipality End User Denmark
  • Project name: A platform that helps informal caregivers to understand and aid their demented relatives.
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: VIA University College, Denmark
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 11.04.2013
  • Total budget: € 1.526.217
  • Public contribution: € 962.846


Hanne Wacher Kjaergaard


T.: +45 8755 3095


Bad life habits play a major role in developing and progression of age-related diseases: nutrition, medical therapies and physical exercise are among the keys for prevention and control. Regular ...

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The HELICOPTER proposal aims at exploiting ambient-assisted living techniques to provide older adults and their informal caregivers with support, motivation and guidance in pursuing a healthy and safe lifestyle. The proposal is targeted at 65+ adults, not suffering from major chronic diseases or severe disabilities, yet possibly being affected by (or being at risk of) metabolic or circulatory malfunctioning (e.g., hypertension, mild diabetes) or by mild cognitive deficits. Behavioural analysis is exploited to make health monitoring more effective and less invasive.

Expected results and impact


A heterogeneous sensor network will be designed and implemented, including environmental, wearable and clinical sensors. A global monitoring framework will be developed, in which all data converge toward a common database feeding a data analysis engine, capable of inferring from logged data current activity and behavioural information.

The inference model will involve medical knowledge as well as suitable “big data” analysis techniques. The HELICOPTER environment will be deployed and tested at several pilot sites, located in Sweden and in The Netherlands, for a 18 months period.


Partners involved in the HELICOPTER project

Organization Type Country Website
Me.Te.Da. S.r.l. SME Italy
Università degli Studi di Parma R&D Italy
SC Vision Systems SRL SME Romania
University of Skövde R&D Sweden
Laboratorio delle Idee S.r.l. SME Italy
Municipality of Skövde End User Sweden
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design SME Denmark
Coöperatie Slimmer Leven 2020 End User The Netherlands
International Business School, Jönköping University R&D Sweden
  • Project name: Healthy Life support through Comprehensive Tracking of individual and Environmental Behaviors
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Me.Te.Da. S.r.l.
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.880.010,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.655.905,00


Sandro Girolami, MeTeDa Srl


T.: +39 347 3572118

Paolo Ciampolini, University of Parma


T.: +39 0521 905828, +39 334 6669195,


The number of people in need of care increases constantly because of the increasing average age & quantity of people with physical limitations, especially in Europe. Also, there is manpower ...

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With our channel-line “YouDo – We help!” we want to help informal carers to handle.Their challenging task and give them the information & training they need. Every channel covers one of the six main care topics. The content will be edited, produced and distributed in cooperation with physicians and care services. The informal carers will find help for every different level of care.

Expected results and impact

We focus on a better quality if live of both – the elder and the caregiver. The support of people who slowly drift into care of another person or who are suddenly confronted with this situation and the exchange of experiences, concerns, emotions and success’ in a virtual group in a social media way. YouDo connects and coordinate relatives and professional providers of care and support in a really early state of care. On the one hand to build up a network between caring relatives and on the other hand for a good cooperation to handle the increasing need of support and care.


Partners involved in the YouDo project

Organization Type Country Website
b-mobile SME Switzerland
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology R&D Austria
Fachhochschule Vorarlberg R&D Austria
iHomeLab R&D Switzerland
Diakonie München-Moosach End User Germany
Meditrainment SME Germany
  • Project name: YouDo – we help!
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: b-mobile GmbH
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.09.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.827.260
  • Public contribution: € 1.572.698


Christin Weigel


T.: +41 [0] 79 419 33 83


SONOPA employs a set of available ICT technologies to develop an end-to-end solution for stimulating and supporting activities at home. Reminders and recommendations come through personalised ...

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Collected data enables the system to track variations in the daily activities over time in order to detect the right time to provide a recommendation. This allows for timely access to quantitative data from the user and allows the activation of individual and social recommendations. The offered recommendations can be in the form of suggesting individual activities at home, such as preparing meals or social interactions with peers.

Expected results and impact

The goals of the project are in line with the goals of the end-user organisations. Each organisation is expected to agree on an expected outcome with their end-users and work with them to achieve this. The ideal goal is that the individual end-user will develop an increased personal confidence and competency from using the system and recognise it as a user-friendly and easy-to-use technology device with flexible features. It is expected that end-user organisations working on the project will continue to suggest features that can further enhance the service.


