FamConnector offers groundbreaking innovation in the area of inter-generational connectivity through its main components. They include: A library of inter-generational activities – including ...

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FamConnector will be Europe’s leading generic product in the field of meaningful, online inter-generational interactions between grandparents and grandchildren, aged 3-9) and other geographically-distant family members.

Through the unique integration of technology with content and activities to be developed on the basis of end-user feedback, FamConnector is designed to establish and nurture grandparent’s connection to their grandchildren, enriching their lives, fostering meaningful relationships through content-rich experiences.

Expected results and impact

FamConnector is designed to be marketed and sustained as a subscription based product. By focusing solely on inter-generational interactions, FamConnector will be able to provide the richest experience, offering a specifically-tailored, user-friendly platform with the most relevant content so that each interaction creates a real, lasting impact in the lives of the elderly population we serve. As a white label solution, FamConnector will empower other service providers for elderly people, enabling them to offer an added value solution and a new stream of revenue.


Partners involved in the FamConnector project

Organization Type Country Website
FamCorner, Ltd. SME Israel www.mygrandchild.com
University of Salzburg R&D Austria www.icts.uni-salzburg.at
Kotosalla Foundation End User Finland www.kotosalla.fi
Hilfswerk Österreich End User Austria www.hilfswerk.at
University of St.Gallen R&D Switzerland www.unisg.ch
terzstiftung End User Switzerland www.terzstiftung.ch
  • Project Name: FamConnector: Activity Based Intergenerational Interactions
  • Website: www.mygrandchild.com
  • Coordinator: FamCorner ltd
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2010
  • Total Budget: € 1,527,639
  • Public Contribution: € 996,541


Dror Oberman

E.: Dror@oberman@famcorner.com

T.: 972-52-8390966


The FoSIBLE approach builds on TV-based Social Interaction technologies in the context of Smart Living Rooms, using entertainment console and social media technologies to provide communication, ...

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FoSIBLE aims at the well-being and self-esteem of older people by supporting an active life-style to prevent loneliness. FoSIBLE aims at providing bridging spaces to foster social interactions and experiences by acknowledging the diversity of preferences, needs and interests. Fosible will develop a Social TV community platform with game technologies and smart furniture and will provide adapted input devices including gesture recognition fostering social support between peers through virtual communities and entertainment applications.

Expected results and impact

FoSIBLE is targeted around providing a TV-based Social Media Centre with services for :

  • Staying in touch with relatives and friends, as well as contacting peer groups
  • Participating in games and physical activity
  • Sharing interests (cooking, poetry, etc.)

The project intends to provide new ways to control social technology applications, e.g. via tablet control, gestures, or smart furniture. An open platform will allow for additional integration and dissemination to end-users.


Partners involved in the FoSIBLE project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Duisburg-Essen R&D Germany www.uni-siegen.de
University of Siegen R&D Germany www.uni-siegen.de
Fraunhofer Institute IMS R&D Germany www.ims.fhg.de
University of Technology of Troyes R&D France www.utt.fr
CURE – Center of Usability Research and Engineering R&D Austria www.cure.at
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria www.ait.ac.at
Mauser Einrichtungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG Large Industry Germany www.mauser-moebel.de
Kaasa Solution GmbH SME Germany www.kaasa.com
Malakoff-Médéric Centre Les Arcades End User France www.reseau.malakoffmederic.com
  • Project name: Fostering Social Interactions for a Better Life of the Elderly
  • Website: 
  • Coordinator: University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2010
  • Total budget: 2.879.451 €
  • Public contribution1.871.030 €


Prof. Dr.-Ing Jürgen Ziegler & Steffen Budweg

E.: coordination@fosible.eu

T.: +49 203 379 – 2270


The HOMEdotOLD project aims to provide a TV-based platform with cost-effective services that will be delivered in a personalised and intuitive way and will advance the social interaction of elderly ...

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HOMEdotOLD is an ICT-based project that uses the TV medium in order to deliver a number of cost-effective services to elderly people. The targeted services are expected to advance the social interaction of elderly people by bridging distances and reinforcing social voluntariness and activation, thus preventing isolation and loneliness.

The project main objectives are to provide a technological platform to provide services allowing the elderly to stay socially active and to bridging distances and supporting elderly people’s existing roles.


