WayFiS is the first route planning service for elderly people that considers both the pedestrian and public transportation mobility issues and that it is based on the existence of a wide range of ...

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The WayFiS project aims at improving the capability of seniors to plan, manage and execute travel and transportation projects at their own discretion by solving the problems elderly people cope with when trying to move in unknown outdoor environments, thus enabling them to take part in the self-serve society. The problems that are approached are mainly related to the access to information, sight problems, walking/motor abilities, cognitive abilities, associated health limitations, scarce availability of proper information (regarding transport adaptations, stations/stops accessibility) etc…

Expected results and impact

Way Fis

The product developed with WayFiS project will be constituted by a mobile interactive end-user application, delivered as a service, for elderly people that has been thought to be used with minimum intrusiveness for them and maximum benefit. First estimations of time to market (that may be modified after receiving users’ feedback) let us plan a needed period of 15 months after the finalisation of the project for the development of the first ready to market service. This final phase will consist in the development of the final product, final test users’ validation, marketing strategies, publication of the service in applications stores, advertising agreements.


Partners involved in the WayFiS project

Organization Type Country Website
HI-Iberia Ingenieria y Proyectos SL SME Spain www.hi-iberia.es
University of Geneva R&D Switzerland www.qol.unige.ch
ArxIT SA SME Switzerland www.arxit.com
CETIEX End User Spain www.cetiex.es
Bay Zoltán Foundation For Applied Research, Institute for Applied Telecommunication Technologies R&D Hungary www.bzlogi.hu
Teréz Anya Szociális Integrált Intézmény, Hévíz (HRS ) End User Hungary
  • Project name: WayFiS, Way Finding Seniors
  • Website: www.wayfis.eu
  • Coordinator: HI-IBERIA Ingeniería y Proyectos SL, Madrid, Spain
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2011
  • Total budget: € 1.497.410
  • Public contribution€ 962.526


Inmaculada Luengo

E.: iluengo@hi-iberia.es

T.: +34 91 458 98 23


By means of three different technologies, visual stimulation of mirror neurons in Alzheimer patients, an interactive agenda or diary and a movement monitoring system, people with dementia will be ...

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To demonstrate that by using of ICT people with dementia can:

  •  be visually stimulated to walk and eat better than before
  •  plan, perform and control daily activities
  • monitored in their movement patterns

In order to:

  • preserve and improve their cognitive functions as long as possible
  • stay in control of their life with help of informal and formal care when needed.

Expected results and impact

  • sustaining or improving cognitive functions in dementia patients by stimulating mirror neurons
  •  improved personal control over daily routines (supporting independence)
  •  increase in unrest behaviour and use of medication
  •  less demand on formal and informal care
  • assessing the development of dementia by monitoring movement patterns with sensor technology


Partners involved in the ALFA project

Organization Type Country Website
Woonzorg Unie Veluwe End User Netherlands www.wzuveluwe.nl
VU University Amsterdam in partnership with TU University of Delft R&D Netherlands www.psy.vu.nl
Alzheimer Nederland End User Netherlands www.alzheimer-nederland.nl
T3LAB R&D Italy www.t3lab.it
NoemaLife SME Italy www.noemalife.com
EXEL SME Italy www.exelmicroel.com
Iniciativas Comunitarias de Desarrollo Estepa Sierra Sur SME Spain
Mondragon University R&D Spain www.mondragon.edu
  • Project name: Active Living For Alzheimer-patients -ALFA
  • Website: www.aal-alfa.eu
  • Coordinator: HabiPro commissioned by Woonzorg Unie Veluwe
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.01.2012
  • Total budget: € 2.162.987,24
  • Public contribution€ 1.321.540,24


Eric Schlangen

E.: ericschlangen@habipro.nl

T.: +31650254686


The main areas of AAL are assessed by the AmCo project. Project work will be done in two sequential phases. In the beginning of the first phase, two existing AAL systems will be presented by the ...

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The aim of AmCo is to develop a new, innovative and integrated standard‑AAL-platform to enhance the quality of life and help all and especially elder people coping with every-day life, like bed‑linen‑changing‑, cleaning‑ or party‑services. Therefore smart living services are offered, adjusted to the needs of the individual. Communication should be endowed, advocated and inspirited, i.e. by easily video-conferencing and digital black boards. Furthermore the individual safety is increased, i.e. by automatic cooker-deactivation or in-house emergency calls. So the individual potentials can be brought into action.

Expected results and impact

Developing a new standard AAL-platform is the main purpose of the AmCo Project, therefore the AmCo Platform is the most remarkable result of the project. Another result will be the academic evaluation of the pattern-of-use categorised by demographic respectively geographic parameters, which can be consulted in future AAL projects. Furthermore the evaluation can be used to design service portfolios for new applications.  Moreover the utilisation of the AmCo-platform will help elderly people living in their own homely ambience as long as possible with as little inpatient health care as possible.


