Overcome Loneliness V2me combines real life and virtual social network elements to prevent and overcome loneliness in Europe’s ageing populations. It supports active ageing by increased integration ...

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V2me aims at integrating elderly people in pleasant social networks and meaningful activities, enhances physical and mental fitness, empowers reciprocal assistance and help, and thus reduces societal challenges through increased health costs and care expenditures. The easy-to-use V2me solution gives senior citizens not only pleasure, but also quick access to existing and new social contacts with maximized control and protection.

The V2me Virtual Coach, actively initiates and mediates social relationships with friends and partners as well as professional contacts through social networks.

Expected results and impact

The end result of V2me will be a platform based on intuitive user interfaces and innovative virtual character usage in the domain of AAL. This platform will be thoroughly evaluated with end-users and care service professionals in three different countries. Furthermore the effects of the system on a user’s quality-of-life will have been evaluated in a long-term study.

We expect the system to be a viable option for fighting loneliness in Europe’s ageing population, providing an improved social integration, as well as a virtual friend that helps the user to create meaningful relationships and expand his social network.


Partners involved in the V2me project

Organization Type Country Website
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. R&D Germany www.fraunhofer.de
Diakonie Neuendettelsau End User Germany www.diakonieneuendettelsau.de
Hospital IT AS SME Norway www.hospitality.no
Mawell Ltd. SME Finland www.mawell.com
Graz University of Technology R&D Austria www.tugraz.at
User Interface Design GmbH SME Germany www.uid.com
Université de Luxembourg R&D Luxembourg www.uni.lu
VTT Technical Research Center of Finland R&D Finland www.vtt.fi
VU University Amsterdam/Dept. CAMeRA R&D Netherlands www.vu.nl
  • Project name: Virtual coach reaches out “to me” V2me
  • Website: www.v2me.org
  • Coordinator: Fraunhofer, Germany
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2010
  • Total budget: € 3.600.000
  • Public contribution: € 2.600.000


Dr. Reiner Wichert

E.: reiner.wichert@igd.fraunhofer.de

T.: +49-6155-155-574


The end users gave valuable input during the interviews and meetings with representatives of the end users’ group and during co-design sessions. The ‘baseline’ gave an excellent basis for further ...

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WeCare is a collaborative European project which primary goal is to encourage older people to create, participate in and continue their social networks in order to prevent isolation and loneliness. By increasing their autonomy older people will be able to live at home longer, will preserve their quality of life and will continue to give their input and contribution to the neighbourhood and the larger society. Furthermore, by planning family or informal care to older people in a more efficient way, the demand for professional care and social services will decrease. A service, WeCare 2.0, will be developed, evaluated and deployed to accomplish these goals.

Expected results and impact

The following main results are expected:

  • A design for a flexible WeCare 2.0 product with a pick and mix structure with services like: video communication, medicine reminder, calendar and broadcast functionalities represented. The WeCare system will encourage older people to create and strengthen their social networks in order to improve their well-being and prevent isolation and loneliness.
  • Insights in the effect of ICT on wellbeing of older people and in the habits that improve their social embedding.
  • The third goal is that one or two companies will further develop the WeCare 2.0 system into a working product.


Partners involved in the WeCare project

Organization Type Country Website
Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO R&D Netherlands www.tno.nl
Ericsson Telecommunication Large Industry Netherlands www.ericsson.com
Simac Large Industry Netherlands www.simac.com
ANBO End User Netherlands www.anbo.nl
Institute of Innovation for Human Wellbeing I2BC R&D Spain www.i2bc.es
Fundación Andaluza de Servicios Sociales FASS End User Spain www.juntadeandalucia.es
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT R&D Finland www.vtt.fi
Videra Ltd SME Finland www.videra.com
Caritas Foundation End User Finland www.caritas-saatio.fi
Skytek Ltd SME Finland www.skytek.com
  • Project name: WeCare AAL WeCare 2.0
  • Website: www.wecare-project.eu
  • Coordinator: TNO, The Netherlands
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 11.02.2010
  • Total budget: € 3.670.000
  • Public contribution: € 2.240.000


Sharon Prins

E.: sharon.prins@tno.nl

T.: +31 6 888 66 77 66,


A prototype service will be implemented and tested among  the seniors over national borders. SoMedAll project produces a platform that offers social media focused on the needs of the elderly with a ...

