CoachMyLife targets mainly older people to help them to perform activities of the daily living but also to reduce/stabilise memory impairment. By using a smartwatch and localization Bluetooth ...
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People living at home and suffering from memory impairment are less and less able to accomplish their daily life activities. They could use a lot of sticky notes or digital reminders, but these are static and non-evolving notes. The project proposes a sophisticated digital memory aid, depending on user’s context. Using different sensors placed strategically at home, notes are prompt on a screen depending on the activity and user’s profile. Using errorless training, the display of task steps is adapted to train people’s memory and so to limit memory impairment progression.
Expected results and impact:
- Improved quality of life using QOL-AD and WHOQOL-OLD questionnaires
- Increased independence using ADCS-MCI-ADL and ABDEL questionnaires
- Smaller burden for informal carers using Zarit Burden Interview
- From prototype to market ready solution within a year after project end
- Year 2 of market: 450 sales in Switzerland and 2000 sales across Europe
- The system will pay for itself in terms of reduced care costs after less than 2 years of use
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Pharmacie Principale | SME/User | Switzerland | |
University of Geneva | R&D | Switzerland | |
terzStiftung | User | Switzerland | |
Eurotronik Kranj d. o. o. | SME | Slovenia | |
Jožef Stefan Institute | R&D | Slovenia | |
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy | User | Romania | |
CANARY TECH | SME | Romania | |
- Project name: CoachMyLife
- Website:
- Coordinator: Pharmacie Principale
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 01/07/2019
- Total budget: € 2.700.000
- Public contribution: € 1.600.000
Jean-Philippe de Toledo
T.: +41 79 370 45 05
As people age, many become more sedentary and less active. Difficulties arising from these changes, both physical and cognitive, interfere with maintenance of a good nutritional status as well as everyday functioning and participation in social activities. TURNTABLE will help motivate older adults to adopt healthy nutritional habits through personalized dietary recommendations and guidelines and assist them in maintaining an active lifestyle involving recreational social agriculture/ gardening activities, reducing feelings of isolation, and acquiring new skills and enjoying outdoor spaces.
Expected results and impact
TURNTABLE is an extendable ICT platform integrating solutions for the most pressing daily needs of old people. It will ensure the usability of solutions within the platform offering a ‘one-stop shop’ with targeted ICT solutions for older users. TURNTABLE is extendable, meaning other components can be added from third party providers in the future. The business model is designed to ensure it for free to end-users, in order to promote widespread adoption. Starting with gardening and nutrition services, TURNTABLE will be further extended with services for safer homes, and healthcare and social needs.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Abinsula | SME | Italy | |
University of Pannonia | R&D | Hungary | |
Universita degli Studi di Cagliari | R&D | Italy | |
GINF | SME | Hungary | |
Simbioza | SME | Slovenia | |
Instituto Pedro Nunes | R&D | Portugal | |
NOS INOVACAO | Large company | Portugal | |
A1 | End-user | Slovenia | |
EUROFIR | R&D | Belgium | |
- Project name: TURNTABLE- platform supporting vitality and abilities of elderly
- Website:
- Coordinator: Abinsula
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 05/2019
- Total budget: € 1.700.000
- Public contribution: € 1.100.000
The goal of this project is to develop immersive serious games to increase motivation in elderly patients in nursing homes or daily centers and, above all, test the using of these technologies (more mature and affordable nowadays) in combating cognitive impairment. We will specially focus on some mental capacities that could be trained and measures, such as attention or executive functions. And we would analyse both impact in cognitive status but also the feedback of those elderly users to conclude if there’s a sustainable business model behind VR & AR related to therapies against cognitive impairment.
Expected results and impact
- For patients in nursing homes, it would offer new and attractive ways to perform cognitive stimulation therapies (VR and AR), involving different types of end users in two different countries, so we could analyse even how the cultural differences impact in the results of the tests.
- We would also validate the benefits for those end-user organisations, in terms of positive changes in the state of their patients, but also in the impact in their own processes and workers and the marketing it could give them.
- The project will also try to analyse the existence of a potential new market for cognitive stimulation across Europe.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Ideable Solutions S.L. | SME | Spain | |
Ana Aslan International Foundation | End User | Romania | |
Center for Assisted Living Technology, Health and Care | End User | Denmark | |
University of Deusto, eVIDA | R&D | Spain | |
- Project name: Virtual and Augmented reality for combating cognitive – VirtuAAL
- Coordinator: Ideable Solutions, SL
- Duration: 6 months
- Starting date: 05/2019
- Total budget: € 357.650,00
- Public contribution: € 273.072,50
Physical activity is known to improve many of the factors associated with ageing and helps older adults to maintain their well-being, functional ability and independence. However, maintaining an active lifestyle or recovering from injury/illness is a challenge, especially for the elderly, motivation is a key factor. Therefore, SALSA creates a unique, trustworthy tool for creating a supportive and motivating environment that eliminates barriers for seniors to begin and sustain an active lifestyle.
