AMCOSOP project is aimed at elderly people, with the goal of reducing their loneliness and fear of isolation. This will be accomplished by providing its users a sense of presence with their ...

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Project goals are:

  • To develop a novel communication interface for the elderly, and to introduce it to them through thorough field trials;
  • To implement the project in the following phases: preparation, user requirement probes, system definition, subsystem development (hardware,software,services) and implementation, integration, user testing and evaluation, dissemination;
  • To enable project partners to use their expertise for developing and validating a system for elderly people in an international environment;

Expected results and impact

There are several potential users for the AMCOSOP system:

  • System integrators and developers, who would commercialise the system;
  • End user organisations, who can offer the system and its services to elderly people living in both rural and urban areas;
  • System operators and ICT service centres, who would be responsible for the IT infrastructure and the AMCOSOP service platform;
  • Local service providers and healthcare people that function as last points of contact
  • Manufacturers and turn-key concept providers;
  • International research and development actors;


Partners involved in the AMCOSOP project

Organization Type Country Website
Tampere University of Technology R&D Finland
Center for Usability Research & Engineering R&D Austria
Space Hellas S.A. SME Greece
Saint George S.A. SME Greece
Pirkanmaan Senioripalvelu Oy SME Finland
  • Project name: Ambient Communication for Sense of Presence
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Prof. Jukka Vanhala, Tampere University of Technology (Finland)
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2010
  • Total budget: € 2.406.849
  • Public contribution: € 1.601.616


Prof. Jukka Vanhala


T.: +358 3 3115 11


The platform developed in the AWARE project will be a social network with three modules integrated: Environment adaptation module: This module will provide an adaptation plan for every kind of ...

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AWARE project aims at developing a Social Network totally designed basing on the requirements and the needs of the final users, and that will be integrated in the final platform with all the other modules.

This social network will be built implementing MAHARA, a stand-alone open-source system that can be integrated into a wider virtual learning framework such as MOODLE. MAHARA present improved capabilities for Social Networks, providing social networking facilities that can be easily interfaced with MOODLE.

This way these technological tools, designed under needs and requirements of the final users, will enable both social relationships between the elderly people and the creation of an inter-generational learning virtual environment between the older workers, the younger workers and the retired workers. This will contribute to close the gap between generations and to the integration of the ageing population through wide life learning strategies and by keeping connected different generations.

Expected results and impact

The advantages and benefits expected from the development of a platform with the described features are the following ones:

  • Maintain the elder person active after retirement, hence promoting an active ageing;
  • Create web communities of retired workers to share experience, skills and expertise;
  • Respond to current trends of the Ageing workforce, by maintaining mentally and economically active the elder person;
  • Support the companies during the whole retirement process.

The benefits derived from the implementation of this technology will result in the possibility of improving expertise transfer as well as maintaining the relationship with the retired worker.


Partners involved in the AWARE project

Organization Type Country Website
Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia R&D Spain
Calvet, Vila & Arriaga Consulting, S.L. SME Spain
Ayuntamiento de Gandía Other Spain
Unión Democrática de Pensionistas y Jubilados de España End User Spain
Media Touch SME Italy
Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft R&D Germany
  • Project name: Ageing Workforce towards an Active Retirement
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (IBV)
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2010
  • Total budget: € 1.373.875
  • Public contribution: € 747.330


Alberto Ferreras Remesal


T.: +34 96 387 91 60


Co-LIVING is based on an innovative Social Community network (SoCo-net), integrating different mobile wireless ICT based services addressing the elderly social interaction context categories of Care ...

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The main goal of the proposed project is the development of an ICT-based Virtual Collaborative Social Living Community for Elderly (Co-LIVING) people.

The solution will utilise and scale up the successfully developed FP6 mPower open source middle-ware platform to be applicable to the elderly social community interaction field. Co-LIVING target group is the big group of healthy elderly or with light physical or psychological health problems who are self-supporting, able to move around, and can still contribute actively.

