Enabling older users to confidently and safely use public transport, and providing a safety net when route mishaps happen, is the goal of the ASSISTANT project. The main target group of ASSISTANT is ...

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One of the requirements for successful and independent ageing is to be engaged in the world and the mobility of older people is the first step for this. The ASSISTANT project will aid them in using public transport anywhere (rural/urban) and provide a simple yet effective safety line for them. The single most effective feedback of the ASSISTANT system is to remind the user when to exit the bus/metro or change direction, a very critical yet to-date unsupported feedback element in travelling which allows the user to enjoy the time of journey without constantly checking the progress of the vehicle.

Expected results and impact

The most important result will be bringing a product to market. There are two tracks for this: 1) taking ASSISTANT directly from the project to a commercial offering, and 2) incorporating the ASSISTANT results into an existing commercial offering. Supporting these two ends, ASSISTANT will be standards based, and documented (including design rationale) so that the results of ASSISTANT can be used with a minimum of overhead.   Partners will also undertake dissemination activities locally. Additionally, the project will pursue scientific dissemination of results via academic and industrial communities.


Partners involved in the ASSISTANT project

Organization Type Country Website
Fundación Tecnalia Large Industry Spain
Andago Ingeniería S.L. SME Spain
Citruna Technologies Oy SME Finland
E-Seniors SME France
Fara OY SME Finland
Transport & Travel Research Ltd. SME United Kingdom
University of Vienna R&D Austria
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland R&D Finland
  • Project name: Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns – ASSISTANT
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Fundación Tecnalia, Spain
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2012
  • Total budget: €2.666.015
  • Public contribution: €1.410.848


Stefan Carmien


T.: (+34) 667 119 685


For non-electric platforms, the Navigation Aid comprises odometry hardware in cooperation with a smartphone or tablet computer with GPS that interacts with Open Street Maps for precise navigation. ...

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The ASSAM project aims to compensate for declining physical and cognitive capabilities of elderly persons by user-centred development of modular navigation assistants for various mobility platforms, such as walker, wheelchair, and tricycle, enabling sustained everyday mobility and autonomy with seamless transition from indoors to outdoors in environments such as residential complexes, the neighbourhood quarter, or touristic areas. Modular assistance systems provide obstacle avoidance, navigational aid, cognitive assistance for visual impairment, and security by connection to a care centre in emergency situations.

Expected results and impact

Hardware and software variants of the mobility assistants (Navigation Aid, Driving Aid, Navigation Assistant) for the walker, wheelchair, and tricycle platforms will be developed and marketed within two years after the project end. Affordable add-on hardware for the platform-independent Navigation Aid, easily adaptable to non-electric wheelchairs and walkers by many manufacturers, will achieve a high market penetration. The ASSAM Forum will be set up for enterprises such as shopping centres, hotels, hospitals, airports or cities who intend to buy mobility assistants in numbers to rent to their clients for sharing.


Partners involved in the ASSAM project

Organization Type Country Website
DFKI GmbH R&D Germany
Budelmann Elektronik End User Germany
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. End User Germany
neusta mobile solutions GmbH R&D Germany
Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya R&D Spain
Centre de vida independent SME / End User Spain
Utrecht School of the Arts R&D The Netherlands
Stichting Bartiméus SME / End User The Netherlands
Ecobike R&D Spain
Lifante Vehicles, S.A. SME Spain
  • Project name: Assistants for Safe Mobility – ASSAM
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH)
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.979.164
  • Public contribution: € 2.039.942


Prof. Dr. Bernd Krieg-Brückner


T.: +49 421 218 64220


COM’ON addresses the perceived orientation/navigation challenges and special needs that older persons experience throughout the whole chain of travel, using public transportation. COM’ON will exploit ...

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The overall objective for COM’ON s to develop, test and deploy a digital platform and associated services for public transportation, which offer coping support to older persons – having mild to moderate problems with moving around. COM’ON will enhance their sense of self-efficacy through:

  • Confidence and autonomy, through specific mobility information;
  • Competence, by designing interfaces reflecting mental resources;
  • Security and safety through access to assistance.

Expected results and impact

The COM’ON platform and associated services will increase user’s experience of independence, confidence and save resources through the increased use of public transport. Family members will be able to support their relatives, and encourage them to maintain their mobility and increase their self-reliance. Help elderly to stay longer in their own homes, reducing public sector cost deriving from nursing homes etc.