Partners involved in the AmCo project

Organization Type Country Website
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz End User Germany www.drk-bitburg-pruem.de
FACO Immobilien GmbH End User Germany www.faco.de
Fraunhofer-Institut für Software und Systemtechnik ISST R&D Germany www.isst.fraunhofer.de
BEKO Engineering & Informatik AG Competence Center Smart Home Solutions Large Industry Austria www.smarthome.ag
Wincasa AG Immobilien-Dienstleistungen Large Industry Switzerland www.wincasa.ch
Competence Center Independent Living University of St. Gallen R&D Switzerland il.iwi.unisg.ch
  • Project name: Ambient Concierge, AmCo
  • Website: www.ambient-concierge.eu
  • Coordinator: German Red Cross
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.11.2011
  • Total budget: € 2.620.726,85
  • Public contribution€ 1.427.109,00


Mario Pawlowski

E.: mario.pawlowski@drk-bitburg.de

T.: +49 65 61 / 60 20 – 51


Care@Home involve continuous, automatic and remote monitoring (e.g. by mobile phone/wireless / fixed sensors) of real time emergencies and lifestyle changes over time in order to manage the risks ...

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Care@Home is about enabling empowerment, wellness and social care services to the home of the elderly through interactive multimedia SmartTV. The idea is to enclose the social support system for the elderly and carry this as a personalised communication and service channel in their home. Whereby the technology provide a two-way communication for family, friends and care givers as well as entertainment and services for household, shopping and community information.

Expected results and impact

The progress beyond to the state-of-the-art of Care@Home project is that relevant technology regarding sensors, wireless networks, communication and multimedia is to be integrated in community driven products and services for the elderly, which are highly personalised and easy-to-use. Because of the easy accessible ‘design platform’ of Philips SmartTV, development new applications and services are in reach of many organisations and companies.


Partners involved in the Care@Home project

Organization Type Country Website
Delft University of Technology R&D Netherlands www.tudelft.nl
Philips Consumer Lifestyle Large Industry Netherlands www.philips.com
Singular Logic Romania / INTRAROM Large Industry Romania www.singularlogic.eu
Healthcare over Internet Protocol Community Interest Company SME United Kingdom www.hoip.eu
The Building Research Establishment R&D United Kingdom www.bre.co.uk
Mextal BV SME Netherlands www.mextal.com
National Elderly Foundation End User Netherlands www.ouderenfonds.nl
Living Lab Foundation End User Netherlands www.livinglab.nl
Actimage SME Luxembourg www.actimage.com
Bournemouth Borough Council End User United Kingdom www.bournemouth.gov.uk
  • Project name: CARE services advancing the social interaction, health wellness and well-being of elderly people AT HOME Care@Home
  • Website: www.careathome-project.eu
  • Coordinator: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 21.11.2011
  • Total budget: € 3.907.881,34
  • Public contribution€ 2.033.585,95


Jan-Marc Verlinden

E.: jan-marc@medvision360.com

T.: +31653785650


Bank4Elder project will develop and validate new interfaces for existing ways of banking. Each mode and technology will be: Web: Building new web pages will allow end users to choose between normal ...

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Bank4Elders is a project thought to help elder people using new banking modes: web, automated teller machine (ATM), TV and mobile phone just defining a new framework. Target users will be active European people aged over 50. As elderly people cannot enjoy these services with usually complex interfaces, we will develop new smart interfaces able to be customised and adapted to each user satisfying functional, accessibility, usability and aesthetic needs previously detected in different work groups with this elderly people.

Expected results and impact

We expect to exploit these interfaces/services  in four countries: Spain, Portugal, Italy and Germany;  moreover, as it is said, the interfaces will be easily adaptable to other banks so  they could be sold to any European bank. Thus, we have a potential market of 3900 banks and 76.5M elderly potential users. Brief estimated sales summary: 1st year – 6 banks and 76530 users; 2nd year – 12 banks and 229590 users; 3rd year – 24 banks and 382650 users; 4th year – 36 banks and 765300 users. However, due to the characteristics of banking sector, a more accurate estimation will be done next years.


Partners involved in the Bank4Elders project

Organization Type Country Website
VECTOR SF Large Industry SPAIN www.vectorsf.com
NUROMEDIA SME GERMANY www.nuromedia.com
NEW AMUSER SME ITALY www.newamuser.it
DIGINTEL SME ITALY www.digintel.it
  • Project name: Innovate Ways of Banking Designed for and by the Elderly / BANK4ELDER
  • Website: www.bank4elder.eu
  • Coordinator: Vector SF, Spain
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2011
  • Total budget: 1,723,108 €
  • Public contribution: 974,644 €


Jaime González Martín

E.: jagonzalez@vectorsf.com

T.: +34 911 830 654


ELDERHOP is creating a solution which runs on existing and future open source mobile and IP connected TV platforms. Mobile platforms and devices (both tablets and smartphones) will be selected based ...

