The challenge of the project consists in a complete system of management of the services that can be provided in an assisted living facility, via a single intereface – EMILIO – triggered by a vocal ...

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The EMILIO Project will enhance self-reliance and will counteract social isolation of elderly clients living in assisted facilities. It will manage a comprehensive set of web services, supporting various use cases to increase their Comfort, Vitality and Safety. Web services are delivered in an intuitive way, fit for use by the target audience. To this aim, an IoT (Internet of Things) infrastructure is deployed in the premise that monitors the client’s Daily Activities and interacts vocally with the person when needed.

Expected Results and Impact:

The EMILIO project will deliver a new system of recognition of the needs of elderly people living in an assisted living facility, triggered by the combination of a vocal interface and the observation of daily activities. This input will communicate to the EMILIO platform, that will connect to relevant web services in an intuitive an simple way. The EMILIO platform will have a large impact on elderly, supporting them in the management of their daily activities and communicate with other people, loved and friends, in a simple way.

Project Partners

Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing End-Users Italy www.inrca.it
Solving Team SRL SME Italy www.solvingteam.it/
ICT Factory GmbH SME Switzerland www.ictfactory.ch/
Erdmann Design AG SME Switzerland www.erdmann.ch
Magicview SME Belgium www.magicview.tv
ePoint SME Belgium www.webdisplay.be/point/HTML/index.html
Vulpia VZW End-Users Belgium www.vulpia.be/
Institute of Space Science, INFLPR Subsidiary R&D Romania www2.spacescience.ro
Transilvania University of Brasov R&D Romania www.unitbv.ro
  • Project name: Increase sElf Management and counteract  social IsoLatIOn using a vocal assistant enabled virtual concierge (EMILIO)
  • Coordinator: Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (Italy)
  • Website: www.emilio-aal.eu
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting Date: 01/02/2022
  • Total budget: € 3 162 745
  • Public contribution: € 1 656 758


Mirko di Rosa

E.:  m.dirosa@inrca.it

T.: +390718004604


A core aspect of the project is its execution by an iterative development process supporting co-design and co-creation. This will enhance the end-user’s/older person’s capacity to understand the ...

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Likelihood of negative effects from aging can be reduced with life-style interventions that promote an active, positive, and social life. However, knowing which, when, and how to deliver these interventions is difficult. The focus of this proposal is to support older people at home in managing their healthy lifestyle using a social robot with unobtrusive AI technology and Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAI). We will integrate emotion analysis and intervention software modules on an open source robot system. In addition, we will investigate the user requirements for such a system to fit the the older population.

Expected Results and Impact:

We will deliver a report on multifaceted requirements for robot support system (ROSS) from the older user perspective, and design guidelines with user scenarios for an AI-based emotion detection and behaviour change support system for social robots at home. We will develop a FaceReader SDK for Linux with innovative emotions estimations. We will integrate the user-centered design guidelines and innovative software into a demonstrator system that can deliver JITAs to older adults in predetermined scenarios. This project can help bring affordable social robots to the market to help people age well.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
VicarVision SME Netherlands www.vicarvision.nl
Salzburg Research R&D Austria www.salzburgresearch.at
Happy Aging, In4care SME Belgium www.in4care.be/happy-aging
Sigmund Freud University R&D Austria www.sfu.ac.at
50plus End-users Austria www.50pluscenter.at
KempenLIFE End-users Netherlands www.kempenlife.nl
  • Project name: AI-based Emotion Detection and Behaviour Change Robot Support System to Benefit Ageing Well  (AID2BeWell)
  • Coordinator: VicarVision (Netherlands)
  • Website: www.aid2bewell.eu (under construction)
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Starting Date: 02/02/2022
  • Total budget: € 453 986
  • Public contribution: € 298 877


Tess den Uyl

E.: Tess@vicarvision.nl

T.: +31 647158190/ +31 020 5300315


The project objective is to enable older adults living alone to stay independent for longer in their own – not home – but SMART home. To achieve this and truly cater for the majority of older adults ...

