Elderly people are frequently affected by a decline of mental and physical abilities, which results in anxiety, frailty, loneliness and reclusiveness. Often these persons live alone, spatially separated from their families and friends, not able to meet or visit them on a regular basis. The risk of developing dementia can be reduced by playing challenging games, interacting with other people and doing physical exercises. Therefore, TACTILE will provide a user-friendly solution that addresses these challenges by providing a mixed reality software that offers board games that can be played remotely with family or friends, and physical training exercises accompanied by a virtual avatar.
Expected results and impact
TACTILE addresses older adults that wish to maintain an active life, to prevent cognitive and physical decline and to remain socially included. Therefore, TACTILE addresses on the one side social interaction, because it targets the need of elderly persons living alone to interact with their family or friends on a regular basis. On the other side, it addresses the challenge of insufficient mental activity as well as the insufficient physical activity of elderly persons. The innovative TACTILE project will be the starting point for the development and market introduction of a new generation solution, because mixed reality (MR) has never been brought to the target group before
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
CareCenter Software GmbH | SME | Austria | www.carecenter.at |
AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology | R&D | Austria | www.ait.ac.at |
CREAGY AG | SME | Switzerland | www.creagy.ch |
Mythronics B.V. | SME | The Netherlands | www.mythronics.com |
tanteLouise | End user | The Netherlands | tantelouise.nl |
Gedächtnistrainingsakademie | End user | Austria | www.gedaechtnistraining.at |
- Project Name: TACTILE – Preventing Dementia and Social Exclusion with Mixed Reality Technology
- Website: http://mytactile.eu/
- Coordinator: CareCenter Software GmbH
- Duration: 30 months
- Starting Date: 03/2019
- Total Budget: € 1.800.000
- Public Contribution: € 1.100.000
POSITIVE aims to solve loneliness of the seniors caused not by social isolation resulting from immobility – but by a lack of a meaningful purpose in life or disconnection and boredom even when active around people. The once most popular reason for living – family – is now harder to depend on. The job market after retirement is hostile. The top needs in Maslow’s hierarchy, like self-actualization, become more prominent. Seniors actively look for products catering that on the market but there is nothing like that in a way it is there for the younger generation.
Expected results and impact
The created platform will be offered and commercialized in most European countries 2 years after the projects’ end. It will aim to increase the perceived quality of life of seniors – meaningfulness, happiness and wellbeing. POSITIVE will facilitate an active engagement of users in promoting independence and engagement in activities of daily living. This will improve mental statuses (including self-esteem and a feeling of dignity), which would prevent medical decline. Carers and families will be able to experience reduced stress and carer burden, by seeing and supporting the seniors using the platform.
Partners involved in the project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Reall | SME | Poland | |
Maggioli SPA | Large Enterprise | Italy | https://www.maggioli.it/ |
Bluepoint Consulting | Large Enterprise | Romania | www.bluepoint-it.ro |
Ana Aslan International Foundation | End User | Romania | https://www.anaaslanacademy.ro/ |
Eskilara S.Koop Txikia | SME | Spain | |
Fondazione Santa Lucia | SME | Italy | https://www.hsantalucia.it/ |
iHomeLab, Hochschule Luzern | R&D | Switzerland | https://www.hslu.ch |
- Project name: POSITIVE – Personalized platfOrm aSsisting senIors in healThy, fulfIlled and actiVe lifE
- Website: https://about.positive-aal.com
- Coordinator: Reall Sp. z o. o.
- Duration: 30 months
- Starting date: 05/2019
- Total budget: € 1.788.786
- Public contribution: € 1.189.686
The area of personal hygiene and toilet use is an important area in daily life which unfortunately has not yet found much interest in the AAL community. Toilet4me addresses ageing people and persons of all ages with impairments/disabilities and their needs when using a toilet outside home in public or semi-public environments (e.g. in community centres, shopping malls, theatres, hotels etc.). The aim of Toilet4me is to elaborate and verify a detailed concept for a potential future larger RDI project for actually implementing and evaluating the envisaged Toilet4me system.
Expected results and impact
For older persons and persons with impairments/disabilities improved body stability by optimal sitting height, supporting sitting-down and standing-up transition, improved safety and thereby motivation/empowerment to leave home and participate in social and active life. For secondary users reduced workload, and enhanced possibilities of providing for outside activities. For institutions, hotels, other semi-public places offering better service for community, enter important emerging market (accessible tourism).