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ELDERHOP wants to provide a complex easy-to use solution to improve the quality of life of elderly people. The objective is to develop, test, and make available a suite of open-source mobile and TV applications, which supports people above 65 in their important daily activities like shopping, using public transport, etc. The envisioned end product will facilitate the outdoors activity and navigation capabilities of the elderly, while decreasing their anxiety and stress levels. Our goal is to launch the service at the end of 2013, and reach 2% of the target population within 24 months after finishing the project.

Expected results and impact

The project intends to develop a complete end-to end solution to help elderly people in their daily activities outside of their homes. The solution will be available from app stores, and it will increase the sense of security, comfort, and self-esteem of elderly people through providing them easy-to use technologies. Further expected benefits include the increased digital inclusion of the elderly through user-friendly interfaces adapted to their needs, and the assistance provided to the elderly in the search for special deals and discounts (helping them to save money).


Partners involved in the ELDERHOP project

Organization Type Country Website
Mobility and Multimedia Coordination Office Nonprofit Ltd. SME Hungary www.mmklaszter.com
KIBU Innovation Nonprofit Ltd. SME Hungary www.kitchenbudapest.hu
HomeSys Media Ltd. SME Hungary hybridbox.tv
Center for Usability Research and Engineering R&D Austria www.cure.at
COOSS Marche End User Italy www.cooss.marche.it
Create-mediadesign GmbH SME Austria www.create.at
Intergrasys SA SME Spain www.integrasys-sa.com
  • Project name: Solution Assisting the Shop Hopping of Elderly – ELDERHOP
  • Website: www.elderhop.com
  • Coordinator: Mobility and Multimedia Coordination Office Nonprofit Ltd.
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.09.2011
  • Total budget: € 1.777.488
  • Public contribution: € 1.029.910,12


Barnabas Malnay

E.: barnabas.malnay@mmklaszter.com

T.: +36 30 930 3415


The ENTRANCE project gathers leading European research institutions, user organisations and SMEs. It focuses on the development of the ENTRANCE platform, which comprises a home terminal and a ...

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ENTRANCE is a multidisciplinary project with 8 partners from 4 European countries. The consortium consists of 2 research institutions, 2 user organisations and 4 SMEs. ENTRANCE will develop an innovative platform for trip planning, indoor and outdoor navigation and Internet service use. The platform will comprise a home terminal with a serious game and a multi-sensory mobile interface for navigation and way finding. The home and mobile technology will be usable and accessible. It will also help older adults maintain and develop their cognitive abilities. The technology will be tested in France and Austria.

Expected results and impact

The ENTRANCE platform will give more independence to older adults when using e-booking services and when navigating outdoors and indoors. It will not only be useful, usable and accessible, but will also help its users maintain and develop their cognitive abilities. The ENTRANCE platform will be tested with about 90 users aged 50 or more, at two test locations in Austria and France. The tests will be done iteratively, both in laboratory and in the field. The project will have a duration of 3 years, for an effort of 525 PM. The ENTRANCE platform could be brought to the market at the end of 2015.


Partners involved in the ENTRANCE project

Organization Type Country Website
Commisariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives R&D France www-list.cea.fr
Paris Lodron University of Salzburg R&D Austria www.icts.sbg.ac.at
Autonom’Lab End User France www.autonom-lab.com
50Plus GmbH End User Austria www.50plusgmbh.com
Geomobile GmbH SME Germany www.geomobile.de
GFTH Ltd. SME Hungary www.gfthu.com
Idées-3com SME France www.idees-3com.com
Splitted-Desktop Systems SME France www.splitted-desktop.com
  • Project name: Enabling Elderly People travel and Internet Access – ENTRANCE
  • Website: www.entrance.fr
  • Coordinator: CEA LIST, France
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.09.2011
  • Total budget: € 4.385.128
  • Public contribution: € 2.096.042


Margarita Anastassova

E.: margarita.anastassova@cea.fr

T.: +33 1 69 08 02 20


A key concept to GoldUI is the development and maintenance of a cloud-based secure user profile, which is intended to be maintained by a trusted relative or carer. The profile indicates the user’s ...

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The concept of GoldUI is focused on empowering the older individual, enabling them to access online “self serve” services and therefore to benefit from the digital world by using the familiar home technologies of domestic radio, TV and telephone augmented by a mobile smartphone interface when away from home.