Partners involved in the SONOPA project

Organization Type Country Website
Docobo R&D United Kingdom
Saxion University of Applied Sciences R&D The Netherlands
Smart Signs R&D The Netherlands
University of Deusto SME Spain
SpringTechno SME Germany
Blue Danube Robotic SME Austria
E-seniors SME France
Camera-Contact R&D France
The Christelijke Mutualiteit SME / End User Belgium
iMinds/Ghent University SME Belgium
  • Project name: SOcial Networks for Older adults to Promote an Active Life (SONOPA)
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Docobo Limited
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2013
  • Total budget: € 3.238.818,93
  • Public contribution: € 1.444.061,22


Richard Plumbridge


T.: +44 (0) 1372 459866


Equipping an older adult’s home with different technologies is not the solution to create a perfect home environment but already available technologies hold the ability to make a useful contribution. ...

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The project aims at offering a set of AAL-related functionality and services to older adults as well as informal and formal carers through the use of connected TV devices based on the HbbTV standard complemented with a mobile second screen. The initially proposed services/functions are:

  • a help exchange system to enable older adults to offer/ask for support for daily life activities to/from others
  • access to service providers like meals on wheels, shopping assistance, house-keeping, taxi, medical help or assistance, etc.
  • support functions like reminders, news, weather, etc.


Expected results and impact

The outcome of the project will improve the quality of life, autonomy and participation in social life by offering a platform that provides:

  • the necessary modularity to adapt to the users’ needs and demands
  • an informal care exchange system, i.e. needs in terms of care can be compensated by exchanging messages with other GeTVivid users
  • third-party services like daily necessities, domestic servicing and maintenance, transport or care;
  • support and information like daily life planning, announcement of regionally organized shared activities, news or weather.


Partners involved in the GeTVivid project

Organization Type Country Website
Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg R&D Austria
University of St. Gallen R&D Switzerland
CURAVIVA Verband Heime und Institutionen Schweiz End User Switzerland
Institut fuer Rundfunktechnik GmbH SME Germany
Hövener & Trapp Evision GmbH SME Germany
Verein für Menschen mit Körperbehinderung Nürnberg e.V. End User Germany
EURAG Österreich End User Austria
  • Project name: GeTVivid – Let’s do things together
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2013
  • Total budget: € 3.334.052
  • Public contribution: € 2.175.348


Univ.Prof. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi


T.: + 43 662 8044 4811



People prefer to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. However, demographic changes, rising costs and new family structures are increasing the demands for new care solutions. ...

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The purpose of the project is to relieve informal caregivers through the use of information and communication technology.


The objectives are :

  • A developed and evaluated platform for informal caregivers in ambient assisted living.
  • An exploitation plan for the dissemination of the results.

Expected results and impact

The expected results is a platform for the delivery of self-care @ home services , as well as for stimulating and supporting daily activities at home by means of technologies that include smart sensing environments integrated with adaptable information system to connect elderly people with informal carers.

The SALIG++ product will be sold as individual licenses to elderly and informal caregivers, or as group licenses to care funders and formal caregivers. SALIG++ will primarily be paid by care funders. The market size is approximately 50 million people in need that will grow to about 75 million (2050).


Partners involved in the SALIG++ project

Organization Type Country Website
Stockholm University R&D Sweden
Divitel BV SME The Netherlands
Almende BV SME The Netherlands
HI Iberia SME Spain
TU Delft R&D The Netherlands
Stockholm LänsLandsting End User Sweden
Actimage SME Luxembourg
PIAP R&D Poland
  • Project name: Smart Assisted Living involving Informal careGivers
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2014
  • Total budget: € 4.175.433,00
  • Public contribution: € 2.494.421,00


Gustaf Juell-Skielse


T.: +468161672


Older persons wish to live independently in their homes and to perform daily activities without relying on or asking for external help. For some, provision of support to Instrumental Activities of ...

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The objectives of the PIA project are to:

  • Support older adults to manage Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) to prolong independent living at home by using smart devices to support location- or object-relevant content delivery, e.g., video clips.
  • Support formal and informal carers to produce, share and distribute care experience and knowledge content through social network and rich interactions.
  • Provide personalised and intuitive user interfaces to secure accessibility for all, templates and tools to facilitate video clip production and deployment for carers, and guidelines and supporting materials for PIA system deployment.

Expected results and impact

The quality of the primary end-users everyday life will be improved through a communications and support tool designed to help them cope with daily activities with increased independence, while it is anticipated that the secondary end-users (carers) will benefit from stress reduction rendered by this support tool. A tool for carer stress analysis will be developed and used in order to measure this. The PIA system will be technology-tested in laboratory homes and trialled in real home environments. A subsequent commercial minimum viable product and associated support service will be future developed to enter the assistive technology market no later than 6 months after the project end.


