The solution will be based on a combination of existing and future open mobile platforms, an IP connected server platform and a home security sensor network. Applications for these will be developed ...

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The proposal aims at enabling integral outdoor and indoor localisation and mobility services for elderly people with age-related sensory (visual, auditory) and cognitive (memory) impairments that help them in their daily routine activities far from home. Special attention will be given to key activities for their autonomous living (e.g. shopping, banking) and with a particular societal benefit (e.g. accompanying grandchildren); procuring active and convenient engagement of all relevant stakeholders (relatives, health-social-security services, establishments).

Expected results and impact

The aim to create an open platform in E-MOSION highlights the need and wish of the consortium to be compatible to or even better reuse other open AAL platforms, such as universAAL. As AIT is partner in universAAL there will be the possibility for a close collaboration and thus the chance to enable a European AAL ecosystem for the creation of market solutions. E-MOSION offers a suite of services delivered in an innovative business model that offers an unprecedented value proposition. Exploitation and utilisation is possible on two fronts – businesses and primary users.


Partners involved in the E-MOSION project

Organization Type Country Website
INTEGRASYS SME Spain www.integrasys-sa.com
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria www.ait.ac.at
Noldus Information Technology BV SME Netherlands www.noldus.com
INERTIA Technology SME Netherlands inertia-technology.com
MATTERSOFT SME Finland www.mattersoft.fi
Unie KBO End User Netherlands www.uniekbo.nl
  • Project name: E-MOSION: Elderly friendly MObility Services for Indoor and Outdoor sceNarios
  • Website: www.emosion-project.eu 
  • Coordinator: Integrasys S.A. (Spain)
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.413.672,80
  • Public contribution: € 1.538.170,00


José Manuel Sánchez Delgado

E.: jose.sanchez@integrasys-sa.com

T.: +34 916316846



The overall work plan is organised in 6 workpackages which comprise the following: 1) WP1 (End users and scenarios): Setting up and managing a stakeholder pool with ethical considerations so the ...

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EXO-LEGS is aimed at developing lower body mobility exoskeletons for helping people move around to perform normal daily living tasks. The motions include tasks such as standing up, sitting down, straight walking on flat ground, stepping over objects, walking on soft and uneven ground, walking up- and down-stairs, etc. EXO-LEGS will develop theoretical and modular frameworks able to realise prototype devices that can be useful for assisting human mobility. Basic, Standard and Deluxe exoskeleton prototypes (half- and full- models) will be designed, developed and tested in the five target EU countries.

Expected results and impact

The project targets research to AAL scenarios requiring simple, standard and difficult mobility solutions for maximising the impact so that logical commercialisation can follow together with making advances in key scientific areas. Commercial exoskeleton products which are reliable, affordable and compliant to the ISO 13482 safety standard for exoskeletons will be focused upon. Once these solutions are available, other user segments will be able to benefit, namely, handicapped persons, overweight people, etc to increase the impact further. An EXO-LEGS Consortium Agreement has been signed for commercialising in both medical and non-medical sectors.


Partners involved in the EXO-LEGS project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Gävle R&D Sweden www.hig.se
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology R&D Germany rob.ipr.kit.edu
Universidad Politécnica de Cartegena R&D Spain www.upct.es
Chas A Blatchford & Sons Limited SME United Kingdom www.blatchford.co.uk
Hocoma AG SME Switzerland www.hocoma.ch
GIGATRONIK Technologies GmbH SME Germany www.gigatronik.de
MRK Systeme GmbH SME Germany www.MRK-Systeme.de
Proyecto Control Montaje, S.L. SME Spain www.pcmsl.com
Mobile Robotics Sweden AB SME Sweden www.mobile-robotics.com
Gävle kommun and other Gävleborg partners End User Sweden www.gavle.se
  • Project name: Exoskeleton Legs for Elderly Persons (EXO-LEGS)
  • Website: www.exo-legs.org
  • Coordinator: University of Gävle, Sweden
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2012
  • Total budget: €4.559.117
  • Public contribution: €2.776.346


Professor Gurvinder S. Virk

E.: gurvinder.virk@hig.se

T.: +46 26 648704


The project will develop a platform for social and exercise games that shall motive elderly to exercise more and correctly. Game-based technologies and persuasive technologies will be used to ...

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The main objective of GameUp is to develop a platform for social and exercise games to reduce physical and motivational barriers of elderly people’s mobility.

The main contribution of the GameUp products and services is to sustain mobility of senior citizens, prolonging the time they can live autonomously in their preferred home environment and consequently enhance quality of life.

Examples are games or game-based technology that will help to better the balance and leg strength of the users. Social aspects and good feedback will be used as motivation.

