The project develops an integrated entertainment solution for care, rehab and diagnostics. PLAYTIME motivates in a playful manner to perform personalised emotion-oriented exercise units to stimulate cognitive processes, to address physical activities and foster social inclusion. The objective is to motivate dementia users to enter a positive feedback cycle of periodic training with sensors that enable diagnostics on a daily basis, and to receive recommendations on the basis of these data that propose more personalised and better suited exercises for improved training.
Expected results and impact
PLAYTIME will deliver a fully integrated pilot application which will be evaluated in field tests in Austria and The Netherlands in a 2-stage approach. The solution contains an interactive mat, a mobile app, a diagnostics toolbox, a caregiver serious game and a recommendation toolbox. With this interactive, multimodal and digital solution we follow a blue ocean strategy, which satisfies the global trends of digitisation, gamification, individualisation and demographic change at the same time in the growing market of care, rehab and diagnostics.
Partners involved in the PLAYTIME project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH | R&D | Austria | www.joanneum.at |
Bouncing Bytes Lefkopoulos KG | SME | Austria | www.bouncingbytes.at |
FameL GmbH | SME | Austria | www.famel.at |
Sozialverein Deutschlandsberg | End User | Austria | www.sozialverein-deutschlandsberg.at |
Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Eindhoven en de Kempen | End User | The Netherlands | www.ggze.nl |
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg University | R&D | The Netherlands | www.tilburguniversity.edu |
McRoberts BV. | SME | The Netherlands | www.mcroberts.nl |
MindBytes | SME | Belgium | www.mindbytes.be |
Ghent University | R&D | Belgium | www.ugent.be |
- Project name: Playful Multimodal Daily training, Diagnostics and Recommendation System within a Social Network
- Website: www.aal-playtime.eu
- Coordinator: JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 01.04.2017
- Total budget: 1,649.027 EUR
- Public contribution: 1,117.239 EUR
The objective of the PETAL Project is to provide a platform able to increase elderly autonomy and assist them in carrying out activities of daily living. In particular, we aim to support older adults affected by mild dementia with useful and usable means to increase their awareness and control of their current lifestyle by providing them with relevant and tailored information in an intuitive and natural manner. This will be achieved through an intelligent platform able to monitor users’ behaviour (movements, speech, interactions) and support personalised control of lights and appliances in their environment.
Expected results and impact
The main features of the platform for supporting people with dementia at early stage will be:
- Personalisation Web-based tools for caregivers with usable interaction metaphors to specify how the lighting and appliances should behave in the elderly home;
- Middleware able to monitor actual elderly behaviour including their speech at home and to provide meaningful representations of such behaviours to care givers;
- Intelligent support for analysing elderly behaviour and inferring further adaptation and personalisation strategies, in particular for the lighting system;
- Validation of the approach and the platform in a number of field trials.
Important success metrics will be flexibility, cost and benefit of the proposed solution with respect to traditional approaches. The envisioned solution can contribute to support different groups of beneficiaries: older adults, their informal carers and the health workforce.
Partners involved in the PETAL project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | R&D | Italy | www.hiis.isti.cnr.it |
Apollis - Istituto di ricerca sociale e demoscopia s.n.c. | SME | Italy | www.apollis.it |
Bartenbach GmbH | SME | Austria | www.bartenbach.com |
Synthema srl | SME | Italy | www.synthema.it |
Fondazione Santa Lucia | End User | Italy | www.hsantalucia.it |
Fundaţia Ana Aslan International | End User | Romania | www.anaaslanacademy.ro |
Ideable Solutions, SL | SME | Spain | www.ideable.net |
- Project name: PErsonalizable assisTive Ambient monitoring and Lighting
- Website: http://www.aal-petal.eu/
- Coordinator: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 01.10.2017
- Total budget: EUR 1.904.527,00
- Public contribution: EUR 1.194.028,90
Memories are important for dementia patients; they influence how they act and feel nowadays. However, for people around them, it is often hard to explore what is really going on in their beloved one’s mind. In MI-Tale we develop a digital and interactive game to recall and record memories. This tool contains existing material such as historical pictures and video’s, but also allows the user to add own material. In this way it helps to discover what the elderly person is thinking and feeling and it promotes conversation among generations. Next it allows players to complete a personal life-story book.
Expected results and impact
In the first months an amount of 35 involved persons will be interviewed. In the pilot phase about 70 elderly people with dementia will be included, as well as 85 caregivers. This participative approach makes MI-Tale known among a big amount of potential users, both elderly persons and organisations working with them. Expected main impact of, first, the project and, later on, the product is improvement of communication (in terms of clarity, fun and variety) among dementia patients and their beloved ones. Working closely together with care organisations, bringing the product to the field will be done organically.