Partners involved in the PIA project

Organization Type Country Website
Karde AS SME Norway
University of Castilla-La Mancha (MAmI Research Lab) R&D Spain
Tellu AS SME Norway
University of Ulster (Smart Environments Research Group) R&D United Kingdom
Accord Group End User United Kingdom
StickyWorld Ltd. SME United Kingdom
Asker Municipality End User Norway
Berliner Institut für Sozialforschung R&D Germany
  • Project name: Personal IADL Assistant
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Karde AS, Norway
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2013
  • Total budget: € 1.198.878
  • Public contribution: € 727.657


Dr. Riitta Hellman


T.: +47-98211200


The iCarer project will work with end user organisations involved in supporting the informal care of elderly adults in the UK and Slovenia to deliver interoperable solutions providing a holistic ...

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The increasing population ageing index makes customised care necessary to maintain the quality of life of older adults at home. As modern societies recognise their commitment to taking care of elderly citizens, new and innovative approaches are necessary. New models of care must be deployed, in which informal carers play a crucial role as one of the most important sources of care for older adults. The role of the main caregiver is often taken by the spouse or a close relative, which may often lead to stress, over-work, depression, and even being physically hit or struck. In addition, they might be not adequately prepared for some situations, causing a great sense of insecurity. Thus, support and distress relief in caregivers should be a key issue in the home-care process of these older adults

Expected results and impact

The iCarer project will develop a personalised and adaptive platform to offer informal carers support by means of monitoring activities of daily care, as well as their psychological state, and providing a learning framework to help them improve the care provided.

Registered data will be analysed and fed into the platform in order to model the Activities of Daily Care based on behavioural patterns. With this information, and if the informal caregiver is absent at the time, the platform will act as a “virtual carer”, giving support to the older adult and providing information to the carer in case a daily activity is done incorrectly.


Partners involved in the iCarer project

Organization Type Country Website
Tunstall Healthcare Large Industry United Kingdom
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid R&D Spain
S3 Group SME Ireland
Nottingham Trent University R&D United Kingdom
Pyxima SME Belgium
Spanish National Institute of Health R&D Spain
Nottingham City Council Telecare Service End User United Kingdom
Federation of Pensioners' Organization of Slovenia End User Slovenia
  • Project name: Intelligent Care Guidance and Learning Services Platform for Informal Carers of the Elderly
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Tunstall Healthcare
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.029.785,84
  • Public contribution: € 1.194.666,90


Jim Charvill


T.: +44 (0)1977 661234


The proposed service will automatically generate a personalised fitness program based on the health status and the continuous monitoring of activity level of the user. This continuous monitoring will ...

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Frailty syndrome confers disability for activities of daily living (ADL disability) and is an important cause of loss of autonomy. The project idea is to use the proven advantages of elderly fitness to develop a personalised self-care solution based on self-check of health conditions and elderly fitness at home. The solution will use an autonomous fitness system targeting not frailty or pre-frailty elder people living independently at home. The use of this solution will help the elderly to stay independently at home and to deal autonomously with the activities of daily living by allowing them to prevent frailty.

Expected results and impact

The new service presented in ELF@Home is based on four functional innovations: – Elderly people do fitness at home at any time independently where they live. – Although the exercising is done without a human direct supervision, the system is able to monitor exercise execution and give feedback to the user about the correct execution. – The fitness program is personalised according to the user profile and the physical activity level without direct human intervention. – The impact of the fitness program is evaluated by using medical sensors in order to adjust the program.


Partners involved in the ELF@Home project

Organization Type Country Website
Fundación CTIC - Centro Tecnológico R&D Spain
Izertis SME Spain
Sociedad Gerontológica y Geriátrica del Principado de Asturias End User Spain
Umeå University End User Sweden
Explizit AB SME Sweden
Skellefteå Kommun End User Sweden
Franhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits R&D Germany
Innovationsmanufaktur GmbH SME Germany
2D Debus & Diebold Meßsysteme GmbH SME Germany
  • Project name: elderly sELF-care based on sELF-check of health conditions and sELF-fitness at home
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Fundación CTIC – Centro Tecnológico
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.604.926,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.437.492,74


Juan Luis Carús Candás


Sonia García Fernández


T.: +34 984291212


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