Expected results and impact

  • Personal motivation services, i.e. services for staying socially active, preventing loneliness and isolation, enabling voluntariness, motivation and activation;
  • Social networking services: i.e. services for bridging distances and supporting existing role;
  • The business plan for the deployment of the HOMEdotOLD  services;


Partners involved in the HOMEdotOLD project

Organization Type Country Website
SingularLogic S.A. SME Greece www.singularlogic.eu
A1 Telecom Austria Large Industry Austria www.telekom.at
Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. Large Industry Netherlands www.philips.com
TELETEL SA Large Industry Greece www.teletel.eu
SOLINET GmbH Telecommunications SME Germany www.solinet.com
LifeTool gemeinnuetzige GmbH SME Austria www.lifetool.at
National Foundation for the Elderly End User Netherlands www.ouderenfonds.nl
  • Project name: Home services advancing the social interaction of elderly people
  • Website: www.homedotold.eu
  • Coordinator: SingularLogic S.A. Information Systems and Software Applications
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2010
  • Total budget: € 3.305.458
  • Public contribution: € 1.763,817


Gianna Tsakou

E.: gtsakou@singularlogic.eu

T.: +30 210 6266151


The “Helping elders to live an active and socially connected life by involving them in the digital society” project addresses the objectives of the call by offering a 360 degree user ...

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The main objective of the proposed project is to provide the elderly people with the means of maintaining social relations by developing an easy to use and easy to understand communication platform with social and entertainment capabilities that can be easily upgraded with security and medical features. As a secondary objective we will address energy efficiency and the build-up of conscience by the elderly people, using the physical application and communication infrastructure to be put into place anyway, by providing information about the power consumption of the many devices at home, in an intuitive, entertaining and educative fashion.

Expected results and impact

The main goal is to develop a framework to facilitate the provision of relevant service on the relevant channel for households with elderly people. The inclusion of elderly people in the digital society has to begin with the most common channel and interface they are used to, the television, and then the applied types of communication channels may expand. Our goal is to enable elderly people and their family to share their everyday experiences and help them make use of existing and currently developed multimedia services to generate the sense of closeness and community belonging they are searching for.


Partners involved in the HELASCOL project

Organization Type Country Website
Meticube R&D Portugal www.meticube.com
Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) R&D Switzerland www.supsi.ch
Fondazione Casa per Anziani Giubiasco (FCPA) End User Switzerland www.fcpa.ch
Kecelcom Kft. SME Hungary kecelcom.hu
Kapsch Businesscom Kft. R&D Hungary www.kapsch.net
Kecel Local Government End User Hungary www.kecel.hu
  • Project name: HELASCOL – “Helping elders to live an active and socially connected life by involving them in the digital society”
  • Coordinator: Kecelcom Kft.
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 03.05.2012
  • Total budget:€ 1.492.120
  • Public contribution: € 1.132.870


E.: birocsak.attila@metacom.hu


Overall, Elder-Spaces will make sure that the platform appeals to people who are not familiar with technology without making users technophobes; on the contrary Elder- Spaces will be proposed as a ...

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The main goal of the Elder-Spaces project is to introduce a radical shift on the way social networking is delivered to and used by older adults (typically healthy individuals aged 55+), with a view to stimulate seniors to join social networks and accordingly benefit in terms of their social activation, active living and overall quality of life.

To this end, Elder Spaces will design a novel ICT based social networking platform (beyond existing networks for seniors) along with a range of applications that will be delivered over this platform.

Expected results and impact

Elder-Spaces will provide a range of applications (over the project’s social networking platform) tailored to the needs of older user groups based on:

  • Appropriate data sets, semantics and information;
  • Customised social networking functionalities (based on the above data sets), such as groups, games and training programmes;
  • Appropriate older people friendly user interfaces, such as ergonomic devices and interaction modalities;
  • The business plan for the deployment of the Elder-Spaces applications will be developed at the end of the project.


Partners involved in the Elder-Spaces project

Organization Type Country Website
ΒΥΤΕ COMPUTER S.A SME Greece www.byte.gr
ORIGO Ltd. Large Industry Hungary www.origo.hu
Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein, Forschungsinstitut Technologie und Behinderung SME Germany ftb-esv.de
Semmelweis University Large Industry Hungary www.semmelweis-univ.hu
SingularLogic Information Systems & Software Applications S.A. End User Greece www.singularlogic.eu
Cybion Srl SME Italy www.cybion.it
  • Project name: Managing Older People Social Relationships for better Communication, Activation and Interaction
  • Coordinator: BYTE Computer S.A, Greece
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2011
  • Total budget: € 2.423.859
  • Public contribution: € 1.201.718


Nikos Drosos

E.: ndrosos@byte.gr

T.: +30 210 900 2000


User driven The E2C project follows a user-driven methodology, which divides the innovation process into two overlapping phases: A WHAT phase that focuses on what to produce and a HOW phase, which ...