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The AAL4All project aims to democratise the healthcare system by enabling and empowering next-of-kin caregivers to implement digital care monitoring solutions for prevention and improved quality of living for their older adults. The solution provides a Smart Home digital infrastructure as the non-stigmatizing early entry-level offer with the capability to add on digital Care Monitoring services and adapt to changing needs ‘as-a-Service’ over time, including the implementation of voice agent and first responder services via professional care providers.

Expected Results and Impact:

The consortium expects to have a game-changing solution ready for commercialisation by the end of the project, which will be based on non-medical smart home devices enriched with AI and learning care monitoring algorithms for informal and formal caregivers. In
addition to the financial impact shortly after project completion, we expect a significant impact on the quality-of-life for the majority of older adults living alone, and not least their informal next-of-kin caregivers in terms of peace of mind. The targeted non-obtrusive
and non-stigmatizing solution design will also have an ethical impact for the older adults.

Project partners

Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Anyware Solutions ApS SME Denmark https://anyware.solutions/
exthex GmbH SME Austria https://www.exthex.com/
Hochschule LuzerniHomeLab R&D Switzerland https://www.ihomelab.ch
Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra End-users Portugal www.caritascoimbra.pt/
Fundatia Ana Aslan International End-users Romania www.anaaslanacademy.ro/
bonacasa AG SME Switzerland www.bonacasa.ch/
Blaeksrutten End-users Denmark www.blaeksprutten.dk/
  • Project name: AAL4All
  • Website: www.aal4all.com
  • Coordinator: AnyWare Solutions (Denmark)
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting Date01/01/2022
  • Total budget: € 2 100  000
  • Public contribution: € 1 400 000


Morten Bremild

E.: mbr@anyware.solutions

T.: +41762958560


RecoveryFun will develop, test among end-users, and commercialize a new solution for a personalized home rehabilitation composed by: A. A set of exergames for people with rehabilitation needs based ...

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RecoveryFun ambition is to enhance rehabilitation opportunities for people with chronic health conditions  that today are receiving sub-optimal care. Our proposal goes beyond a disease-centered approach, and addresses also frailty prevention. Indeed, increasing the level of activities of older adults is the most effective strategy for improving the health profile of the communities, thanks to the reduction of frailty states in the older adults’ population.


Expected Results and Impact:

Leverage the telehealth paradigm and increase the possibility for seniors to perform remotely supervised home-rehabilitation. By doing so, RecoveryFun  will improve quality of life (QoL) for primary (senior using the system) and secondary end users (non-professional caregivers), improve quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of care work (secondary users). Ultimately our solution will provide new ways to deliver cost-effective care (a relevant impact for the managers of the care organization, tertiary end users of the project)

Project partners

Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
IRCCS INRCA R&D Italy www.inrca.it
Tech4Care Srl SME Italy www.tech4care.it
Hochschule Luzern – iHomeLab R&D Switzerland www.ihomelab.ch
ZURZACH Care End-users Switzerland www.zurzachcare.ch
Canary Technology Innovations SRL SME Romania www.canarytech.ro
Unmatched BV Business Belgium www.unmatched.eu
Trainm NV End-users Belgium www.trainm.com
  • Project name: An integrated VR-based tele-rehabilitation platform to support RECOVERY and maintenance of FUNctional abilities among seniors (RecoveryFun)
  • Website: www.recoveryfun.eu
  • Coordinator: IRCCS INRCA (Italy)
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting Date: 01/01/2022
  • Total budget: € 2,540,664
  • Public contribution: € 1,290,039


Lorena Rossi

E.: L.ROSSI@inrca.it

T.: +39 071/8004893


On average will 30% of people aged 65 or older experience one fall a year, making this a huge burden for healthcare systems and society. Due to the inactivity in most elderly people, they have poor ...