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Objective is to make social media usable for senior people:

  • to build social media applications and activities around the content; to provide easy ways to create, store and share knowledge,  experiences and memories
  • to provide easy fast communication, social interaction and creation of social networks to develop tools that support co experience and co presence
  • to develop easy, adaptable and guided user interfaces for creating, managing and sharing content taking into account the mental and physical capabilities of the elderly people

The service can be used with users own language and supports multicultural communication

Expected results and impact

Technology deployment timeline we have two different kinds of results:

SoMedAll software platform with including modules that has been developed in the project as the prototype and pilot. Pilot is expected to be ready for deployment in the short term.

Service concepts that use the new SoMedAll software modules to adapt to the user conditions and predict their evolution and adaptive interfaces will only be deployed in homes in the medium term.

One important result will be also the knowledge achieved concerning the cultural differences and attitudes towards technology based social media services among elderly people.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Miina Sillanpää Foundation End User Finland www.miinasillanpaansaatio.fi
Gonga Group Oy SME Finland www.conga.fi
National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT) R&D Italy www.cnit.it
Cooperativa sociale A R. L (ALDIA) End User Italy www.aldia.it
Mediasoft Ltd SME Slovenia www.mediasoft.si
  • Project name: Social Media for All Elderly People
  • Website: http://somedall.vtt.fi/
  • Coordinator: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.02.2010
  • Total budget: € 1.679.834
  • Public contribution€ 907.250,50


Tuula Petäkoski-Hult

E.: tuula.petakoski-hult@vtt.fi

T.: + 358 40 5298 123



  The envisioned platform is conceived as an integrated solution which combines sensor-controlled serious gaming, web-based information services and interactive entertainment and which brings ...

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Silvergame is a multimedia platform, which is to host a variety of game-based applications, community features and web-based services specifically designed to cater to the needs of elderly people. The project focuses on activities like singing, dancing and driving to activate senior citizens and encourage social interaction among them. The idea is to take advantage of information and communications technologies to contribute to the physical and mental well-being of elderly people.

Expected results and impact

Silvergame offers new options for interaction and communication by bringing into play the same mechanisms that have contributed to the success of the web-based social media and network gaming – success stories that have been developing with hardly any participation at all of the elderly people.

The expected result is an established technological platform with three ready-to-use applications catering to the aforementioned goals – and flexible enough to take on additional applications as plug-ins to add more functionalities in the future.


Partners involved in the Silvergame project

Organization Type Country Website
Exozet Berlin GmbH (Coordinator) SME Germany www.exozet.com
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology R&D Austria www.ait.ac.at
Audio Riders Oy SME Finland www.audioriders.fi
Fraunhofer FIRST R&D Germany www.first.fraunhofer.de
Golden Oldies / Grenville Jones End User United Kingdom www.golden-oldies.org.uk
Reha-Zentrum Lübben End User Germany www.rehazentrum.com
  • Project name: SilverGame: A platform for serious gaming to foster the social inclusion of elderly people
  • Website: www.silvergame.eu
  • Coordinator: Exozet Berlin GmbH, Berit Hanold
  • Duration: 26 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2010
  • Total budget: € 2.777.061
  • Public contribution: € 1.862.012


Berit Hanold

E.: berit.hanold@exozet.com

T.: 0049 (30) 2465600



SeniorChannel will give elderly care professionals an innovative approach to developing and managing the specific social needs of the elderly in the wider community. To achieve this goal, ...

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The goal in project SeniorChannel is to integrate innovative technologies and high added value content in order to provide elderly people with an opportunity to interact and share their knowledge, opinions and aspirations with the wider community and derive enjoyment from the experience.

SeniorChannel will develop an Interactive Internet Protocol Television Channel (SENIORCHANNEL) that will not only provide elderly people with a method of interacting but also with a unique means of access to the range of diverse activities in their community including the opportunity to share knowledge and experience, the ability to participate in topical debates, entertainment services, work-shops and discussion groups regardless of their geographical location.

Expected results and impact

The expected results includes:

  • The first interactive IPTV channel exclusively for elderly people with content and programmes specifically designed to promote socialisation.
  • First, substantive experience in interactive TV using hybrid Set-top Boxes designed to meet the specific requirements of the elderly;
  • A low cost integrated TV Studio and production centre with all the necessary equipment and software to produce interactive IPTV content
  • The first repository of documentaries and programs specifically produced for elderly people;
  • The first broadcast service which will provide elderly people with a mechanism for expressing their creativity by involving them in the production and broadcast of programme content and formats as well as allowing them to participate in programmes from the comfort of their own homes.