Two pilots, in the Netherlands and Norway, representing the two different use cases, will be carried out in which the Co-LIVING solution will be assessed and validated by considering its social, economical and psychological dimensions.

Expected results and impact

The approach used by Co-LIVING takes a proactive action providing a solution for elderly people at the very early stages of capabilities degradation, when they are still capable to have a non-assisted independent living.

Co-LIVING solution contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the elderly care field by the:

  • development of an innovative social community model;
  • development of highly innovative ICT based services;
  • creation of innovative knowledge in the area of personalised support for the elderly giving new insight in how integrated personalised ICT services can support day to day activities and improve quality of life for each one of the related stakeholders (that is, not only the elderly bus also their families, friends, etc)


Partners involved in the Co-LIVING project

Organization Type Country Website
Orbis Medical and Healthcare Group End User Netherlands
Philips Electronics Nederland B.V Large Industry Netherlands
University of Cyprus R&D Cyprus
Stiftelsen SINTEF R&D Norway
Instituto Pedro Nunes - Associação Para A Inovação E Desenvolvimento Em Ciência E Tecnologia R&D Portugal
Inovamais S.A SME Portugal
Citard Services LTD SME Cyprus
Andago Ingeniería S.L. SME Spain
Trondheim Kommune End User Norway
  • Project name: Virtual Collaborative Social Living Community for Elderly
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Orbis Medical and Healthcare Group, R. Beumers
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 13.10.2010
  • Total budget: € 3.888.588
  • Public contribution: € 2.706.921


J.U. Kemmerling


T.: +31620857838


One focus of the project lies on questions of social acceptance of robot systems in general and in specific within the named user groups. The consortium aims at integrating a commercial pilot that ...

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The objective of the project Adaptable Ambient LIving ASsistant (ALIAS) is the product development of a mobile robot system that interacts with elderly users, monitors and provides cognitive assistance in daily life, and promotes social inclusion by creating connections to people and events in the wider world. The system is designed for people living alone at home or in care facilities such as nursing or elderly care homes. ALIAS is embodied by a mobile robot platform with the capacity to monitor,interact with and access information from on-line services, without manipulation capabilities.

Expected results and impact

  • Easy-to-use and fault tolerant human-machine interface on mobile robot platform
  • Integration framework on the basis of mobile platform approved by German Technical Inspection Agencies (TÜV) and meeting European Directives
  • Innovative web services for elderly to discover new contacts and to sustain meaningful online relationships;
  • Strong user-group inclusion through all design and development phases
  • High market potential assured by 3 business partners in the consortium


Partners involved in the ALIAS project

Organization Type Country Website
Technische Universität München R&D Germany
Technische Universität Ilmenau R&D Germany
MetraLabs GmbH SME Germany
Cognesys GmbH SME Germany
Eurecom R&D France
G-tec medical engineering GmbH SME Austria
Fraunhofer IDMT R&D Germany
pme Familien Service GmbH End User Germany
Youse GmbH SME Germany
  • Project name: The Adaptable Ambient Living Assistant
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Wallhoff, Assistive Technologien, Germany
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2010
  • Total budget: € 4.022.075
  • Public contribution: € 2.529.165


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Wallhoff

E.: and

T.: 0441/7708 – 3738


Game Training The RGS will develop and test a novel virtual reality based system for the rehabilitation at home of motor disabilities of the upper extremities of elderly people after stroke. The ...

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The overall project objective of the Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS) is to develop and validate a novel and highly innovative ICT Virtual Reality (VR) tool for the rehabilitation of motor deficits of the upper extremities after a brain lesion due to stroke. The specific project objectives are as follows:

  • Development and integration of the hardware and software for the RGS including the rehabilitation scenarios, social network capability, user interface and the information management system.
  • Development of user centred and neuroscientifically grounded diagnostic and training scenarios;
  • Evaluation of the clinical impact of the RGS at the functional and neuronal ;
  • Gathering of user requirements involving all the stakeholders using the RGS system and evaluation of the usability and accessibility of RGS.