Partners involved in the MI-Tale project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
National Foundation for the Elderly (NFE) | End User | The Netherlands | www.ouderenfonds.nl |
LIFEtool gemeinnützige GmbH (LFTL) | End User | Austria | www.lifetool.at |
Eerste Verdieping Internet Communities (EVIC) | SME | The Netherlands | www.eersteverdieping.nl |
ENPP-Böhm Institut (ENPP) | SME | Austria | www.enpp-austria.com |
Consultancy Zorg Giersbergen (CZG) | SME | The Netherlands | www.zorggiersbergen.nl |
MK Prosopsis Ltd (MKP) | SME | Cyprus | www.mkprosopsis.com |
- Project name: MI-Tale – A personalised psychobiographic game to access and preserve memories of people with dementia.
- Website: www.mi-tale.eu
- Coordinator: National Foundation for the Elderly (the Netherlands)
- Duration: 24 months
- Starting date: 01.05.2017
- Total budget: €1,001,627.00
- Public contribution: €713,109
MEMENTO provides a solution to help people with dementia to life with a decline of memory – short term memory as well as long term memory. MEMENTO provides a tool to create own set of memories in everyday life. It’s your own picture, voice and video diary.
MEMENTO addresses people with early and middle level of dementia such as those subjects with an MMSE score ranging from 24 and 28. The MEMENTO solution comprises of three different devices: 1)The all-day device to record voice notes, video clips and snapshots and which can give small information, a digital blackboard and a smart pen and paper pocket book.
Expected results and impact
The MEMENTO solution comprises of three different devices such as the all-day device, the digital blackboard and the smart pen. The all-day device helps people with dementia to record voice notes, video clips and snapshots and give small information about places and people or notes which have been stored by themselves. The digital blackboard provides different features such as sharing memories, write daily reminders in the form of digital post-it and an interactive digital calendar supporting the daily task organisation and the health related reminders (e.g. drug intake). Finally, a smart pen to note down notes to notebooks while motivating the users to draw and make sketches and to explain things which have an engaging and motivating influence on people with dementia.
Partners involved in the MEMENTO project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Virtualware 2007 S.A: | SME | Spain | www.virtualwaregroup.com |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH | R&D | Austria | www.ait.ac.at |
BKM Design Studio | SME | Austria | www. tbkm.net |
Medical University of Vienna | R&D | Austria | www.meduniwien.ac.at |
Wetouch | SME | Austria | www. wetouch.at |
Integris | SME | Italy | www.integris.it |
Università di Perugia | End User | Italy | www.unipg.it |
Bidaideak - Sociedad Vasca de Minusválidos | End User | Spain | www.bidaideak.org |
Citard Services Ltd | SME | Cyprus | www.citard-serv.com |
- Project name : MEMENTO – A persuasive system supporting Memory and Moments of people with Early and Middle stage of dementia
- Website: http://www.memento-project.eu
- Coordinator : Virtualware 2007 S.A.
- Duration : 24 months
- Starting date : 01.05.2017
- Total budget : 2 104 752 €
- Public contribution : 1 273 767 €
MedGUIDE is a European innovation project that provides an innovative approach to support seniors with dementia with their medication adherence through smart pill boxes and social networking. The project aims to help elders with mild cognitive impairments living at home by:
- Providing insight in the actual needs of elders with dementia (based on input from the patient, the network of informal caregivers, and contextual data from IoT devices);
- Provide insight in actual medication use, side effects and adherence;
- Provide support for improving the care and medication adherence through direct reminders and personalised road maps leveraging the network of informal caregivers.
Expected results and impact
The MedGUIDE product brings together all actors in the chain of health and pharmaceutical care interested in improving the care and well-being of people with dementia through better medication management. Considering that over 60% of people with dementia in Europe have trouble with over- and under treatment of dementia related medications, the target market of MedGUIDE is significant. The MedGUIDE business model targets professional care providers (e.g. pharmacy networks), who can use MedGUIDE to improve medication management and thereby better support their elderly patients. Furthermore, the consortium aims to also directly target health insurers, since the high-level efficiency gains can only be incentivised on a meta-level.
Partners involved in the MedGUIDE project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
ConnectedCare Services BV | SME | The Netherlands | www.connectedcare.nl |
KARDE AS | End User / SME | Norway | www.karde.no |
Vigisense SA | SME | Switzerland | www.vigisense.com |
Hogeschool Utrecht | R&D | The Netherlands | www.hu.nl |
Dutch Institute for Rational Use of Medicine | End User | The Netherlands | www.medicijngebruik.nl |
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca | R&D | Romania | www.utcluj.ro |
Materia Group – AgeCare | End User / SME | Cyprus | www.materia.com.cy |
- Project name: MedGUIDE
- Website: www.aal-medguide.eu
- Coordinator: Connectedcare Services b.v.
- Duration: 30 months
- Starting date: 01.02.2017
- Total budget: € 2.039.024
- Public contribution: € 1.289.710
Due to ageing of the populations, increasing number of elderly people experience progressive cognitive decline and suffer from dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. Symptoms affecting people with dementia create an enormous challenge to healthcare and social support systems, as well as individual caregivers. Needs of people with cognitive decline depend on the stage of disease and may vary from occasional support to close supervision. However, cognitive decline is often under-diagnosed and needs of support remain unrecognised causing failure in providing safe environment for dementia sufferers.