Partners involved in the SeniorChannel project

Organization Type Country Website
Indra Software Labs Large Industry Spain www.indracompany.com
University of Padova R&D Italy www.unipd.it
Brainstorm Multimedia SME Spain www.brainstorm.es
Audemat SME France www.audemat.com
Asociación Parque Galicia End User Spain
M31 Spa SME Italy www.m31.com
  • Project name: SENIOR CHANNEL an Interactive Digital Television Channel for Promoting Entertainment and Social Interaction amongst Elderly People
  • Website: http://innovation-labs.com/seniorchannel/
  • Coordinator: Indra Software Labs
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2012
  • Total budget: € 4.336.084
  • Public contribution€ 2.060.072


Salvador Aguilar González

E.: sraguilar@indra.es

T.: +34914807010

Ernesto Ruiz Murcia

E.: ermurcia@indra.es

T.: +34914807010



SENIORENGAGE will provide a practical networking platform which seniors and new professionals may network with each other, and which comprises the following: RetiredProf System: This module will ...

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SENIORENGAGE addresses the need to help retired senior professionals retain their sense of self-worth and continue to participate in society in the post-retirement years by developing network of online knowledge sharing and community.

The aim of the SENIORENGAGE project is to become a driving force in combating exclusion and depression in the retired individual by providing a platform in which he or she can continue to feel useful and improve feelings of self-worth, helping reduce isolation and encourage active engagement in community regardless of physical health.

Expected results and impact

The main result of SeniorEngage project is to provide a tool by which seniors and new professionals may network with each other using the latest Web 2.0 and social networking tools in a single online destination.

The technology will be available for post R&D best practice dissemination through the use of the projects’ case studies. The objective market is retired elderly professionals in Europe. Several contacts have taken place among the SME partners of the consortium and senior citizen organisations, who see a huge potential benefit in the product with regard to adapting the software to suit their own needs.


Partners involved in the SeniorEngage project

Organization Type Country Website
Centre de Recerca I Innovació de Catalunya, S.A. (CRIC) R&D / SME Spain www.cric.cat
Feltalálói És Kutató Központ Szolgáltató KFT (MFKK) R&D / SME Hungary www.mfkk.hu
Center for Usability Research and Engineering (CURE) R&D Austria www.cure.at
JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) R&D Finland www.jamk.fi
Microlink PC Ltd (MICROLINK) SME United Kingdom www.microlinkpc.com
Association of Care Giving Relatives of Jyväskylä Region (CAJYR) End User Finland
  • Project name: Virtual Network to empower the integration of Seniors into an Active Community in the post retirement years
  • Website: www.seniorengage.eu
  • Coordinator: Centre de Recerca i Innovació de Catalunya, S.A. (CRIC)
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.12.2010
  • Total budget€ 1.272.595
  • Public contribution: € 723.685


Llani Tena Ligero

E.: llani.tena@cric.cat

T.: +34 93 204 99 22


Taking into account user requirements, expectations and social experiences, HOPES will integrate a range of ICT-based solutions for: managing existing e-information by exhaustive search of existing ...

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The HOPES project aims at developing an intelligent multimedia platform providing innovative social e-services for European elderly persons and their social entourage (as carers / supporters and ICT tutors when needed). Through this platform, HOPES will create the first European network dedicated to social interactions of the elderly and self-animated by its adherents. The ultimate goal of the project is to enhance socialisation, quality of life and autonomy of elderly persons by preventing isolation and loneliness, and generating positive social experiences and behaviour.

Specifically, HOPES aims to address the needs of the elderly population with adapted ICT, by:

  • Creating a European network of virtual greying e-community(ies) in a multicultural and multilingual social environment, following European guidelines concerning quality,reliability and privacy;
  • Preventing social exclusion by encouraging and/or re-creating special interactions,social engagement and self-esteem, as well as sharing of knowledge with other seniors (“communitying”);
  • Carrying out a large analysis of user expectations, barriers, requirements and meaningful solutions that have the potential to change aging persons’ behaviour regarding ICT;
  • Providing the technical environment, based on a web platform with innovative but validated ICT (containers, features / interfaces and contents), that allows to search for or create, evaluate and validate, organise and disseminate shared solutions for SBP in an iterative process allowing stepwise optimisation of the proposed SBP (“HOPES virtuous circle”);
  • Using ICT to create / develop the “personal social calendar”, to organise and prioritise day-to-day rituals and social experiences, and recommend the preferred time for SBP; with electronic motivator services, e.g. email alerts; ;
  • Enabling an active and intuitive interaction of users (elderly persons and their entourage when needed) with the system and with other people through the system, by means of an advanced multimedia and multilingual cooperation platform, according to a social web philosophy;
  • Using adapted ergonomic interfaces and features, intelligent information solutions and ontologic / semantic technologies to ease management, sharing and use of its validated content, especially with regard to the targeted user group of elderly people who are generally weak users of ICT;
  • Developing and implementing a participative, interactive and personalised validation system, (“HOPES certification”) based on a Web 2.0 strategy (online when possible,otherwise with help from entourage) and the EBM method, to guarantee the quality of the SBP and other solutions stored in the HOPES repository and shared with all users;
  • Evaluating the time spent by end users (or their relatives as helpers / tutors) to use HOPES e-services properly, and use this information to improve the platform ergonomics;
  • Evaluating the HOPES platform and SBP in a real end user situation (European-size

