The objective of SENIOR-TV is to develop a platform for providing formal and informal caregiving services to older adults that live alone in their own homes, at low cost, and that focuses on the ...

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In this project, we set as central objective to develop a platform for providing formal and informal caregiving services to older adults that live alone in their own homes, at low cost, and that focuses on the active prevention and the maintenance of relationships with friends, family, and the community.

We start from a basic assumption: that the use of the TV as the central element of the system is appropriate for delivering this kind of services to older adults at their own homes.

Expected results and impact

The immediate outcome from the project will be the SENIOR-TV platform, a Smart TV based ecosystem to deploy services for the elderly at home. Several applications, covering both formal and informal services, will be available as open source at the end of the project.

Third parties will be allowed to develop their own applications the will be distributed through the SENIOR-TV app store. Different marketing strategies will be explored in order to produce a sustainable model to facilitate the mainstreaming of SENIOR TV across Europe after the end of the project.


Partners involved in the SENIOR-TV project

Organization Type Country Website
Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute R&D Cyprus
Imatia Innovation SL SME Spain
Gluk Advice SME The Netherlands
Compexin S.A. SME Romania
Dom upokojencev Nova Gorica End User Slovenia
Development Centre of Information and Communication Technologies Savinja Žalec, Ltd. SME Slovenia
"Ana Aslan" International Foundation End User Romania
Strovolos Municial Multi-Functional Foundation End User Cyprus
  • Project name: SENIOR-TV
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute – CNTI
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting Date: 01.11.2015
  • Total budget: € 1.775.300,18
  • Public contribution: € 1.315.820,96


Elena Aristodemou


T.: +357 22 873820


OLA will mediate and facilitate interaction (communication and collaboration) between the elderly and their informal caregivers or other services or professionals, through technological devices such ...

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This project aims to provide an answer to societal challenges, by providing an innovative Organisational Life Assistant (OLA), a virtual presence that supports instrumental activities relating to daily living needs of older adults, allowing them to be more independent, self-assured and to have a healthier, safer and organised life. It also facilitates caregivers by supporting them on offering high-quality assistance; OLA will mediate and facilitate interaction (communication and collaboration) between senior citizens and their informal caregivers or other services or professionals, through technological devices such as standard computers, mobile devices (tablets) and home automation modules.

Expected results and impact

OLA will promote the maintenance of older adults in what is the most comfortable environment for them: their home. This will not only benefit elderly citizens, but also their families and the community as a whole, and therefore help foster social values. The improvement of the autonomy levels will also contribute to enhance the older adult’s capabilities and will enable increased confidence, making the elderly more active in today’s society and consequently less inclined to be confined in formal healthcare providers. This will lead to a more inclusive society while helping to counter societal and economic problems that an ageing population will inevitably provoke.


Partners involved in the OLA project

Organization Type Country Website
Inovamais, S.A. SME Portugal
ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon R&D Portugal
Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research R&D Hungary
Comfort Keepers - Comfort at Home, Lda. End User Portugal
Knowledge Society Association End User Poland
Liquid Media AB SME Sweden


Carla Santos


T.: (+351) 229 397 130


Project MyMATE will develop a platform and content management system capable of addressing the different needs of the individual elderly user, (e.g. medical, pharmaceutical, bio-monitoring and ...

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The MyMATE aims to apply a gamification approach to create a network of motivated, healthy, agile elderly volunteers who will act as “human sensors” in the implementation of “care in the community” programmes for elderly people. The aim in project MyMATE is to develop a sustainable environment centred around an ICT- based solution that reconciles increased demand with limited resources, increases and facilitates the supply of informal care for adults, reduce the demand of care through prevention and fostering and structuring real relationships between real subjects.

Expected results and impact

The MyMATE initiative has been conceived as a proposal to address the challenges for the future in caring for an ageing population with scare resources. The potential social impact in creating a sustainable approach to care in the community through building a network of elderly people who, with the support of the professional care provider, have a structure and the means to help each other in their community, is high. In addition, the gamification of this process will increase the motivation of elderly volunteers and the elderly that needs more care and physical and emotional assistance.