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The overall objective for the E2C consortium is to develop, test and deploy a web service, which stimulates and facilitates personal storytelling, and enable interest‐based connections and communication among elders and thereby empower them and enrich their life.

The E2C project focuses on finding a solution to the very challenging issues:

  • Preventing the internal experience of loneliness
  • Develop a new innovative solution for an emergent EU market for “preventive social technology”
  • Creating implementation strategies that allow the solution a place in the service ecology of elderly care

Expected results and impact

Play with your life will:

  • turn memories into something concrete that helps remembering the beauty of life and connecting the life to come with what has already been;
  • bring (grand-)parents and (grand-)children closer together make web storytelling valuable to siblings and/or cousins;
  • promote inter-generational connections;

Play with your life will make elderly people the owners of their own needs and provide tool for dealing with them – together and in a fun, non-stigmatising way. By doing so Play with your life will exempt the public sector for obligations, which it in the first place is not well suited to fulfil.


Partners involved in the E2C project

Organization Type Country Website
Copenhagen Living Lab SME Denmark www.copenhagenlivinglab.com
Waag Society SME Netherlands www.waag.org
Forum Virium Helsinki R&D Finland www.forumvirium.fi
Laurea R&D Finland www.laurea.fi
Halmstad University R&D Sweden www.halmstadlivinglab.se
Substanz SME Denmark www.substanz.dk
Heutink SME Netherlands www.heutink.nl
Multimedia tables BV SME Netherlands www.verhalentafel.nl
Öresund Living Lab R&D Sweden www.oresund.org
Halmstad Municipality End User Sweden www.halmstad.se
  • Project name: Express to Connect
  • Website: www.express2connect.org
  • Coordinator: Copenhagen living Lab, Denmark
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2010
  • Total budget: € 3.256.975
  • Public contribution€ 1.776.369


Thomas Hammer-Jakobsen

E.: hamm@copenhagenlivinglab.com

T.: + 45 2023 2005


Nothing exceeds meeting people eye-to-eye but new telepresence technology provides, however the second best. CVN results will be based on user oriented research of the elderly and elderly ...

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ConnectedVitality – The Personal Telepresence Network (CVN) – aims to link groups of senior citizens into a video communication network, enabling them to choose the activity as well as levels of social interaction according to their individual needs, abilities and lifestyle.

Expected results and impact

We believe that with the creation of a new generation of multi point videoconferencing formats tuned to the personal preferences of elderly. In which up to 50 people can interact and conduct social meaningful activities with each other, a new vision on meaningful contact over distance will arise.

This project was featured in the book:  “Designed Technologies for Healthy Aging” which is expected by March 31 2014, published by Morgan and Claypool Publishers (ISBN-10: 1627053174).


Partners involved in the CVN project

Organization Type Country Website
PresenceDisplays SME The Netherlands www.confidence4you.eu
University of Salzburg R&D Austria www.uni-salzburg.at
University of Cyprus R&D Cyprus www.ucy.ac.cy
Budapest University of Technology and Economics R&D Hungary www.bme.hu
Sensire End User The Netherlands www.sensire.nl
  • Project name: ConnectedVitalityNetwork
  • Website: www.connectedvitality.eu
  • Coordinator: PresenceDisplays, The Netherlands
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2010
  • Total budget: € 2.518.060
  • Public contribution: € 1.938.920


Robbert Smit

E.: robbert.smit@presencedisplays.com

T.: +31 6 1488 17 70


EasyReach is an innovative and sustainable ICT solution to allow elderly and less educated people to participate in the benefits of IT-based social interactions. The project builds a system, called ...

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EasyReach targets in:

  • Keeping people socially active, increasing the number and the quality of contacts proposing users to join new groups;
  • Supporting elder people in becoming the leader of a group of people he or she is “consulting” for on the basis of past work experience, by creating the right frameworks to pass along the knowledge that comes with experience:
  • Helping a user remembering and organizing activities of any kind (not only the social interaction activities that are provided by EasyReach);
  • Managing the interaction between a real community and a person that belonged to that community but, for physical reasons, cannot participate anymore;
The system will tangibly improve the quality of life of home-bound users by preserving existing relationships; boosting self-esteem of users; helping users in performing common activities.

Expected results and impact

EasyReach requires and will bring an advancement of knowledge in three areas:

  1. Breaking the remote control usability barrier: going beyond on/off, changing channels and volume controls;
  2. Devising new IT social interaction models.
  3. Investigating automatic ways of supporting user interaction.