Expected results and impact

Products and services will include social exergames that for instance will help balance and leg strength, and the games will be adaptable for physical limitations that are normal amongst elderly such as deteriorating sight and hearing, problems with grip, etc. The games will also be adapted to the elderly’s needs of taking the time they need. The platform developed will be social so that the users can play together – but maybe not simultaneously. The main impacts of the project are new fun tools for elderly to maintain mobility to stay at home longer, and a new type of useful products for elderly.


Partners involved in the GameUp project

Organization Type Country Website
Ibernex Large Industry Spain www.ibernex.es
UniversityofSeville R&D Spain www.us.es
Klinik Valens End user Switzerland www.klinik-valens.ch
Northern Research Institute R&D Norway www.itek.norut.no
Cyberlab.org as SME Norway www.cyberlab.org
Tromsøysund menighet End user Norway www.ishavskatedralen.no
O-Berri End user Spain
  • Project name: Game-based mobility training and motivation of senior citizens – GameUp
  • Website: www.gameupproject.eu
  • Coordinator: IBERNEX Ingeniería S.L.
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.226.345,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.041.306,00


Antonio Remartinez

E.: antonio.remartinez@ibernex.es

T.: +34976794226


Until now, the technical solutions to support the older adults in their mobility do not address their needs, wishes and capacities. The innovation in this project consists of the development of an ...

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The objective of Happy Walker is to develop an ICT-based solution, specifically targeted to the elderly people,  that sustain the ability of the elderly people to use different types of transportation and their mobility.

Expected results and impact

The proposed mobility oriented services will help the older adults by:

  • stimulating an active life style;
  • enhancing the outdoor safety (features such as for example drop-off detection and finding an accessible and friendly walking/driving route);
  • emergency alarming and localisation;
  • providing travel planning and support over heterogeneous transportation means;

including taking into account the direct surrounding neighbourhood, life-style and self-management, combined with preparation and supervision functions for involved formal and informal caregivers and optimising the user-friendliness and usefulness by filtering out useful information.


Partners involved in the HappyWalker project

Organization Type Country Website
TNO R&D The Netherlands www.tno.nl
Vilans R&D The Netherlands www.vilans.nl
Verhaert SME Belgium www.verhaert.com
Zorgpalet End User The Netherlands www.zorgpaletbaarnsoest.nl
Linkcare SME Spain www.linkcarehs.es
Eljakim SME The Netherlands www.eljakim.nl
I+ SME Italy www.i-pui.it
CIBEK SME Germany www.cibek.de
UUAS/HU R&D The Netherlands www.hu.nl
Vision SME Spain www.visionlocalizacion.com
  • Project name: Happy Walker
  • Website: www.happyassistedliving.com
  • Coordinator: TNO, The Netherlands
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date:  01.09.2012
  • Total budget: € 3.028.000
  • Public contribution€ 2.063.000


Yolanda Rieter-Barrell, (TNO)

E.: Yolanda.rieter@tno.nl

T.: +31 (0)88 866 11 02


In Europe 0.9 Million people are blind and 12 Million are visually impaired. Global the numbers are over 160 million. Over 60% of the blind and visual impaired in Europe are now 60 years of age or ...

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The objective of the IMAGO project is to develop and test a navigation and positioning technology for the blind and visual impaired exceeding the quality, accuracy and applicability of positioning technology based on satellite data. Through this IMAGO technology blind and visual impaired should be able to increase their independence in mobility.

Expected results and impact

An image-based positioning and navigation system will be implemented at the functional prototype level and validated with users. Image generated data will be converted into tactile information to communicate effectively with blind and visual impaired users. This IMAGO based application will be most likely be a part of the I-Cane product series which apply electronics and tactile communication.

Furthermore the results will be used to explore new options in handling image based medical information.


Partners involved in the IMAGO project

Organization Type Country Website
Applied Biomedical Systems bv SME The Netherlands www.ab-sys.eu
RWTH Aachen, dept medical information UNIKLINIK SME Germany www.ukaachen.de
Mediafiler R&D The Netherlands www.mediafiler.nl
NVBS, Oogvereniging End User The Netherlands www.oogvereniging.nl
Blindenzorg Licht & Liefde End User Belgium www.blindenzorglichtenliefde.be
I-Cane social technologies SME The Netherlands www.i-cane.org
  • Project name: IMAGO
  • Website: www.aal-imago.eu
  • Coordinator: I-Cane Social Technology BV
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.09.2012
  • Total budget: € 1.267.571
  • Public contribution€ 793.668


Hans Slijp

E.: hans.slijp@i-cane.nl

T.: +31 (0)641182393


MOBILE.OLD uses an Internet-enabled TV and/or a Set-Top-Box solution, which will be the main user interface for the older persons, providing multimodal web-based user interfaces using the remote ...