Establish the theoretical and empirical foundation of the rehabilitation and diagnostics methods implemented in the system.

Expected results and impact

The RGS will directly improve the Quality of Life of the increasing number of Elderly people in need of rehabilitation for motor deficits of their upper extremities; and improve accessibility to healthcare therapy/home assistance and to a novel and highly innovative ICT based product.
We are now listing the most important aspects:

  • Increase autonomy. The RGS allows the Elderly person to design their own rehabilitation schedule and work as much as they want at home, in coordination with other everyday life activities and in consultation with their health care provider. As explained in the introduction of this section, the Elderly person will have access to tele-rehabilitation, in the sense that the exercises will be done from home and the Secondary End User (healthcare provider) will be able to remotely follow their progress. If there are any abnormalities during their rehabilitation, an alert will automatically be sent to the healthcare provider.
  • Empowerment and more equal access to services. Additionally, the low cost of the system renders it an affordable solution for the target population of end users.
  • Accessibility, Usability and End User acceptance. The RGS is designed thinking about the End User and their needs, i.e. rehabilitation of upper extremities motor skill deficits, cognitive skills, usability and unfamiliarity for most End Users with the use of PCs.
  • End User impact and Social relevance. The RGS will also allow elderly people to be direct users of technologies still in their initial market deployment phase. Furthermore, the RGS will give them access to a new world of VR computer based training scenarios.
  • Access to ICT and an ICT novel product. The Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS) will allow the elderly person to take advantage of a novel ICT based product that allows the End User to efficiently manage their chronic long term condition by having access to individualised rehabilitation therapy from home in the shape of a VR based training.


Partners involved in the RGS project

Organization Type Country Website
Heinrich Heine Universität R&D Germany
Guger Technologies OEG R&D / SME Austria
Fund. Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron R&D / End User Spain
Tyromotion R&D / SME Austria
Fundació IMIM End User / R&D Spain
Fundació TIC Salut End User Spain
  • Project name: Rehabilitation Gaming System
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Universitat Pompeu Fabra – UPF, Spain
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2009
  • Total budget: € 2.291.001
  • Public contribution: € 1.925.660


Paul Verschure


T.: +34935421372


3rD-LIFE aims to improve the quality of life of ageing people providing them with a virtual tool for interacting with other users and other functionalities which will be achieved through the ...

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3D Simulation Platforms

The users will be represented as avatars, since the accessibility, usability and navigation will be central points. The target group is mainly people from 60 to 75 years old without specific cognitive problems.

 The operative objectives of the project will be:

  •  To develop a fully functional 3-dimensional computer simulation platform
  • To design and create the content of the platform on 3D environment that will constitute the functionalities, visual aspect and interaction possibilities
  • To include existing tools and applications (interoperability), through new adaptations to be used in the 3D virtual environment
  • To validate the final solution in pilot testings in two EU countries to ensure the reliability, usability and adaptability to the final users needs.
  • To develop a detailed exploitation plan for the results of the project
  • To disseminate the project results to final users, public administrations and research community.

Expected results and impact

  • A 3D virtual environment for elderly people, to allow them from their own homes and with only a common PC and an Internet connection, access to a virtual world where they will establish social relationships with known or new persons, learn new things through e-learning tools, look up the latest news, play games, etc., as well as making phone and video calls.
  • Pilot testing of the 3D solution with a target group of elderly users in Spain and Austria.


Partners involved in the 3rD-LIFE project

Organization Type Country Website
Fundación Instituto Gerontológico Matia-INGEMA R&D Spain
University of Ljubljana R&D Slovenja
One2tribe SME Poland
Information & Image Management Systems SME Spain
Center for usability research and engineering R&D Austria
  • Coordinator: Fundación INGEMA, Spain
  • Duration: 18 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2011
  • Total budget: € 1.700.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.030.000


Dr. Cristina Buiza


T.: +34 943 22 46 43


Wearables and Sensors Scale-up of existing research prototypes and development of new systems for collecting human- and context-related data will be deployed. These include wearables and sensors for ...