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As more senior citizens in our society, innovative solutions are needed. Many solutions and products today are based on when the damage has occurred. Still, with PRECISE, we develop a solution before the elderly become too insecure and the falls are a burden for society. The PRECISE project aims to create a solution that takes information about the types of aids the elderly have and how great a need for care is for the elderly. Combining that knowledge, thereby developing a solution that helps the nursing staff see the little red flags that the aids are, and thereby can take action on it.

Expected results and impact

  • A Reduction of the risk of falling up to 25 %
  • Maximize the control of daily activities by elderlies by 20-30 %
  • Decrease the time spent by the professional and informal caregiver in care home care assistance in 79 min/week/elder after 12 weeks of proactive training
  • Reduce care expenditures related to people falling up to 25 %.

Below these numbers, it is for the elderly citizens that they become more self-reliant, for greater independence and a better quality of life.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
ROOS health B.V. SME The Netherlands www.roos.health
Aarhus Universitet R&D Denmark www.au.dk
Aalborg Kommune End-users Denmark www.aalborg.dk
Bydel Sagene Oslo Kommune End-users Norway www.oslo.kommune.no
Istituto Nazionale di Riposo e Cura Per Anziani R&D Italy www.inrca.it/inrca/
Fundacja na Miejscu R&D Poland www.namiejscu.org
Stichting Thuiszorg West-Brabant End-users The Netherlands www.twb.nl
  • Project name: Preact to lower the risk of failing by customized rehabilitation (PRECISE)
  • Website: www.precaise.eu
  • Coordinator: DigiRehab A/S, Denmark
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.01.2022.
  • Total budget: € 1 260 000
  • Public contribution: € 965 000


Niels Heuer

E.: niels@digirehab.dk

T.: +45 2272 7220


Initially considered a normal effect of aging, mild cognitive impairment is a syndrome that affects older adults (not only) and causes changes and decline of their cognitive abilities. To manage such ...

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The goal of the engAGE project is to combat and slow down cognitive decline progression, to enhance the intrinsic capacity of the users, and to support the wellbeing of older adults with mild cognitive impairment by providing an ecosystem of services that integrates: (1) holistic monitoring of the ability to conduct activities of daily living and wellbeing, (2) machine learning-based cognitive decline evaluation and (3) coaching, cognitive stimulation and social interaction using social robots.

Expected Results and Impact:

engAGE will contribute to combating and slowing down cognitive decline progression, and to supporting the wellbeing of older persons with mild cognitive impairment. Older adults can be benefited by maintaining / improving their cognitive function and thus, their ability to live independently for longer. Family caregivers can have an objective measure to monitor their loved one’s cognitive progress. Healthcare professionals involved in different care organizations may significantly improve their practice efficacy, using the system as a constant source for patients’ cognitive performance data.

Project partners

Partners in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca R&D Romania www.utcluj.ro/en/
Iris Robotics SME Romania ww.irisrobotics.ro/#
Tellu AS Large Enterprise Norway www.tellu.no/
Karde AS SME Norway www.karde.no/
University Hospitals of Geneva End Users Switzerland www.hug-ge.ch/sciences-information-medicale/equipe-du-service-sciences-information-medicale
IRCCS INRCA End Users Italy www.inrca.it/
  • Project name: Managing cognitivE decliNe throuGh theatre therapy, Artificial intelligence and social robots drivEn interventions (engAGE)
  • Website: https://engage-aal-project.eu/
  • Coordinator: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting Date1/12/2021
  • Total budget: € 1 900 000
  • Public contribution: € 1 300 000


Dr. Ionut Anghel

E.: ionut.anghel@cs.utcluj.ro

T.: +40723353899


COTIDIANA project will be co-designed with end-users and stakeholders. The project starts with ethnographic and participatory research with with patients, informal carers, and clinicians, as well as ...