Partners involved in the EasyReach project

Organization Type Country Website
Università di Milano-Bicocca R&D Italy www.unimib.it
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni R&D Italy www.fub.it
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - ISTC R&D Italy www.istc.cnr.it
FIMI S.r.l. Large Industry Italy www.barco.com
Center for Research and Technology R&D Greece www.cereteth.gr
iKnowHow SME Greece www.iknowhow.gr
University of Potsdam R&D Germany www.uni-potsdam.de
Federazione Nazionale Pensionati CISL End User Italy www.fnp.cisl.it
  • Project name: EasyReach – Fostering social interactions of home-bound and less educated elderly people
  • Website: www.easyreach-project.eu
  • Coordinator: University of Milano Bicocca
  • Duration: 28 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.112010
  • Total budget: € 3.190.173
  • Public contribution€ 1.582.887


Dr. Matteo Alessandro Dominoni

E.: matteo.dominoni@disco.unimib.it

T.: +39 02 96175237


The ExCITE project methodology is highly inspired by a user-centric approach used for prototyping, validating and refining a solution in both multiple and evolving real contexts. In order for the ...

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ExCITEThe main objective of ExCITE is to evaluate user requirements of social interaction that enables embodiment through robotic telepresence. This evaluation is performed on a Pan­-European scale and with a longitudinal perspective. An existing prototype is deployed to the targeted end users, and is refined by tightly involving the users in the development cycles of the prototype throughout the project.

The technology used in the evaluation is called the Giraff robot, a telepresence device that allows anyone – professional caregivers, family and friends to virtually visit a home, move about freely and communicate with residents via videoconferencing technology.

Expected results and impact

The ExCITE project will achieve a breakthrough in the application of telerobotics to elderly care by developing a low-cost, easy-to-use device with practical functionality. By focusing on simple audio-visual communications via a mobile platform, the Giraff achieves practicality and a price point that enables large-scale home deployment. By focusing on the main objective of user involvement and assessment of requirements, it will also be an eminently usable device.

The project is also expected to allow researchers in clinical and academic fields to advance their understanding of acceptable forms for social interaction in the ageing process.


Partners involved in the ExCITE project

Organization Type Country Website
Örebro University R&D Sweden www.oru.se/nt
Giraff AB SME Sweden www.giraff.org
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ISTC R&D Italy www.istc.cnr.it
RatioConsulta SpA SME Italy www.ratioconsulta.it
University of Malaga R&D Spain www.uma.es
Örebro City Council End User Sweden www.orebro.se
  • Project name: Enabling Social Interaction through Embodiment
  • Website: www.excite-project.eu
  • Coordinator: Silvia Cordeschi, Örebro University, Sweden
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2010
  • Total budget: € 2.853.701
  • Public contribution: € 1.448.430


Silvia Cordeschi

E.: silvia.coradeschi@oru.se

T.: +4619303298


Elderly people often have limited mobility and may be housebound, often living some distance away from their friends and family. They can lose touch with their beloved ones and friends, becoming ...

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(The process of sending a greeting card with the ALICE service)

ALICE will research, develop and integrate a set of ICT based services into the existing TV set, allowing elderly people to enjoy experiences of communication and social interaction based on ICT.

The objectives of ALICE can be summarised as follows:

  • Investigate current communication practices of elderly people. Simplify electronic communication based on novel and existing technology in fields like interactive TV and video conferencing. Optimise visual user interfaces and related input devices for specific use by elderly people
  • Develop, test and comprehensively evaluate pilot Web applications, focusing on social networking and “togetherness”;
  • Investigate economic issues in order to guarantee maximum commercial impact of the research results.

Watch the video

Expected results and impact

Beyond processing a successful pilot trial in The Netherlands involving 100 people, there is the strategy to further develop and improve the ALICE system and to expand the exploitation possibilities.

Providing the ALICE system to a targeted share of approx. 8% of the elderly people in the Netherlands; including the target group of handicapped people in the Netherlands and exploiting the ALICE application within other countries – starting from Europe and widening to other parts of the world by using already existing partnerships.


Partners involved in the ALICE project

Organization Type Country Website
AT4 wireless S.A. Large Industry Spain www.at4wireless.com
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH R&D Austria www.joanneum.at
Mens en Zorg BV End User Netherlands www.mezorg.nl
ThuisConnect BV SME Netherlands www.thuisconnect.nl
Telecare GmbH SME Austria
  • Project name: Advanced Lifestyle Improvement system & new Communication Experience
  • Website: www.aal-alice.eu
  • Coordinator: Kurt Majcen – Institute for Information and Communication Technologies JOANNEUM RESEARCH
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2010
  • Total budget: € 1.784.340
  • Public contribution€ 1.114.126


Kurt Majcen

E.: kurt.majcen@joanneum.at

T.: +43 316 876-1636

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