By using content adaptation and personalisation techniques GoldUI will provide the elderly with access to a wide range of online services considering individual’s abilities and needs.

Expected results and impact

GoldUI impact is ensured through 1) Involvement of partners from Spain, UK and Italy, 2) Clustering with other projects and 3) Expected elderly potential market. The target market, 65-75 year-old people, is considered a potential market in continuous.

12-18 months after the end of the project, there will be a commercial launch. During this time, the prototype system will be upgraded such that “soft launch” will be feasible earlier to allow business partners to test the system.


Partners involved in the GoldUI project

Organization Type Country Website
HI-Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos S.L. SME Spain www.hi-iberia.es
XIM Ltd SME United Kingdom www.xim.co.uk
Tiscali Italia S.p.A. Large Industry Italy www.tiscali.it
Fundación para la eSalud (FeSalud) End User Spain www.fesalud.org
  • Project name: Adaptive Embedded Human Interfaces designed for older people
  • Coordinator: HI-Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos S.L.
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 18.07.2011
  • Total budget: € 1.537.726,76
  • Public contribution: € 807.656


Inmaculada Luengo

E.: iluengo@hi-iberia.es

T.: +34 91 458 51 19


The HOMEdotOLD project aims to provide a TV-based platform with cost-effective services that will be delivered in a personalised and intuitive way and will advance the social interaction of elderly ...

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HOMEdotOLD is an ICT-based project that uses the TV medium in order to deliver a number of cost-effective services to elderly people. The targeted services are expected to advance the social interaction of elderly people by bridging distances and reinforcing social voluntariness and activation, thus preventing isolation and loneliness.

The project main objectives are to provide a technological platform to provide services allowing the elderly to stay socially active and to bridging distances and supporting elderly people’s existing roles.


Expected results and impact

  • Personal motivation services, i.e. services for staying socially active, preventing loneliness and isolation, enabling voluntariness, motivation and activation;
  • Social networking services: i.e. services for bridging distances and supporting existing role;
  • The business plan for the deployment of the HOMEdotOLD  services;


Partners involved in the HOMEdotOLD project

Organization Type Country Website
SingularLogic S.A. SME Greece www.singularlogic.eu
A1 Telecom Austria Large Industry Austria www.telekom.at
Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. Large Industry Netherlands www.philips.com
TELETEL SA Large Industry Greece www.teletel.eu
SOLINET GmbH Telecommunications SME Germany www.solinet.com
LifeTool gemeinnuetzige GmbH SME Austria www.lifetool.at
National Foundation for the Elderly End User Netherlands www.ouderenfonds.nl
  • Project name: Home services advancing the social interaction of elderly people
  • Website: www.homedotold.eu
  • Coordinator: SingularLogic S.A. Information Systems and Software Applications
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2010
  • Total budget: € 3.305.458
  • Public contribution: € 1.763,817


Gianna Tsakou

E.: gtsakou@singularlogic.eu

T.: +30 210 6266151


The “Helping elders to live an active and socially connected life by involving them in the digital society” project addresses the objectives of the call by offering a 360 degree user ...

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The main objective of the proposed project is to provide the elderly people with the means of maintaining social relations by developing an easy to use and easy to understand communication platform with social and entertainment capabilities that can be easily upgraded with security and medical features. As a secondary objective we will address energy efficiency and the build-up of conscience by the elderly people, using the physical application and communication infrastructure to be put into place anyway, by providing information about the power consumption of the many devices at home, in an intuitive, entertaining and educative fashion.

Expected results and impact

The main goal is to develop a framework to facilitate the provision of relevant service on the relevant channel for households with elderly people. The inclusion of elderly people in the digital society has to begin with the most common channel and interface they are used to, the television, and then the applied types of communication channels may expand. Our goal is to enable elderly people and their family to share their everyday experiences and help them make use of existing and currently developed multimedia services to generate the sense of closeness and community belonging they are searching for.


Partners involved in the HELASCOL project

Organization Type Country Website
Meticube R&D Portugal www.meticube.com
Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) R&D Switzerland www.supsi.ch
Fondazione Casa per Anziani Giubiasco (FCPA) End User Switzerland www.fcpa.ch
Kecelcom Kft. SME Hungary kecelcom.hu
Kapsch Businesscom Kft. R&D Hungary www.kapsch.net
Kecel Local Government End User Hungary www.kecel.hu
  • Project name: HELASCOL – “Helping elders to live an active and socially connected life by involving them in the digital society”
  • Coordinator: Kecelcom Kft.
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 03.05.2012
  • Total budget:€ 1.492.120
  • Public contribution: € 1.132.870


E.: birocsak.attila@metacom.hu

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