Partners involved in the COM’ON project

Organization Type Country Website
Copenhagen Living Lab SME Denmark
Xtel SME Denmark
Laurea University of Applied Sciences R&D Finland
Nearparent Oy SME Finland
Enthoven Associates SME Belgium
Concept Factory SME Luxembourg
City of Luxembourg End User Luxembourg
  • Project name: Confident motion, COM’ON
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Copenhagen Living Lab, Denmark
  • Duration: 28 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.698.711
  • Public contribution: € 1.444.665


Thomas Hammer-Jakobsen


T.: +45 2023 2205


CONFIDENCE offers a location-augmented voice channel (care persons are able to assist lost patients with voice instructions in order to bring them back to well-known places), a virtual video channel ...

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The aim of CONFIDENCE is to develop a community-based mobility safeguarding assistance service for people suffering from mild to moderate dementia. CONFIDENCE combines “assistive technologies” with “personal help”. The CONFIDENCE service is built around a “virtual companion” providing different levels of assistance, depending on the situational needs of the patient and the degree of orientation loss. The service is supplemented with personal help from family members, staff of home care agencies and/or trusted volunteers.

Expected results and impact

From a technical point of view, the expected outcome of CONFIDENCE is a mobility safeguarding assistance service running on a smartphone. It consists of a location-augmented voice service, a virtual video service, a location tracking service and a mobile community service. The technical solution is supplemented by an innovative, cooperative service model, which involves all relevant stakeholders of home care. CONFIDENCE aims at designing, implementing, testing and validating the technical solution as well as the service model.


Partners involved in the CONFIDENCE project

Organization Type Country Website
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. R&D Austria
iHomeLab, Hochschule Luzern R&D Switzerland
Raiffeisenlandesbank Kaernten -Rechenzentrum und Revisionsverband, reg. Gen.m.b.H. Large Industry Austria
ilogs mobile software GmbH SME Austria
Presence displays bv. SME Netherlands
Ralph Eichenberger Szenografie Cinematografie Fotografie SME Switzerland
Hilfswerk Salzburg End User Austria
terzStiftung End User Switzerland
Ana Aslan International Foundation/Academy of Ageing End User Romania
Swisscom Participations Ltd Large Industry Switzerland
  • Project name: Mobility Safeguarding Assistance Service with Community Functionality for People with Dementia – CONFIDENCE
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.820.158
  • Public contribution: € 1.526.321,49


Cornelia Schneider


T.: +43/662/2288-418


Supporting outdoor activities is a fast growing and important field in the area of software and hardware development. Taking into account, that outdoor activities become a more and more important ...

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Taking into account, that outdoor activities become a more and more important part of the lives of elderly people it stands for a self-determined life to be able to practise outdoor activities irrespective of one’s age and constitution. Outdoor activities contribute largely to the health and well-being of the elderly and improve their quality of life.

The demographic changes in the next years show a significant growth of the elderly population within Europe. A commercial roll out of the developed system can contribute to a better health, enabling elderly people to keep up their mobility.

Expected results and impact

The expected result is a system which is deployed as an app on selected, outdoor-suitable mobile devices. The app includes a hiking guide, high quality route information and basic safety system, which constantly checks the surrounding conditions (weather, daylight) for critical situations. The app is connected to an emergency centre which is notified in critical situations and, based on the location information, can send out rescue teams. Notifications can be triggered manually or using a built-in tracking tool, which works on reaching preliminary defined GPS control points along the tour.


Partners involved in the DOSSy project

Organization Type Country Website
University of St. Gallen R&D Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen R&D Switzerland
Curena AG SME Switzerland
Augmentra Ltd. SME United Kingdom
Bergverlag Rother GmbH SME Germany
German Red Cross Herten End User Germany
Schweizer Alpen Club (SAC) End User Switzerland
  • Project name: Digital Outdoor And Safety System (DOSSy)
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: University of St. Gallen, Institute of Information Management
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.08.2012
  • Total budget: € 1.568.577,10
  • Public contribution: € 733.757,90


Peter Schenkel


T.: +41 71 224 3795


The solution will be based on a combination of existing and future open mobile platforms, an IP connected server platform and a home security sensor network. Applications for these will be developed ...