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The MOBILE.OLD project aims to provide a combined smartphone and TV-based service infrastructure with residential and outdoor services that will be delivered in a highly personalised and intuitive way and will advance the mobility of older persons. The services including information service for assisting mobility, travel and transport service, services for cognitive impaired people and physical and mobility training services, will be provided in a cost-effective way – aiming at independent living and sustained mobility, reinforcing activation, maintaining the health status, providing cognitive benefits.

Expected results and impact


  • The MOBILE.OLD set of personalised services with intelligent multimodal and highly adaptive interfaces, which will enable older persons to live independently advancing the quality of mobility in their life.
  • MOBILE.OLD pre-product prototype based on collected User/Technological Requirements and performed trials at pilot sites by involving older persons as end-user.
  • The business plan for the commercialisation of the MOBILE.OLD services at the end of the project.


Partners involved in the MOBILE.OLD project

Organization Type Country Website
LIFEtool gemeinnuetzige GmbH End User Austria www.lifetool.at
National Foundation for the Elderly End User Netherlands www.ouderenfonds.nl
Madrid Health and Wellbeing Cluster End User Spain www.madridnetwork.org
Ana Aslan International Foundation End User Romania www.brainaging.ro
SIEMENS SRL R&D Romania www.siemens.com
SEPROTRONIC GmbH R&D Germany www.seprotronic.com
SAFEVIEW R&D Spain www.safeviewtv.es
BLUE POINT IT SOLUTIONS R&D Romania www.bluepoint-it.ro
AdvTec Ltd. Large Industry United Kingdom www.advtec.co.uk
Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences R&D Austria www.fh-ooe.at
  • Project name: MOBILE.OLD – Residential & outdoor services advancing the mobility of older persons
  • Website: www.lifetool.at
  • Coordinator: LIFEtool gemeinnuetzige GmbH
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.497.725,00
  • Public contribution:  €  1.471.220,20


Isabel Karlhuber

E.: isabel.karlhuber@lifetool.at

T.: +43 (0) 732 99 70 56 – 5212


MyGuardian will provide the following technologies: easy-to-use and rich communication between the mobile senior and the caregivers  in order to reassure both caregivers and the senior thanks to the ...

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The MyGuardian project aims to facilitate safe and secure mobility of seniors with mild cognitive impairments while preserving their autonomy and dignity, and thereby enable seniors to increase their mobility (while increasing their self-confidence) and consequently to take part in the self-serve society. At the same time, MyGuardian improves well-being and efficiency of voluntary caregivers (e.g., family and friends) by ensuring their peace of mind and keeping them informed when the senior health state and risk situations, and improves efficiency of professional caregivers by providing them with up-to-date information and by supporting coordination of their care efforts.


Expected results and impact

The success of the project results are ensured by the presence of three SME’s (Hi-Iberia, ConnectedCare and VigiSense) with a strong commitment to the marketing of MyGuardian solution working in the project and distributing at least in the four countries involved, but as well to other markets thanks to the Internationality of some partners like VigiSense with presence also in Italy, Austria, Germany and Eastern Europe, which ensures the exploitation strategy through all Europe and to different targeted markets. The projected time-to-market will be 1-2 years. The service fits both the ageing, self-serve society trends, and the trend of wide availability of mobile computing and ubiquitous communication technologies.


Partners involved in the MyGuardian project

Organization Type Country Website
HI-Iberia Ingenieria y Proyectos SL SME Spain www.hi-iberia.es
CETIEX End User Spain www.cetiex.es
University of Geneva R&D Switzerland www.qol.unige.ch
VigiSense SME Switzerland www.vigisense.com
ConnectedCare SME Netherlands www.connectedcare.nl
CNRS Ageing, Imaging, Modeling lab End User France www.agim.eu
Careyn End User Netherlands www.careyn.nl
  • Project name: MyGuardian, A Pervasive Guardian for Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairments
  • Website: www.myguardian-project.eu
  • Coordinator: HI-IBERIA Ingeniería y Proyectos SL
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.287.932
  • Public contribution: € 1.394.827


Inmaculada Luengo

E.: iluengo@hi-iberia.es

T.: +34 91 458 98 23


The NavMem  system is targeted at elderly travellers, but will include a number of features targeted specifically at MCI users. The main scenario focuses on supporting people when visiting unfamiliar ...

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Age related memory decline, mild cognitive impairments (MCI), and cognitive impairments that occur with diseases, such as stroke, brain injuries, or early stages of dementia, have negative effects on the ability to navigate and to orient. Affected people who repeatedly start experiencing disorientation events often become scared of venturing out alone. The aim of the project NavMem is the development of a mobile companion for people with memory decline in order to support their navigation and orientation and at the same time promote a feeling of safety.