Partners involved in the MyMate project

Organization Type Country Website
Brainstorm SME Spain
Singular Logic Large Industry Romania
InnovaTec SME Spain
WhiteLoop SME United Kingdom
UMC Utrech End User The Netherlands
Ana Aslan International Foundation End User Romania
  • Project name: MyMate – Gamified Collaborative Platform for the Promotion of Sustainable Care and Independent Assisted Living
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Brainstorm Multimedia
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting Date: 01.11.2015
  • Total budget: € 1.855.700,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.807.480,00


Francisco Ibañez


T.: +34963353035 – +34606103025


iCareCoops is a new, ambitious 2-year project, that tackles the increasing demand for elderly care at a time of limited resources. Eight partners from seven European countries create novel ICT-driven ...

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  • ELABORATE the foundation of iCareCoops to support and promote elderly care cooperatives by conducting research on existing best-practices of various domains.
  • STUDY concepts, approaches, and workflows of care communities in Europe.
  • BUILD an innovative, web-based software solution enabling collaboration & cooperation.
  • INTEGRATE existing AAL gateways, devices, and services on the platform.
  • IMPLEMENT, demonstrate and validate iCareCoops in a realistic pilot environment.
  • DEVELOP sustainable strategies for the rollout of elderly care cooperatives in Europe.

Expected results and impact

  • Elderly people benefit from iCareCoops’ cooperative model because of their increased purchasing power, access to AAL solutions, and control over decision making in the community, which ultimately leads to enhanced autonomy and better quality of life.
  • Care organisations will improve their interaction with elderly people, their service efficiency, and the integration of informal carers especially in rural regions.
  • iCareCoops facilitates the reduction of care costs, advancements in healthcare innovation, and the promotion of a sense of community and sharing.


Partners involved in the iCareCoops project

Organization Type Country Website
SYNYO GmbH SME Austria
Cit Development S.L. SME Spain
iDeal Development SME Denmark
Cooperatives Europe asbl SME Belgium
University of Applied Sciences Winterthur R&D Switzerland
VIA University College R&D Denmark
Zveza društev upokojencev Slovenije End User Slovenia
Senior Citizen Cooperative Riedlingen End User Germany
  • Project name: iCareCoops – Fostering Care Cooperatives in Europe by Building an Innovative Platform with ICT-based & AAL-driven Services
  • Website:
  • CoordinatorSYNYO GmbH
  • Duration: 26 months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2015
  • Total budget: € 1.813.733,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.107.720,00


Johannes Burger


T.: +43 1 99 620 11 10


The CiM approach is technologically supported by two complementary services: ‘a virtual motion coach’ and a ‘virtual empowerment coach’. The ‘virtual motion coach’ enhances everyday life activities ...

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Europe faces the problem of not only having an ageing population, but also a decreasing group of formal carers. CareInMovement (CiM) tackles this challenge and innovates the way we think about care of the elderly by using advanced ICT. On the one hand, it aims at increasing the number of carers and building up a sustainable care community by mobilising and empowering volunteers and family carers. And on the other hand, it supports the care recipients’ side to prolong independent living by maintaining the current health status through enhancing everyday life activities by proposing individually tailored motion activities.

Expected results and impact

CiM involves its users in meaningful activities that contribute to improve their personal health conditions. Vitality and physical well-being may be enhanced and ideally CiM positively impacts on people’s mental well-being as well. The extension of care communities by the integration of volunteers relieves family carers. They are able to better manage stress and reduce the negative impact of care activities. Further CiM enables social care organisations to organise care more effectively and efficiently. The roadmap for market launch will be implemented within one year after project end.


Partners involved in the CiM project

Organization Type Country Website
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. R&D Austria
ilogs mobile software GmbH SME Austria
Eichenberger Szenografie SME Switzerland
Vienna University of Economics and Business R&D Austria
bit media e-solutions GmbH Large Industry Austria
Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg R&D Austria
ALDIA Cooperativa Sociale End User Italy
Hilfswerk Salzburg End User Austria
  • Project name: Empowering communities to care by combining smart technology and personal help to maintain mobility – CareInMovement (CiM)
  • Website:
  • CoordinatorSalzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
  • Duration36 months
  • Starting Date01.10.2015
  • Total budget: € 2.087.000,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.180.000,00


DI (FH) Mag. Cornelia Schneider


T.: 0662 2288 222


The FairCare solution consists of an easy to use web-based software which connects the demand for care and support for elderly people with the available supplies. FairCare will be accessible via the ...