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The proposal aims at enabling integral outdoor and indoor localisation and mobility services for elderly people with age-related sensory (visual, auditory) and cognitive (memory) impairments that help them in their daily routine activities far from home. Special attention will be given to key activities for their autonomous living (e.g. shopping, banking) and with a particular societal benefit (e.g. accompanying grandchildren); procuring active and convenient engagement of all relevant stakeholders (relatives, health-social-security services, establishments).

Expected results and impact

The aim to create an open platform in E-MOSION highlights the need and wish of the consortium to be compatible to or even better reuse other open AAL platforms, such as universAAL. As AIT is partner in universAAL there will be the possibility for a close collaboration and thus the chance to enable a European AAL ecosystem for the creation of market solutions. E-MOSION offers a suite of services delivered in an innovative business model that offers an unprecedented value proposition. Exploitation and utilisation is possible on two fronts – businesses and primary users.


Partners involved in the E-MOSION project

Organization Type Country Website
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria
Noldus Information Technology BV SME Netherlands
INERTIA Technology SME Netherlands
Unie KBO End User Netherlands
  • Project name: E-MOSION: Elderly friendly MObility Services for Indoor and Outdoor sceNarios
  • Website: 
  • Coordinator: Integrasys S.A. (Spain)
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.413.672,80
  • Public contribution: € 1.538.170,00


José Manuel Sánchez Delgado


T.: +34 916316846



The overall work plan is organised in 6 workpackages which comprise the following: 1) WP1 (End users and scenarios): Setting up and managing a stakeholder pool with ethical considerations so the ...

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EXO-LEGS is aimed at developing lower body mobility exoskeletons for helping people move around to perform normal daily living tasks. The motions include tasks such as standing up, sitting down, straight walking on flat ground, stepping over objects, walking on soft and uneven ground, walking up- and down-stairs, etc. EXO-LEGS will develop theoretical and modular frameworks able to realise prototype devices that can be useful for assisting human mobility. Basic, Standard and Deluxe exoskeleton prototypes (half- and full- models) will be designed, developed and tested in the five target EU countries.

Expected results and impact

The project targets research to AAL scenarios requiring simple, standard and difficult mobility solutions for maximising the impact so that logical commercialisation can follow together with making advances in key scientific areas. Commercial exoskeleton products which are reliable, affordable and compliant to the ISO 13482 safety standard for exoskeletons will be focused upon. Once these solutions are available, other user segments will be able to benefit, namely, handicapped persons, overweight people, etc to increase the impact further. An EXO-LEGS Consortium Agreement has been signed for commercialising in both medical and non-medical sectors.


Partners involved in the EXO-LEGS project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Gävle R&D Sweden
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology R&D Germany
Universidad Politécnica de Cartegena R&D Spain
Chas A Blatchford & Sons Limited SME United Kingdom
Hocoma AG SME Switzerland
GIGATRONIK Technologies GmbH SME Germany
MRK Systeme GmbH SME Germany
Proyecto Control Montaje, S.L. SME Spain
Mobile Robotics Sweden AB SME Sweden
Gävle kommun and other Gävleborg partners End User Sweden
  • Project name: Exoskeleton Legs for Elderly Persons (EXO-LEGS)
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: University of Gävle, Sweden
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2012
  • Total budget: €4.559.117
  • Public contribution: €2.776.346


Professor Gurvinder S. Virk


T.: +46 26 648704


Lily project focuses on well-being services for self-serve supporting environment according to third age people needs from the viewpoint of ICT and taking account the whole human life-cycle. The ...

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LILY is focusing on the improvement of the quality of life, autonomy, participation in social life, skills and employability through a transportable adapted home environment for a self serve of daily living activities. LILY aims at putting the technology at the service of three dimensions of users: the single individual older persons, persons in direct contact with their professional care and social workers as well as family members, together with the institutions and private organisations paying and enabling services that are public sector, social security or insurance companies.

Expected results and impact

LILY will prototype the needed products and services. Pre-industrial prototypes of the products, validated in 2 pilot sites will be available at the end of the project. The expected benefits: for older persons, the increase of the quality of life, independent living and better decision taking ability. For the helpers: communication efficiency, increase cost-benefit standards. For the SMEs and service providers: advanced products demanded by users and a big market opportunity. As an outcome a set of business models are created which are easy to replicate to new sites.