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COTIDIANA will develop a mobile solution to support clinical care and drug trials of older adults with rheumatic conditions. Patients will use the smartphone in ambulatory conditions to report their experiences, symptoms/signs, and quality of life. Drawing on the smartphone’s built-in sensors and logs, we will be able to objectively track digital endpoints focused on hand dexterity (as an indicator for function or disease activity), gait and physical activity (as an indicator for mobility, fatigue and pain), and sociability patterns (as an indicator of mental health and wellbeing).

Expected Results and Impact:

COTIDIANA will develop a system that holistically characterises the health state of older adults with rheumatic conditions. When used in clinical practice, the system will improve the clinical care of these patients, as it will provide clinicians with more accurate information on the state of their patients as they leave the clinic. Drug trials will also be improved as the system will provide richer data points for making decisions.

Project partners

Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research R&D Portugal www.aicos.fraunhofer.pt/
Mag. Andreas Raffeiner GmbH SME Austria www.studien-monitor.at/en
Medizinische Universität Wien R&D Austria www.meduniwien.ac.at/web/
Pryv SA SME Switzerland www.pryv.com/
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa End-Users Portugal www.unl.pt/en
  • Project name: Mobile Patient-centred System to Improve Drug Trials and Care of Older-adults with Rheumatic Diseases (COTIDIANA)
  • Website: https://cotidiana.eu
  • Coordinator: Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research
  • Duration: 28 months
  • Starting Date: 01/04/2021
  • Total budget: € 1 920 383,00
  • Public contribution: € 1 228 400,25


Francisco Nunes

E.: francisco.nunes@fraunhofer.pt

T.: +351 220 430 328


Within the Got-IT project, experts on eHealth, health inequalities and user-centred design work together creating a toolkit to guide the design and development of inclusive eHealth solutions. Divided ...

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The correctly interact with, and make use of the full potential of eHealth solutions, older adults must have at least a limited level of health-, traditional-, and digital-literacy. When this is not in place, there is a risk that the older adult will ignore or even take prejudicial action when they do not clearly understand the information that is being communicated. The Got-IT project will respond to the need for inclusive and understandable eHealth solutions by developing a toolkit that supports the design of understandable, actionable, and inspiring eHealth applications for older adults with low eHealth literacy.

Expected Results and Impact:

Health solutions developed with the Got-IT toolkit will improve health- and digital literacy, closing the health disparities gap and digital divide, and thus reducing the costs caused by health inequalities and promoting social innovation. Additionally, Got-IT will promote the social inclusion of a group that is often neglected in the development of (health) technology – older adults with low eHealth literacy. For the caregivers of the older adults (secondary users), Got-IT will help improve the quality of the care provided by broadening the range of eHealth tools that they can use with the older adults they care for.

Project partners

Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Roessingh Research and Development SME Netherlands www.rrd.nl
Pharos Expertisecentrum Gezondheidsverschillen End-users Netherlands www.pharos.nl
TU Wien: Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology- Human Computer Interaction Group R&D Austria www.igw.tuwien.ac.at/hci
Johanniter Ostereich Ausbildung und Forschung gemeinnutzige GmbH R&D Austria www.johanniter.at
Danish Committee for Health Education R&D Denmark ww.dche.eu
  • Project name: A toolkit for inclusive and understandable lifestyle data visualizations in eHealth solutions (Got-IT)
  • Website: www.got-it-toolkit.eu
  • Coordinator: Roessingh Research and Development (Netherlands)
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Starting Date: 1/04/2021
  • Total budget: € 375 811
  • Public contribution: € 276 315


Dr. Lex van Velsen

E.:  l.vanvelsen@rrd.nl

T.: +31.880875777



The project starts with initial activities to raise awareness and will directly address and involve stakeholders in the (semi-) public sector e.g. social care and recreational services for seniors, ...

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The project develops and evaluates new types of supportive, autonomy promoting, smart toilet solutions for ageing people and persons of all ages with impairments/disabilities.