Expected results and impact
Expected result of SALSA is a smart, app-based-solution that optionally includes (body) sensors to support physiotherapy and all aspects of starting and maintaining an active lifestyle for older adults. SALSA helps to eliminate the barriers that hinder seniors from beginning and sustaining an active lifestyle, by implementing appropriate motivation methods, especially by creating a supportive network that engages the community. The output of SALSA is a mature, integrated and validated solution. Consequently, the rollout timeframe is expected to be approximately one year following the end of the project.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
LIFEtool | End user | Austria | |
Netural | SME | Austria | |
YouToo | SME | Austria | |
Mira | SME | Romania | |
National Foundation for the Elderly | End user | The Netherlands | |
Roessingh Research and Development | R&D | The Netherlands | |
terzStiftung | End User | Switzerland | |
- Project name: Supporting an Active Lifestyle for Seniors through an innovative App-based system for Fitness and Physiotherapy (SALSA)
- Website:
- Coordinator: LIFEtool gemeinnützige GmbH
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 02/2019
- Total budget: € 2.590.000
- Public contribution: € 1.630.000
The HiStory project uses the concept of storytelling as a means to foster the social inclusion, cognitive activity, well-being of older people. The project aims at creating a solution that lets people tell, share and consume stories and connect them through a shared experience. The stories can further be used to create innovative services in the areas of tourism, education, and culture. Thereby, HiStory contributes to collective and active (oral) history making and, on an individual level, promotes successful ageing.
Expected results and impact
HiStory aims to build up a database with stories from older persons as well as a community that accesses these stories. Access is free for everybody. For organizations that want to use the content a license or membership model is planned. The objective is to have the commitment of 3 potential customers to pay for the solution within project duration. Telling and sharing their stories can enhance the quality of life of older persons, help build social connections, enhance participation and strengthen “ordinary voices”, and generate and preserve knowledge.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
NOUS Wissensmanagement GmbH | SME | Austria | |
Lucerne University of applied Arts & Sciences-iHomeLab | R&D | Switzerland | |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | R&D | Austria | |
National Foundation for the Elderly | End user | The Netherlands | |
Studio Dankl | SME | Austria | |
Vicino | End user | Switzerland | |
Ijsfontain | SME | The Netherlands | |
City Council Zutphen | End User | The Netherlands | |
- Project name: HiStory – Sharing your stories of your heritage
- Website:
- Coordinator: NOUS Wissensmanagement GmbH
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 04/2019
- Total budget: € 2.300.000
- Public contribution: € 1.300.000
CARU cares
In order to evaluate the acceptance and effectiveness of the solution, a main focus throughout the project are field tests of the CARU device and its functionalities. Today, CARU is on the market and ...
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Technology should make people’s lives simpler. CARU is a device that facilitates communication between elderly people, relatives and caregivers. It also provides relevant information about behaviour changes or similar to caregivers. Interaction with the device is carried out by voice commands, which is the most natural way of interaction for us humans. In the project, we will evaluate the acceptance of and the effectiveness for all stakeholders. Also, we will implement and test a completely new feature: Care documentation by voice, which could reduce time pressure and improve care quality.
Expected results and impact
As CARU is already commercially available, the project aims to optimize the impact of the solution to end-users. This includes the safety of elderly as well as their feeling of social inclusion and autonomy. We expect this to increase significantly by the use of CARU. For caregivers we strive to improve the attractiveness of the profession by decreasing time pressure and making processes more efficient. The new features of documentation by voice and announcement of the arrival time have a great potential for that (by saving time) and we aim to proof this during the project.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
CARU AG | SME | Switzerland | |
Bonacasa | SME | Switzerland | |
Hochschule Luzern Tand A, iHomeLab | R&D | Switzerland | |
Johanniter gGmbH | User | Austria | |
Fachhoschule Wiener Grafik Design Werkstats | R&D | Austria | |
Schneeweis Wittmann Grafik Design Werkstat | SME | Austria | |
Senior Living Group | LARGE INDUSTRY | Belgium | |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | R&D | Austria | |
- Project name: CARU cares
- Website:
- Coordinator: Hochschule Luzern Tand A, iHomeLab
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 06/2019
- Total budget: € 2.400.000
- Public contribution: € 1.200.000
Retirement and off-boarding from a long-lasting job position can cause psychological burdens, especially when no plan for the future life exists. The currently uncertain and volatile market situations forces people to be more flexible but very often there is no support. AgeWell aims for personal assistance for older workers in uncertain situations and to tackle new situations with a positive mindset. Additionally, AgeWell is a promotor for an active and healthy lifestyle.