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The project will advance the state-of-the-art in fields of tele-healthcare and ambient intelligence (AmI) and enhance the elderly’s personal environment with audio-visual, sensor / motoric monitoring, and automation abilities for tracing vital signs, activity, behaviour and health condition, and detecting risks and critical situations as well as providing, proactively and reactively, effective and efficient support at home.

Then, in order to focus on the specific risks and problems experienced by elder individuals and due to the growing gap between urban and rural areas, the project is aimed to enable professional carers to access remotely past activity and medical data of their patients at anytime and from anywhere, and to promptly diagnose and react to health and life risks.

Expected results and impact

Regarding REMOTE’s progress beyond the state-of-the-art in integration of technologies and products, the following areas are characteristic.

  • Open reference architectures and ontologies;
  • Intelligent agents and AmI framework;
  • Wearables, sensors and health/activity monitoring
  • Independent living applications;
  • Social support applications;
  • In-home and domotic sensors and localisation systems;
  • User interfaces and adaptive systems;
  • Tele-healthcare products and services;
  • Information extraction and use;
  • Understanding of (chronic) and age-related conditions;
  • Patient modelling (the medical perspective;
  • User modelling (the human-machine interaction perspective;
  • Elderly-friendly user interface design & development;
  • Evaluation methods and tools;
  • Guidelines, standards and policy.


Partners involved in the REMOTE project

Organization Type Country Website
SIEMENS S.A. Large Industry Spain
TSB Soluciones S.A. SME Spain
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid R&D Spain
Fundación para la Investigación Médica Aplicada R&D Spain
Saliwell (renamed to Peh-Med Ltd.) SME Israel
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas R&D Greece
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas R&D Greece
Netscouts gemeinnuetzige GmbH R&D Germany
Abama Technologies S.L. SME Spain
University Hospital of North-Norway (UNN) - Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine R&D Norway
The European Older People´s Platform End User Belgium
Bluepoint IT Solutions SME Romania
Medea SRL SME Italia
Fraunhofer-Institut für Biomedizinische Technik R&D Germany
Ortholine Ltd. SME Israel
  • Project name: Remote health and social care for independent living of isolated elderly with chronic conditions
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: CERTH-IBBR, Greece
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2009
  • Total budget: € 3.410.726
  • Public contribution: € 2.249.194


Prof. Nicos Maglaveras

E.: and

T.: +302311257606




The Hope is a budgeted solution that is installed at the elderly people’ homes, and provides services for (a) life-long, self-organised, appropriate educational environment and access to information, ...

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Independent life for Seniors

The Hope” solution consists of an integrated, smart platform that enables the elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease to use innovative technology for a more independent life, easy access to information, monitor their health, which provides a basis for integrating services for the elderly population while they are at home.  HOPE is a self-operated, self-adjusted, innovative intelligent IP Based Universal Control Box (UCB) that uses intelligence to manage the various connected subsystems and devices within a residence of the elderly people.

Expected results and impact

Monitoring Patients

The HOPE project will support the elderly people to continue with their daily tasks without, for example, being afraid to leave an appliance ON or to not remember the ingredients for preparing their or others meals. With HOPE, they will continue to feel useful and capable to participate in life.

For the elderly people with advanced illness, the benefit in the quality of life of using HOPE will be significantly important. The HOPE application could monitor the patients so they will not leave the house, turn off appliances that can be turned on accidentally etc. But most importantly, when the system senses that there is a problem (for example the patient is starting to have a panic), it will talk to him or her, or even automatically inform one of the relatives.