Partners involved in the LILY project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Oulu R&D Finland
Oulu University of Applied Sciences R&D Finland
Technical University of Vienna R&D Austria
Siperia Systems Oy SME Finland Pandora--Service.Management.Software.for.Elderly.Care.pdf
VISAGE Camera-Contact SA SME France
The Districal Joint Municipal Authority of Health Care in Raahe, Siikajoki, Pyhäjoki and Vihanti End User Finland
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Creuse area End User France
  • Project name: Advanced Support for Independent Living; Human Life Cycle Approach in Senior Housing – LILY
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: University of Oulu, Raahe unit, Finland
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.12.2011
  • Total budget: € 1.937.854
  • Public contribution: € 1.333.553


Pekka Ala-Siuru


T.: +358 40 1977688


The primary end-users of the Mylife service are older persons with reduced cognitive abilities, and the secondary end-users are formal or informal caregivers. The service-model in the targeted areas ...

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The objective of Mylife is to support independence for older people with reduced cognitive function by giving them access to simple and intuitive services that are adapted to their individual needs and wishes. The ambition of the Mylife project is to provide network-based access to, and management of, commercially and/or freely available software, and activities managed from the secondary end-uses’ locations enabling the primary end-users to access Mylife applications remotely via the internet. The final service offered by Mylife supports time-orientation, communication and recreational activities.

Expected results and impact

MyLife help

The expected outcome of Mylife for the primary end-users will be (1) increased independence and well-being in home environments, (2) decreased social isolation and thereby increased participation, (3) stimulation of cognitive abilities, and (4) self-services based on Internet-enabled applications. For the secondary end-users, the outcomes are: (1) simple and inspiring user instructions and (2) reduced stress caused by worries, repeated questions and calls, as well as passivity. Mylife will also create new business opportunities for SMEs and enable a greater uptake of electronic self-services.


Partners involved in the Mylife project

Organization Type Country Website
Karde AS SME / Large Industry Norway
Tellu AS SME / Large Industry Norway
Forget-me-not AS SME / Large Industry Norway
Sidsel Bjørneby Sole Proprietorship SME / Large Industry Norway
Housing21 End User United Kingdom
Trent Dementia Services and Development Centre End User United Kingdom
Berlin Institute for Social Research R&D Germany
  • Project name: Multimedia technology for independence and participation for people with dementia
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Karde AS, Norway
  • Duration: 20 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2011
  • Total budget: € 1.059.973
  • Public contribution: € 620.335


Dr. Riitta Hellman


T.: +47-98211200


OsteoLink is the first online and in-person social network dedicated to osteoporosis in Europe and Australia. In Summer 2009, a multi-national survey commissioned by the University of Geneva, the ...

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  • OsteoLink was successfully created and launched in 2010
  • Osteolink went live in Austria and Sweden in December 2010
  • A total of 1,900 unique users from 16 countries (02-04/2011)
  • OsteoLink provides a range of educational materials that is scientifically validated and credible.
  • To date, 108 unique media articles have featured OsteoLink and the survey data. These have reached audiences throughout Europe and Australia.
  • 13 IOF member societies from 9 countries are actively engaged in the pilot programme.
  • In 2011, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Portugal, Spain, Greece and France will go live.

Expected results and impact

  • Create the first online and in-person osteoporosis community that operates at the global and country level, addressing the educational and support needs of osteoporosis patients in Europe and Australia
  • Provide tools for better communication for people with osteoporosis and health professionals to help improve adherence
  • Encourage better dialogue among people with osteoporosis, healthcare professionals, friends and families
  • Inform the osteoporosis community about OsteoLink and its role in improving communication


Partners involved in the OsteoLink project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Bone Diseases R&D Switzerland
International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) SME Switzerland
Amgen (Europe) GmbH Large Industry Switzerland
Hill & Knowlton SME United Kingdom www.Hill&
Action for Healthy Bones (AHB) End User Austria
Syzygy SME United Kingdom
  • Project name: OsteoLink (T-Break)
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: International Osteoporosis Foundation – Switzerland
  • Duration: 20 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2010
  • Total budget: € 1.536.668
  • Public contribution€ 411.254


Victoria Monti


T.: +41 22 994 01 22

Laurence Triouleyre


T.: +41 22 994 01 22

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