Expected results and impact
- increasing the quality of life score of the participants by at least 5 %
- increasing the satisfaction with life score of the participants by at least 10%
- at the end we will have a personalized virtual assistant for everyone to support people in volatile and uncertain times.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
WPU GmbH | SME | Austria | |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH | R&D | Austria | |
ProSelf Int. AG | SME | Austria | |
University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt | R&D | Austria | |
MedRecord BV | SME | The Netherlands | |
Gouden Dagen | User | The Netherlands | |
National Institute of Health and Science on Aging | User / R&D | Italy | |
- Project name: Virtual coaching to support a healthy and meaningful life of older adults and employees in their retirement process
- Website:
- Coordinator: WPU GmbH
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 02/2019
- Total budget: € 2.000.000
- Public contribution: € 1.400.000
Cognitive care is largely dependent on traditional methods, only feasible in the presence of a health professional. These are centered in institutions, lacking technological tools and away from ...
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The trend for the upcoming years in terms of care and cure integration is characterized by shifting interventions to the home environment. COGNIVITRA will develop an ICT-based solution for cognitive vitality training at home. The growth in the incidence of different neurodegenerative diseases that leads to cognitive impairment is a growing problem worldwide. However, current care systems lack resources to address the growing number of patients requiring intervention.
Expected results and impact
COGNIVITRA will address the need for remote monitoring of patients’ cognitive and physical evolution for longer and more continuous periods, and for a more collaborative network for health professionals and carers. COGNIVITRA aims improving overall Quality of Life for primary end-users in at least 5% scoring in WHOQOL-OLD; reducing stress for carers (secondary end-users) at least 10% on Zarit Burden interview; containing the costs associated with healthcare for people at risk of cognitive impairment.
Neuroinova estimates to launch COGNIVITRA in the market by the end of 2022.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
IPN | R&D | Portugal | |
NIV | SME | Portugal | |
PSSJD | End user | Spain | |
RHZ | End user | Luxembourg | |
- Project name: COGNItive VItality TRAining at home – COGNIVITRA
- Website:
- Coordinator: Instituto Pedro Nunes
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 02/2019
- Total budget: € 773.072,54
- Public contribution: € 581.015,28
António Cunha
E.:, T:. +351239700933
João Quintas
E.:, T.: +351239700933
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) causes mild but measurable changes in cognitive abilities in people. These changes are greater than would be expected for the affected person’s age, but they do not ...
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Many elderly people suffer from one or another Mild Cognitive Impairment (PwMCI). Among many is forgetfulness which may or may not progress to dementia. They are faced with doubt, worry and diminishing self-worth while often being afraid to look for help. We will develop RESILIEN-T to act as a coach to improve the PwMCI self-management in different dimensions such as nutrition, physical activities, social activities and cognitive training. RESILIEN-T does not give orders, but advice and encouragement. By putting the final decision in their hands the PwMCI can maintain their independence and dignity.
Expected results and impact
Help people with Cognitive impairment in living a healthy, active and meaningful life, being empowered by nutritional guidance, physical activity promotion, cognitive exercise, social activity and positive care planning. Support them in exploiting their individual’s residual competencies. Offer a services to People living with Mild Cognitive Impairment or early stage dementia that are usually difficult to reach by regular care organizations, which results in a care service vacuum.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Istituto Nazionale Ricovero e cura anziani | R&D | Italy | |
Universita Politecnica delle Marche | R&D | Italy | |
University of Toronto | R&D | Canada | |
BSD design | SME | Switzerland | |
Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne | SME | Switzerland | |
GoldenAge SARL | SME | Switzerland | |
Vilans | R&D | The Netherlands | |
Compaan | SME | The Netherlands | |
Careyn | End user | The Netherlands | |
- Project name: Technology driven self-management for building resilience among people with early stage cognitive impairment – Resilien-T
- Website:
- Coordinator: Istituto nazionale ricovero e cura anziani (INRCA)
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 03/2019
- Total budget: € 2.340.000
- Public contribution: € 1.475.000
The project develops and tests a 3D location sensor infrastructure to be deployed in serviced elderly homes. For the end-user, the proposed monitoring system alerts not only incidents like fall detection, but also provides insight in the end-user’s condition. In addition, the system reports activities of care personnel so that professional care providers receive automated feedback on effectiveness of their services. The infrastructure grows from a Home Automation comfort proposition into high-intensity surveillance as the client gets older, hence adding value to serviced elderly real-estate.
Expected results and impact
The project will increase Quality of Life for Primary and secondary end-users. It will respect privacy (no cameras), integrates well in user’s daily life (service take-up) and respects their dignity (no stigma). Urgent incidents (e.g. fall) are reported with less false negatives (<1%) and positives (<10%). It will increase care worker’s effectiveness (eliminates reporting “red tape”, so that more quality time is available to do the job). We primarily aim at serviced institutions, in which we observe the best business potential. We aim to start deployments within 1 year after project, targeting >1000 users.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
MV | SME | Belgium | |
ARX-IT | SME | Switzerland | |
FhP-AICOS | R&D | Portugal | |
TERZ | End user | Switzerland | |
Project name: Indoor Activity Notification for Vigilance Services (IANVS)
Coordinator: Magicview Connected Products Belgium BVBA
Duration: 24 months
Starting Date: 03/2019
Total budget: € 2.300.000
Public contribution: € 1.250.000