Partners involved in the HOPE project

Organization Type Country Website
Rhodes Telematics SA (RTEL) SME Greece
KMOP NGO End User Greece
TRACS srl SME Italy
Unita Operativa Geriatra-Ricerca Gerontologia-Geriatria End User Italy
Andalusian Centre of Innovation, ICT (CITIC Foundation) R&D Spain
CETEMMSA Technological Centre R&D Spain
I2S SA SME Greece
  • Project name: Smart HOme for the elderly PEople
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Rhodes Telematics SA (RTEL), Greece
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 07.07.2009
  • Total budget: € 2.138.094
  • Public contribution€ 1.029.199


Dimitrios Kilias


T.: +30 22410 61031



DOMEO focuses on the development of an open robotic platform for the integration and  adaptation of personalized homecare services, as well as cognitive and physical assistance.

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The DOMEO platform includes:

  • 2 types of robots (cognitive and physical);
  • graphic and tactile interfaces;
  • voice recognition and speech synthesis;
  • cloud services for tele-presence;
  • tools for integration of various sensors and services.

The middleware software platform used for integration, is available in open-source, to make easier different implementations and scenarios. DOMEO deals with all the aspects of assistive robotics :

  • robotic and internet technologies;
  • medical and non-medical sensors;
  •  interface with home infrastructures;
  •  ethical issues.

To demonstrate and validate the potential of open robotic platforms, intensive trials (lab trials, site demos, patient’s homes field tests) are scheduled during the 3rd year.

Expected results and impact

DOMEO aims at helping elderly to stay longer and safer at home. By using advanced  robotic technologies, DOMEO will also help caregivers in their daily work.


Partners involved in the DOMEO project

Organization Type Country Website
ISIR R&D France
CHUT R&D France
NILR End User Hungary
TAS Large Industry France
TUW R&D Austria
BME R&D Hungary
Meditech SME Hungary
  • Project name: Domestic Robot for elderly assistance
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: ROBOSOFT (France)
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2009
  • Total budget: €  2.400.000
  • Public contribution: € 2.160.000


Vincent Dupourqué


T.: +33-559 415 367


The aim of EMOTIONAAL is to develop an integrated healthcare-concept for elderly people in rural areas in Europe This includes the four important innovations: An integrated services platform ...

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The increase of chronic conditions and chronic diseases in European societies – especially in rural areas – is evident. The aim of scientific and political intentions is to extend the time elderly people in rural areas can live independently in their home environment. In this project an integrated solution for the elderly by the seamless inclusion of social services and new technologies in rural areas, named “The Emotional Village” was developed. The project includes intense support for self-care and prevention and assistance to carry out daily activities, health and activity monitoring and enhances safety and security.

Expected results and impact

The use of an IT supported regional care structure, telemedicine and biofeedback provides change of the health behavior by monitoring of critical biomarker and support of health promoting behavior. In case of diabetic metabolism a collaborative and individual health behavior should be improved by the advancement of participation in social life. This offers the elderly of rural areas a long and independent life in their own homes with an increase of quality of life.


Partners involved in the EMOTIONAAL project

Organization Type Country Website
B. Braun Melsungen AG (BBM) Large Industry Germany
Protestant University of Applied Sciences DepT. of Health Sciences and Nursing, Darmstadt (EHD) R&D Germany
Opsolution NanoPhotonics GmbH, Kassel (OPN) Large Industry Germany
HD Projekte Large Industry Germany
University of Marburg, Institute of Geography (UNIMR) R&D Germany
University of Kassel, Institute of Nanostructure and Analytics (INA) R&D Germany
DIAK University Institute for Socio-Economic Sciences, Pieksämäkki, Finland (DIAK) R&D Finland
Vitaphone GmbH, Telemedical Services, Vienna, SME (VPH) Large Industry Austria
  • Project name: The Emotional Village: Integrated Preventive AAL concept for the rural Aging Society in Europa
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: B. Braun Melsungen AG (BBM)
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2009
  • Total budget: € 3.200.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.600.000


Dr. Hans-Otto Maier


T.: +49 (05661) 71 – 14 46

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