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The overall objective of the project “FairCare” is to improve the allocation and scalability of existing professional as well as informal care resources and care related services by creating a network based solution for collaborative future care. That means the aim is to create an online-platform where reaching a demand-driven match-making of primary end user’s needs with the relevant service provider/voluntary network is possible. FairCare will contribute to sustainable care systems in the future.

Expected results and impact

The overall goal of „FairCare“ is to develop a sustainable solution, which

  • coordinates professional care, voluntary work, informal care and further services
  • satisfies the legal and social requirements of different countries
  • maintains life quality of elderly persons and their relatives within their environment
  • assures qualitative high support by verification and certification


Partners involved in the FairCare project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Innsbrurck R&D Austria
European Academy of Bolzano / Bozen R&D Italy
University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur R&D Switzerland
Zurich University of Applied Sciences R&D Switzerland
Pannon Business Network Association End User Hungary
Austrian RedCross End User Austria
ASP Servizi SRL / GmbH SME Italy
ConnectedCare services b.v. SME The Netherlands
SIS Consulting GmbH SME Austria
  • Project name: FairCare – The network based solution for collaborative future care
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: University of Innsbruck
  • Duration30 months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2015
  • Total budget: € 3.422.947,36
  • Public contribution: € 2.199.588,00


Felix Piazolo


T.: +43 512 570512-3


ReMIND will combine a nursing robot, called James, with a tablet. This combination will integrate existing modules and features as  physical exercises (to stimulate activity), a music library which ...

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People suffering from brain degeneration like Alzheimer dementia can be helped by stimulation of their memory, meaningful activities and an improved level of physical activity in which all the help of many people around them is wanted for everyday life. The ReMIND project wants to develop a robot and tablet that can support the people with dementia and their care givers. The supportive role of this robot/tablet should be seen as interactive agenda, library of music, pictures and exercises that guarantee the desired stimulation of patient and caregiver.

Expected results and impact

  • After 2 years we expect a detainment or slowing of deterioration of the quality of life and mood of the patients (with these progressive diseases)
  • Also an improvement of the quality of life of the caregivers
  • We expect a deceleration or stabilization of the progress in physical and cognitive decline of the patients
  • It is expected that in 1 year after finishing the project that the solution will be marketed
  • The first 5 years of marketing, we will aim at selling 1 bot /1000 persons with dementia with the following 5 years an increase to 1 bot /100 PwD


Partners involved in the ReMIND project

Organization Type Country Website
Zora Robotics SME Belgium
Universiteit Gent R&D Belgium
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca R&D Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara R&D Romania
Ovos Media GmbH SME Austria
University of Applied Sciences - FH Campus Wien R&D Austria
Medizinische Universität Wien R&D Austria
  • Project name: Robotic ePartner for Multitarget INnovative activation of people with Dementia
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Zora Robotics NV
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: 01.10.2018
  • Total budget: €  2.049.464
  • Public contribution: € 1.379.554


Tommy Deblieck 


T.: +32 479 302 972



Initial case finding among the primary target group (older adults) and their care givers. (WP1) with quantitative demand surveys among users, their network and the wider stakeholder tier, jointly ...

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ENSAFE aims at supporting more effective prevention and self-care strategies by creating a smarter, more accessible and versatile link among the elderly person, their living environment and the support network around them by creating an elderly-oriented, network-based services aimed at fostering independent life. The service vision is built upon a layer of existing technologies, encompassing mobile communication, environmental sensing and clinical monitoring. Within the project the technologies will be further developed and integrated into a common framework which, in turn, will provide the basis for implementing innovative services.

Expected results and impact

An integrated system composed of a set of networked devices including a smart phone with built-in sensors, wearable sensors and environment sensors. Due to the open and flexible system design new sensors can be added, allowing for a constant enlargement of the range of elderly users with specific needs and conditions. Pilot applications are set in four different pilot countries representing a wide spectrum of development levels, living and service standards. A business model will be developed to describe how the product service will create, deliver and capture the value of the innovation and will consider the market, economic, social, cultural and other contextual factors across Europe.