Expected results and impact

The HOPES project proposes to foster social interactions through the development of an accessible, easy-to-use and innovative ICT platform as forum of well aging and exchange of SBP and socialisation services in a European network.

Through the cooperative multimedia and multi-language social platform created by HOPES, its intelligent support systems, knowledge repository of SBP, social calendar and practical solutions, and provision of services “on the spot”, elderly people and their social entourage will be empowered to help themselves and others in their everyday life

Increased beneficial social interaction will reduce isolation and loneliness by conserving personal social rituals for better quality of life and mobility.

HOPES will contribute to progress beyond the state-of-the-art by developing a Europeanwide, social network platform for elderly and their entourage. HOPES innovation will come from implementation of an innovative ICT service with the most up-to-date yet userfriendly technology (hard-/software, interfaces) on the one side, and focus on an innovative elderly-centred approach with adapted models from geriatric psychology and ethnology, person-centred communication, evidence based medicine, practice and healthcare and health belief models on the other side.



HOPES will contribute to the improvement of quality of life both directly and indirectly by considering three main dimensions of enhancing social interactions and quality of life of elderly persons (wellness and healthy behaviour; social and cognitive activities; improving / re-activating rituals)


Partners involved in the HOPES project

Organization Type Country Website
GTN SAS SME France www.gtn-grandtalentnetwork.com
Microsoft UK Large Industry United Kingdom www.microsoft.com
Universität Stuttgart R&D Germany www.uni-stuttgart.de
LUISS Guido Carli / CeRSI R&D Italy www.luiss.edu
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, Internal Medicine (geriatric unit), Avicenne Hospital (Bobigny - France) R&D France www.aphp.fr
Sport Initiative et Loisir Bleu End User France www.sielbleu.org
Cup2000 Large Industry Italy www.cup2000.it
  • Project name: Help and social interaction for elderly On a multimedia Platform with E-Social best practices
  • Coordinator: GTN SAS, France
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.09.2010
  • Total budget: €4.997.878
  • Public contribution: €2.607.085


Christian Schoen

E. : cschoen@info-techno.com

T. : +33 (0)6 85 10 60 59


Go-myLife aims to improve the quality of life for older people through the use of online social networks combined with mobile technologies. The Go-myLife architecture consists of a core social ...

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The Go-myLife project has three main objectives:

  • A platform built around the needs of elderly people
    Conventional online social networks were started with young people in mind and have only slowly expanded to include older demographics.
  • A platform fully integrated with mainstream on-line social networks
    Older people are keen to maintain contact with the different generations of their family.
  • A platform based on mobility and location awareness
    It is important for older people to be supported not only in their homes, but also while they are out and about.

Expected results and impact

Go Mylife

The Go-MyLife platform will have significant impact in improving the quality of life of older people. We see several areas of benefit, from helping some older people to take their first steps onto the internet and online social networking, to enabling other, more experienced internet users, to use the platform to more easily and confidently express their thoughts and ideas and to engage with mainstream discussion and debate. The fact that the platform will be optimised for smartphone use will help older people feel more confident and secure while out and about, knowing that they are “carrying their social network with them”.