There is a lack of such smart self-adapting toilets which are able to adapt to individual needs automatically. The project aims at empowering old and disabled people to leave home and participate in societal life by providing self-adapting toilets outside home in public or semi-public environments (e.g. in community centres, town halls, shopping malls, museums, theatres, hotels, leisure and sports areas etc.).

Expected Results and Impact:

This new type of toilet support in the new application area of (semi-)public places, will contribute to the active life of older and impaired persons, including wheelchair users and bariatric persons, making it easier for them to leave home and participate in social activities outside home knowing that accessible and personalised toilets optimised for their needs and wishes are available. This supports autonomy and participation and also increases safety during the use of the toilet. T4ME2 is applicable to multiple contexts, from newly built barrier-free toilets up to the recently proposed bigger Changing Places toilets (mostly in UK).

Project Partners

Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
TU Wien (Vienna Univ. of Technology) R&D Austria www.igw.tuwien.ac.at/hci/
CareCenter Software GmbH SME Austria www.carecenter.at/
Stichting Gouden Dagen End Users The Netherlands www.goudendagen.nl/
Zorggroep Heilig Hart End Users Belgium www.h-hart.be/
BEIA Consult International SME Romania www.beiaro.eu/
On Site Foundation End Users Poland www.namiejscu.org/
Sanmedi bv SME The Netherlands www.sanmedi.nl/
cogvis software & consulting GmbH SME Austria www.cogvis.at/
Sanitronics International B.V. SME The Netherlands www.sanitronics.eu/
Santis Kft SME Hungary www.santis.org/
  • Project name: Toilet for me too, supporting active living in (semi-) public environments by suitable toilets (T4ME2)
  • Website: http://toiletforme.com/, http://toilet4me-project.eu/t4me2.html
  • Coordinator: TU Wien (Vienna Univ. of Technology)
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting Date: 01/03/2021
  • Total budget: € 249 000 000
  • Public contribution:


Paul Panek

E.: t4me2@fortec.tuwien.ac.at

T.: +43 1 58801 187713

CoSoPhy FX

Three  startups  (Senopi,  SenX,  TMMC)  enter  the  project  with  prototypes  of  their  innovative solutions for: a) providing Virtual Reality (VR) experiences to seniors, b) VR motion-­‐tracking ...

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This project is developing an online service to provide scientifically validated virtual reality activities for high-­‐functioning seniors and prolong their functional independence. It addresses multiple issues for numerous stakeholders; most importantly: a) the lack of engaging exercise programs featuring proven, well-­‐documented beneficial effects, that seniors can participate in, on their own, at home; b) the remote monitoring of seniors’ cognitive and physical abilities by their family and doctors; c) optimising resources and revenue in rehabilitation clinics and senior care homes.

Expected Results and Impact:

The project is primarily expected to result in a service that improves certain cognitive and motor abilities in healthy seniors, thereby distancing them further from clinical thresholds for age-­‐related debilitation and prolonging their healthy life years. In parallel, the project is expected to demonstrate the positive financial effects such a service can have on the senior healthcare ecosystem, as well as to provide a platform for scientific research labs to increase their efficiency, monetise their research output and maximise their societal impact.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Senopi AG SME Switzerland www.senopi.com
Akademie Berlingen End Users Switzerland www.akademie-­‐berlingen.ch
Sensoryx AG SME Switzerland www.sensoryx.com
Medical University of Lodz R&D Poland www.en.umed.pl/
The Music Medicine Consultancy SME Austria www.tmmc.eu
CatoSenteret End Users Norway www.catosenteret.no
  • Project name: Bringing the beneficial cognitive, social and physical effects of immersive training to the high-­‐functioning senior home-­‐user (CoSoPhy FX)
  • Website: www.cosophy.com
  • Coordinator: Senopi AG
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Starting Date: 01/06/2021
  • Total budget: € 1,661,253.50
  • Public contribution: € 938,782.35


Karsten Kure Bagger

E-mail: karsten@senopi.com


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