Partners involved in the ENSAFE project

Organization Type Country Website
Regionaal Zorg Communicatie Centrum End User The Netherlands
GOCIETY® SME The Netherlands
University of Technology Eindhoven R&D The Netherlands
Me.Te.Da. S.r.l. SME Italy
PROGES Large Industry Italy
Università degli Studi di Parma R&D Italy
Gaia Systems AB SME Sweden
SICS Swedish ICT AB R&D Sweden
North West Coast Academic Health Science Network End User Sweden
ICE Creates Ltd SME United Kingdom
  • Project name: ENSAFE – Elderly-oriented, Network-based Services Aimed at independent life
  • Website:
  • CoordinatorRZCC (Regionaal ZorgCommunicatie Centrum)
  • Duration36 months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2015
  • Total budget: € 2.147.100
  • Public contribution: € 1.200.234,89


Anne Landstra (director RZCC)


T.: +31 (40) 2393000


The web platform of CoME will be based on an easy interface that will support multiple devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Moreover, users will have the option of making use of augmented or ...

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The CoME project provides a solution to reduce the number of seniors that demand care services by way of disease prevention and health self-management. Through miniaturised always-on sensors, seniors will be allowed to self-report themselves whenever appropriate in a non-intrusive way and send this information to professional caregivers to predict long-term state thanks to the analysis of these activity patterns.

It also eases the work of informal caregivers providing them with care tutorials and a match-making tool that facilitates care distribution between them and other caregivers.

Expected results and impact

  • Reducing the number of seniors that will demand for care through disease prevention and health self-management
  • Easing the access to care services by seniors to obtain a high-quality care at home and in the community
  • Extracting interesting conclusions from the analysis of users’ activity patterns
  • Improving informal caregivers and professionals support
  • Reducing informal caregivers working charge


Partners involved in the CoME project

Organization Type Country Website
HI-Iberia Ingenieria y Proyectos SL SME Spain
Biomedical Research Institute for Health in Lleida End User Spain
University of Geneva R&D Switzerland
Vigisense SME Switzerland
ConnectedCare services BV SME The Netherlands
Pannon Business Network Assciation End User Hungary
  • Project name: Caregivers and Me, CoME
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: HI-Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos SL
  • Duration36 months
  • Starting Date: 01.12.2015
  • Total budget: € 2.338.834,53€
  • Public contribution: € 1.320.650,98€


Inmaculada Luengo


T.: +34 91 458 51 19


The first phase of the project aims at developing an innovative and modular third generation ICT solution for independent living, by integrating and improving two existing platforms. A system of ...

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The overall objective of Home4Dem is to address the challenge of dementia care that is a major burden for industrialised societies, through the large-scale deployment in the market of an innovative ICT platform to enable people with dementia to live at home independently and to maintain an active social life, thus improving their quality of life and that of their caregivers. The test of the platform will be in real life condition preceded by a specific training to improve the acceptability of the solution and empower the technological literacy of the users.

Expected results and impact

By contributing to the ability of the People with Dementia to live independently in their house, the Home4Dem platform is expected to improve their quality of life and avoid unnecessary institutionalisations. In addition, the platform will support informal carers in their daily tasks: by reducing the time spent in monitoring activities, the platform is expected to reduce their burden of care.

Ultimately, Home4Dem will enrich the range of existing home-based care services to support independent living and reduce the use of institutional care.


Partners involved in the Home4Dem project

Organization Type Country Website
National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (IRCCS-INRCA) End User Italy
ArieLAB Srl SME Italy
iHomeLab R&D Switzerland
University of Lund R&D Sweden
Eichenberger Szenografie SME Switzerland
Domo Safety SME Switzerland
Trelleborg Kommunen End User Sweden
Karde AS SME Norway
Automa Srl SME Italy
  • Project name: HOME-based ICT solutions FOR the independent living of people with DEMentia and their caregivers
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: I.N.R.C.A.
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting date: 01.09.2015
  • Total budget: € 3,352,100.00
  • Public contribution: €1,645,950.00


Lorena Rossi


T.: +39 071 800 4893


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