Partners involved in the Toilet4me project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) | R&D | Austria | www.tuwien.ac.at |
CareCenter Software GmbH | SME | Austria | www.carecenter.at |
Resto VanHarte | End User | The Netherlands | www.restovanharte.nl |
Instituto Pedro Nunes | R&D | Portugal | www.ipn.pt |
BEIA Consult International | SME | Romania | www.beiaro.eu |
Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra | End User | Portugal | www.caritascoimbra.pt |
Sanmedi bv | SME | The Netherlands | www.sanmedi.nl |
Ihcare, Lda | SME | Portugal | www.ihcare.pt |
- Project name: Toilet4me – Study on personalised toilets supporting active living in (semi-) public environments
- Website: www.toilet4me-project.eu
- Coordinator: TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology)
- Duration: 6 months
- Starting date: 11/2018
- Total budget: € 280.001 (t.b.c.)
- Public contribution: € 198.846 (t.b.c.)
Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is no longer an inevitable, terrifying death sentence. With the advent of effective antiretroviral therapy, HIV has been turned into a chronic illness that can be managed in the context of a life expectancy that is pretty close to normal. Living longer, however, is not the same as living in good health with a good quality of life: The lives of the growing population of older persons living with HIV are disproportionately affected by a serious number of physical, mental and social challenges. U-TOPIA sets the first step towards the empowerment of older HIV patients.
Expected results and impact
U-TOPIA is a small collaborative project preparing the ground for further R&D activities regarding older people with HIV. Its direct impact is expected on market development through technology and market research. Its indirect impacts are: patient surveys and the co-creation approach (direct patient observations, interviews with a high human-interest factor) will allow to adequately understand the ‘customer base’, the 50+ HIV patients. This provides an opportunity to fine-tune a business strategy and increase the chances for successful market development in this specific demographic segment.
Partners involved in the U-TOPIA project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
JOANNEUM RESEARCH | R&D | Austria | www.joanneum.at |
UTOPIA_BXL | End User | Belgium | |
GezondheidFabriek | R&D | The Netherlands | www.gezondheidfabriek.nl |
HIV Vereniging Nederland | End User | The Netherlands | www.hivvereniging.nl |
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa | End User | Portugal | www.scml.pt |
ABRACO | End User | Portugal | www.abraco.pt |
OnlineSeminar | Large Industry | Belgium | www.onlineseminar.be |
Waag | R&D | The Netherlands | www.waag.org |
- Project name: Towards Empowering Older Persons Living with HIV – U-TOPIA
- Website: www.u-topia.joanneum.at
- Coordinator: JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
- Duration: 6 months
- Starting date: 01.12.2018
- Total Budget: € 250.000
- Public Contribution: € 200.000
Falls are one of the most common health related problems in the elderly population, representing more than 50% of the hospitalisations due to injuries. Falls are also considered one of the main ...
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Active@Home intends to be a holistic approach to increase physical activity of elderly population, while motivating them through captivating and challenging multi-player exergames, video games played through physical exercise. The user will be able to choose the type of exercise that suits him/her best: from sequences of games composed together to create workouts, dance exercises based on traditional dances from different European countries or Tai Chi training. With this, social capabilities will be promoted to foster community engagement and enhance cultural and cognitive aspects.
Expected results and impact
Any intervention aiming to prevent the occurrence of falls may result in a reduction of the direct costs related to the medical services and also indirect costs related to other health and care pathways (due to the lack of independence, social isolation, depression, among others). Impactful results on health, independence and functional capabilities, together with an analysis of the costs associated to the installation requirements and equipment, are expected to be sufficient to influence healthcare funders, community organisations and even public policies towards more appropriate management of falls in the older age.
Partners involved in the Active@Home project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Dividat GmbH | SME | Switzerland | www.dividat.com |
Fraunhofer Portugal (AICOS) | R&D | Portugal | www.fraunhofer.pt |
ETH Zurich | R&D | Switzerland | www.ibws.ethz.ch |
UNIE KBO | End User | The Netherlands | www.uniekbo.nl |
Conforto em Casa, Lda. | End User | Portugal | www.comfortkeepers.com |
MIRALab SARL | SME | Switzerland | miralab.com |
- Project name: Active@Home
- Website: http://www.active-at-home.com
- Coordinator: Dividat
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2016
- Total budget: 2,5 mi €
- Public contribution: 1,5 mi €
SpONSOR will offer a number of core services, activated by the mediating organisations and personalised by the end-users themselves:
- Supporting seniors to identify and specify their preferences and requirements, thereby overcoming age-deficit thinking;
- Enabling seniors to describe and specify competencies, skill sets and conditions of applications in a holistic manner;
- Enabling seniors to describe offers of service and their capabilities specific to the task;
- Presenting these items in a consistent and optimised manner, targeted at the most appropriate organisations and users;
- Advising seniors on legal issues regarding contracts or local labour constraints for senior occupation;
- Advising seniors on the variety of labour regulations regarding post-retirement activities.