Expected results and impact

The product offered will support older persons in navigation, orientation and familiarisation. An additional location sharing service will allow to contact formal or informal care givers. The potential users are elderly people including those with some form of mild cognitive impairments. About 25% of people above 65 years develop some form of cognitive impairment. With about 29% of the EU’s population being above 65 years old in 2050. This means that in 2050 that the market will comprise about 30-35 Mio potential users with MCI and more than 120 Mio potential elderly users.


Partners involved in the NavMem project

Organization Type Country Website
OFFIS e.V R&D Germany www.offis.de
Siemens AG Large Industry Germany www.siemens.com
Navevo Limited SME United Kingdom www.navevo.com
Swedish Stroke Association End User Sweden www.strokeforbundet.org
ULUND (Lunds universitet) R&D Sweden www.certec.lth.se
Astando AB SME Sweden www.astando.se
Roessingh Research and Development SME Netherlands www.rrd.nl
  • Project name: Navigation Support for Older Travellers with Memory Decline – NavMem
  • Website: www.navmem.eu
  • Coordinator: OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology Department of Health
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2012
  • Total budget: € 1.980.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.080.000


Dr. Wilko Heuten

E.: wilko.heuten@offis.de

T.: +49 441 9722 171


The solution will be designed and developed as an operational infrastructure suitable to provide all the requested functionalities to enhance the quality of life of elderly people and improve their ...

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The project aims to increase the mobility of the elderly, both in the vicinity of his home and on journeys. Currently elderly people often avoid leaving their home because they feel insecure outdoors. The lack of motion results in health problems like arthritis, osteoporosis, amyotrophia and cardiovascular diseases, additionally to depression and possible cognitive disorders. SAFEMOVE aims at encouraging self-confidence in own abilities providing both home-based physical and cognitive training as well as relevant information and location-based aids during outdoor life activities.

Expected results and impact

SAFEMOVE services will be conceived to give users the feeling of not being alone whenever they need any kind of help, while keeping control on decisions and responsible choices. Increased mobility, as well as enhanced healthiness and reduced social isolation, will be achieved through services made available by the project including a proper home-based physical/cognitive training support aimed at both enhancing the user’s capability of successfully handling new situations/tasks and enriching everyday’s life through an increased and conscious self-confidence.


Partners involved in the SAFEMOVE project

Organization Type Country Website
megatel GmbH Large Industry Germany www.megatel.de
Neusta Mobile Solutions GmbH SME Germany www.neusta-ms.de
InfoConsult GmbH SME Germany www.infoconsult.nu
Volkshilfe Oberösterreich End User Austria www.volkshilfe-ooe.at
Universität Bern R&D Switzerland www.unibe.ch
e-Learning Studios SME United Kingdom www.e-learningstudios.com
Netural Communication SME Austria www.netural.com
e-learning knowledge Solutions LTD SME Israel www.e-learning.co.il
  • Project name: Safe mobility of elderly in the vicinity of their home and on Journeys „SafeMove“
  • Website: http://www.safemove-project.eu
  • Coordinator: megatel Informations – und Kommunikationssysteme GmbH
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.169.940
  • Public contribution: € 1.160.221


Dr. Peter Knackfuß

E.: peter.knackfuss@infoconsult.net

T.: +49-421-33064-80,


The aim of Ageing in Balance (AiB) project is to develop a new solution for preventing the falls of the older adults, by taking into account wide range of different factors. In AiB, an innovative ...

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The aim of Ageing in Balance (AiB) project is to develop a new solution for preventing the falls of the older adults, which would reduce the costs produced by the falls and increase the quality of life of the older people. The solution will include two aspects: assessing the fall risk and preventing the falls. The fall risk assessment tools will include full-scale professional assessments and also short assessments, which can be used for self-assessments or by care professionals. The prevention tools will consist of physical and cognitive exercises and also environmental guidance.

Expected results and impact

The result of the project will include technologies for fall risk assessment; tools for professional use and self-assessment –tools for older users, and fall prevention software for older users to motivate behaviour change. Preventing the majority of falls would save a lot of money and improve and prolong the good quality of life of ageing adults.

Falls, especially among the elderly, result in high costs for care and rehabilitation for the western type of societies.


Partners involved in the AiB project

Organization Type Country Website
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland R&D Finland www.vtt.fi
Four Computing SME Finland www.fourcomp.com
Alkit Communications SME Sweden www.alkit.se
Hospital La Fuenfria End user Spain www.madrid.org
  • Project name: Ageing in Balance
  • Website: http://aib.vtt.fi
  • Coordinator: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2012
  • Total budget: € 1.478.093
  • Public contribution€ 826.147


Milla Immonen

E.: milla.immonen@vtt.fi

T.: +358 20 722 2168

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