Partners involved in the Go-MyLife project

Organization Type Country Website
Atos Origin Large Industry Spain www.es.atoso rigin.com/es-es/
The 451 group SME United Kingdom www.the451g roup.com
Institute of Communication & Computer Systems R&D Greece www.iccs.gr
Zentrum fuer Soziale Innovation R&D Austria www.zsi.at
IS Communications Ltd SME United Kingdom www.iscomm.com
Andago Ingeniería S.L. SME Spain www.andago.com
Stowarzyszenie Spoleczenstwa Wiedzy SME Poland www.ssw.org.pl
  • Project name: Going on line: my social Life
  • Website: http://gomylife-project.eu/
  • Coordinator: ATOS Origin (Spain)
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2010
  • Total budget: € 2.400.000
  • Public contribution€ 1.500.000


Fabio Luiz Tumiatti

E.: fabio.tumiatti@atosresearch.eu

T.: +34 93 486 18 18


The overall work plan is organised in 6 workpackages which comprise the following: 1) WP1 (End users and scenarios): Setting up and managing a stakeholder pool with ethical considerations so the ...

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EXO-LEGS is aimed at developing lower body mobility exoskeletons for helping people move around to perform normal daily living tasks. The motions include tasks such as standing up, sitting down, straight walking on flat ground, stepping over objects, walking on soft and uneven ground, walking up- and down-stairs, etc. EXO-LEGS will develop theoretical and modular frameworks able to realise prototype devices that can be useful for assisting human mobility. Basic, Standard and Deluxe exoskeleton prototypes (half- and full- models) will be designed, developed and tested in the five target EU countries.

Expected results and impact

The project targets research to AAL scenarios requiring simple, standard and difficult mobility solutions for maximising the impact so that logical commercialisation can follow together with making advances in key scientific areas. Commercial exoskeleton products which are reliable, affordable and compliant to the ISO 13482 safety standard for exoskeletons will be focused upon. Once these solutions are available, other user segments will be able to benefit, namely, handicapped persons, overweight people, etc to increase the impact further. An EXO-LEGS Consortium Agreement has been signed for commercialising in both medical and non-medical sectors.


Partners involved in the EXO-LEGS project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Gävle R&D Sweden www.hig.se
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology R&D Germany rob.ipr.kit.edu
Universidad Politécnica de Cartegena R&D Spain www.upct.es
Chas A Blatchford & Sons Limited SME United Kingdom www.blatchford.co.uk
Hocoma AG SME Switzerland www.hocoma.ch
GIGATRONIK Technologies GmbH SME Germany www.gigatronik.de
MRK Systeme GmbH SME Germany www.MRK-Systeme.de
Proyecto Control Montaje, S.L. SME Spain www.pcmsl.com
Mobile Robotics Sweden AB SME Sweden www.mobile-robotics.com
Gävle kommun and other Gävleborg partners End User Sweden www.gavle.se
  • Project name: Exoskeleton Legs for Elderly Persons (EXO-LEGS)
  • Website: www.exo-legs.org
  • Coordinator: University of Gävle, Sweden
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2012
  • Total budget: €4.559.117
  • Public contribution: €2.776.346


Professor Gurvinder S. Virk

E.: gurvinder.virk@hig.se

T.: +46 26 648704


The project will develop a platform for social and exercise games that shall motive elderly to exercise more and correctly. Game-based technologies and persuasive technologies will be used to ...

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The main objective of GameUp is to develop a platform for social and exercise games to reduce physical and motivational barriers of elderly people’s mobility.

The main contribution of the GameUp products and services is to sustain mobility of senior citizens, prolonging the time they can live autonomously in their preferred home environment and consequently enhance quality of life.

Examples are games or game-based technology that will help to better the balance and leg strength of the users. Social aspects and good feedback will be used as motivation.

Expected results and impact

Products and services will include social exergames that for instance will help balance and leg strength, and the games will be adaptable for physical limitations that are normal amongst elderly such as deteriorating sight and hearing, problems with grip, etc. The games will also be adapted to the elderly’s needs of taking the time they need. The platform developed will be social so that the users can play together – but maybe not simultaneously. The main impacts of the project are new fun tools for elderly to maintain mobility to stay at home longer, and a new type of useful products for elderly.


Partners involved in the GameUp project

Organization Type Country Website
Ibernex Large Industry Spain www.ibernex.es
UniversityofSeville R&D Spain www.us.es
Klinik Valens End user Switzerland www.klinik-valens.ch
Northern Research Institute R&D Norway www.itek.norut.no
Cyberlab.org as SME Norway www.cyberlab.org
Tromsøysund menighet End user Norway www.ishavskatedralen.no
O-Berri End user Spain
  • Project name: Game-based mobility training and motivation of senior citizens – GameUp
  • Website: www.gameupproject.eu
  • Coordinator: IBERNEX Ingeniería S.L.
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.226.345,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.041.306,00


Antonio Remartinez

E.: antonio.remartinez@ibernex.es

T.: +34976794226

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