Expected results and impact
SpONSOR achieves its goal primarily through enhancing services within senior-oriented organisations (which we will also call end-user organisations), as a generic indirect mechanism building on the motivation, legitimacy and work already performed by these organisations regarding the possibility for seniors to be engaged in effective occupational activities of some kind. Each end-user organisation will be taken into account according to its context, mission and characteristics, and will be able to configure SpONSOR in its own terms by implementing those services best suited to meet their end-users requirements and preferences. For the end-user, the platform is therefore primarily available through their specific organisational affiliation, with accessible interfaces and through different devices: computers, tablets, interactive TV or smartphones. Since the context of use is crucial to the success of matchmaking functionalities, the SpONSOR methodology and technology makes extensive use of participative co-design strategies. SpONSOR will deliver both technology and methodologies in the form of associated toolkits that will enable elderly organisations and their end-users to work together and to use the SpONSOR matchmaking tools to meet the real requirements of both the organisation and its users. By focusing on facilitating this central set of relationships (where we can consider the organisation plus its end-users as “extended users”), we can identify, consider and support the most important interactions. Without such a clear focus, non-technological systems tend to fall apart. SpONSOR will properly contextualise the service and social innovation that is being sought and concentrate its efforts on the fulcrum of this highly dynamic interaction.
Partners involved in the SpONSOR project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
LIST | R&D | Luxembourg | www.list.lu |
CoST | SME | Switzerland | www.coherentstreams.com |
FST | SME | Switzerland | www.fstlab.ch |
Institute of Services Science, University of Geneva | R&D | Switzerland | www.iss.unige.ch |
Intech S.A | SME | Luxembourg | www.intech.lu |
CNR | R&D | Italy | www.istc.cnr.it |
I+ | SME | Italy | www.i-piu.it |
VBot | SME | Ireland | www.vbot.tv |
Netwell | R&D | Ireland | www.netwellcasala.org |
- Project Name: SpONSOR: knowledge and competence exchange SOlutioN for Supporting occupation in the life of OldeR adults
- Website: http://sponsor-aal.eu/
- Coordinator: Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
- Duration: 40 months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2014
- Total Budget: € 3.292.786,89
- Public Contribution: €1.987.121,49
The main aims of the zocAALo project are – to develop, deploy and evaluate a platform that will facilitate the widespread uptake of accessible and easy-to-use AAL apps for elderly people across Europe, apps that will be certified as suitable for the needs and features of elderly people; to provide caregivers with tools to adopt existing apps for helping their current services or build new ones and share them with the community, and even find new revenues by doing so; to provide validated tools for the AAL developers community to improve efficiency and synergetic development of AAL apps.
Expected results and impact
zocAALo is focusing to the group of elder people living alone and want to preserve its capacity for autonomy at home and improve their quality of life. This product is also aimed at the elderly already having different capabilities to be exercised like symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases. zocAALo will support caregivers and professionals with an easy-to-use and select certified and adapted apps for elder people better assistance. The service will be promoted to the end-users mainly caregiver organisations, public municipalities, insurance companies, will be targeted to work as distribution channels.
Partners involved in the zocAALo project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Eurohelp Consulting S.L. | SME | Spain | www.eurohelp.es |
Ideable Solutions SLL | SME | Spain | www.ideable.net |
Cognitiva S.L. | SME | Spain | www.cognitivaunidadmemoria.com |
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Engineering & Architecture CEESAR-iHomeLab | R&D | Switzerland | www.ihomelab.ch |
YouPers AG | SME | Switzerland | www.youpers.com |
COOSS Cooperativa Sociale | Large Industry | Italy | www.cooss.it |
Exthex GmbH | SME | Austria | www.exthex.com |
- Project name: Platform for widespread uptake of certified, accessible and easy-to-use AAL mobile apps in Europe – zocAALo
- Website: www.zocaalo.eu
- Coordinator: Eurohelp Consulting S.L.
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting Date: 01.10.2015
- Total budget: € 2.450.522,00
- Public contribution: € 1.405.865,00
Our goal is to support blind and visually impaired people in challenging tasks like participating in urban mobility, providing a simple, effective and affordable door to door navigation and mobility assistance solution. We also target when blind person plans a journey which includes travelling through unfamiliar indoor environments (subway systems) or visiting complex buildings (shopping mall, business centre). The envisioned service is also suitable for companies, offices (local government) where blind people can work or just turn-out, by helping to integrate them in an open community.
Expected results and impact
- enhanced self-management and enhancing autonomy;
- improved quality of life for older adults and their carers;
- informal carers continue working and participating in society whilst caring for relatives;
- encourage prevention and support to improve the well-being of older people;
- sustained health outcomes to regain independent lifestyles of older adults;
- improved efficiency of service delivery by new solutions; quality of service remains the same or improves.
Partners involved in the VUK project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research | R&D | Hungary | www.bayzoltan.hu |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics | R&D | Hungary | www.bme.hu |
IT Foundation for the Visually Impaired | End User | Hungary | www.infoalap.hu |
Transdanubia Nikolai GesmbH | SME | Austria | www.tsb.co.at |
Instituto Universario de Lisboa | R&D | Portugal | www.iscte-iul.pt |
INOVAMAIS – Servicos de Consultaoria em Inovacao Tecnologica S.A | SME | Portugal | inovamais.eu |
HI Iberia: HI-IBERIA Ingeniería y Proyectos SL | SME | Spain | www.hi-iberia.es |
Erlang Solutions | SME | United Kingdom | www.erlang-solutions.com |
Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreich | End User | Austria | www.hilfsgemeinschaft.at |
- Project name: Visionless sUpporting framework – VUK
- Website: www.vuk-project.eu
- Coordinator: Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research (BZN)
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting Date: 01.01.2016
- Total budget: € 2.263.323,00
- Public contribution: € 1.558.141,00
SOCIALCARE will be a central digital meeting point where citizens in a local community can come together to organise and provide care and well-being for older persons. Depending on the care need of a ...
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Due to the continued pressure on European care systems, citizens are starting to take control of their own community by organising care and well-being services for older people. These communities we call transition towns. They are grassroots community projects set up in response to the societal challenge of providing care and well-being in an ageing society. Some transition towns even create formal care cooperatives where care for older people is organised bottom up, in collaboration with older people, volunteers, families, neighbours and professional caregivers. The SOCIALCARE project aims to support these initiatives.
Expected results and impact
The aim is to provide for a ready to use platform for communities organising themselves to support older people. A business model is being developed, foreseeing a social enterprise that exploits the SOCIALCARE platform together with consultancy services for communities. Consultancy services focus on setting up community cooperatives with the support of the SOCIALCARE platform, organising volunteers, involving local stakeholders and introducing ICT to older people. SOCIALCARE aims to offer an alternative in the way we organise care in Europe by supporting these bottom up approaches of transition towns.
Partners involved in the SOCIALCARE project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Stichting Nationaal Ouderenfonds | End User | The Netherlands | www.ouderenfonds.nl |
Eerste Verdieping Internet Communities | SME | The Netherlands | www.eersteverdieping.nl |
LIFEtool gem. GmbH | End User | Austria | www.lifetool.at |
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria | R&D | Austria | www.fh-ooe.at |
Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung gem. GmbH. | SME | Austria | www.johanniter.at |
ISOIN - Ingeniería y Soluciones Informáticas | SME | Spain | www.isoin.es |
Worldline Iberia SA | Large Industry | Spain | es.worldline.com |
Johanniter International | End User | Belgium | www.johanniter.org |
- Website: www.socialcarecommunity.eu
- Coordinator: Stichting Nationaal Ouderenfonds (National Foundation for the Elderly)
- Duration: 28 months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2015
- Total budget: € 2.381.441,00
- Public contribution: € 1.558.878,00
The SmartHeat project proposes to leverage on modern IoT (Internet of Things) technologies in order to radically change the home heating experience for health, comfort and well-being of elderly people. The IoT allows physical environments to be connected to the Internet by means of smart objects. A smart object can be defined as any physical entity enhanced with sensing/actuating, computation and communication capabilities. The goal will be achieved via the development of a smart, secure and elderly friendly ICT system for heating monitoring and control.
Expected results and impact
Improve self-management of older adults at home and to enhance autonomy.
The system is also able to send alert message to report or to inform secondary users about possible temperature settings which might be dangerous for the older adults. Besides enhance older adults’ autonomy, the system allow informal carers to have their social life outside home but at the same time have constant control of the proper home heating conditions of their older relatives.
Partners involved in the SmartHeat project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
TEAMNET INTERNATIONAL (Coordinator) | Large Industry | Romania | www.teamnet.ro |
ModoSmart S.L. | SME | Spain | www.modosmart.com |
MX-SI S.L. | SME | Spain | www.mx-si.net |
SensorID s.n.c. | SME | Italy | www.sensorid.it |
terzStiftung | End User | Switzerland | www.terzstiftung.ch |
EURAG | End User | Austria | www.eurag-europe.org |
Glukadvice | SME | The Netherlands | www.glukadvice.com |
University of Geneva | R&D | Switzerland | www.unige.ch |
- Project name: SmartHeat (Smart, secure and user friendly heating monitoring and control for elderly people) – SmartHeat.AAL.EC
- Website: www.smartheat-aal.eu
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting Date: 01.10.2015
- Total budget: € 2.746.870,69
- Public contribution: 45% National + 55% AAL
Cristina Stanica
E.: Cristina.Stanica@teamnet.ro
T.: +40 723 190 430
Monica Georgescu
E.: Monica.Georgescu@teamnet.ro
Phone: +40 723 766 075
Cristian Cheru
T.: +40 732 714 230