The IONIS project addresses the needs of people with dementia and is motivated by the successful work and excellent final evaluation of the AAL NITICS (Networked InfrasTructure for Innovative home Care Solutions – Call). IONIS intends to exploit NITICS innovation and extend the platform with new technologies and services for both indoor and outdoor support in order provide a wide range of dementia specific solutions through continuous support to people with dementia when they are at home or outside.
Expected results and impact
The expected results of the project may be viewed in three dimensions:
- Individual : Supporting older people with cognitive decline and their caregivers with ICT solutions will augment their safety and lower risk of harmful events, as well as facilitate their active participation in life.
- Links between science and business: Cooperation of partners with different backgrounds (technical sciences, medicine, social sciences) in the project will contribute to the development of best possible solutions ready to be placed on the market.
- Society level: Creating dementia-friendly communities and changing attitudes towards people with dementia.
Partners involved in the IONIS project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
ECLEXYS Sagl | SME | Switzerland | www.eclexys.com |
Centrul IT pentru Stiinta si Tehnologie | End User / SME | Romania | www.citst.ro |
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest | R&D | Romania | www.upb.ro |
IZRIIS Institute for research, intergenerational relations, gerontology and ICT | End User | Slovenia | www.izriis.si |
Alzheimer Slovenia - Spominčica | End User | Slovenia | www.spomincica.si |
Warsaw University of Technology | R&D | Poland | www.pw.edu.pl |
Department of Geriatrics Warsaw | End User | Poland | www.wum.edu.pl |
Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research | R&D | Hungary | www.bayzoltan.hu |
Őszi Napsugár Otthon | End User | Hungary | www.oszinapsugar.hu |
Softic Ltd. | SME | Hungary | www.softic.hu |
- Project name : Indoor and outdoor NITICSplus solution for dementia challenges
- Website: http://ionis.eclexys.com
- Coordinator : ECLEXYS Sagl
- Duration : 30 months
- Starting date : 01.10.2017
- Total budget : 2,309,150.00 €
- Public contribution : 1,594,468.00 €
Get Ready For Activity – persuasive ambiences is the modular application of ambient lighting, sound and scents research to create room ambiences for supporting people with dementia (PwD) and their caregivers in their daily activities and structure and positively influence erratic behaviour (depression and agitation) of PwD. The project aims to develop, implement and validate as well as get ready for the market an intelligent, modular, persuasive ambient system to prepare PwD for new or changing activities during the day and thereby assist the care recipients as well as the caregivers.
Expected results and impact
Market ready modules (light, sound and scent) for creating automated room ambiences are planned to be ready two years from the end of the research project. The business plan involves a contractor for each country who helps integrating the solution in care facilities and home settings and an affordable licence system for needed software. GREAT will support PwD to live at their own homes for a longer period of their disease. The system helps with agitation or apathy in the patients and thereby ease the burden of caregivers at home and in facilities and allows for individual configuration at reduced costs.
Partners involved in the GREAT project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg GmbH | R&D | Austria | www.fhv.at |
Bartenbach GmbH | SME | Austria | www.bartenbach.com |
Intefox GmbH | SME | Austria | |
Tirol Kliniken GmbH - Hall | End User | Austria | www.tirol-kliniken.at |
University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen | R&D | Switzerland | www.fhsg.ch |
CURAVIVA Schweiz | End User | Switzerland | www.curaviva.ch |
EMT - energy management team AG | SME | Switzerland | www.emt.ch |
apollis - Institute of Social Research and Opinion Polling | SME | Italy | www.apollis.it |
- Project name: Get Ready For Activity – Ambient Day Scheduling with Dementia
- Website: http://great.labs.fhv.at/
- Coordinator: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 01.02.2017
- Total budget: 3 mi €
- Public contribution: 1,66 mi €
Lifestyle monitoring can reduce caregiver’s distress and thereby extend the period that the informal caregiver can sustain the care and support needs for the PwD. With lifestyle monitoring, carers have insight in the daily pattern of a person with dementia and thereby communication between both can be enhanced. Nevertheless, lifestyle monitoring is unidirectional without the PwD in the communication loop. To support integrated person centred care, we add social robotics to lifestyle monitoring in the European eWare project to support bidirectional communication. Furthermore, the lifestyle monitoring sensors add context awareness to the social robot and the social robot provides an interface between the PwD and the (in)formal carer. With increasing context awareness, the social robot can provide context relevant suggestions to the PwD.
The main project goals of eWare are focused on outcomes:
- reduce subjective stress of the informal carers and the patient community,
- enhance quality of life of the informal carer and person with dementia,
- support communication and information between formal and informal careers.
The technology and services used in eWare consist of existing lifestyle monitoring or life pattern monitoring connected and integrated with novel support robots.
The eWare eco-system is characterised by the integration of two technologies: the lifestyle monitoring of Sensara (motion sensors and open/close sensors) and the social robotic technology of Tinybots. To realise the eWare eco-system and integrate these technologies, three developments need to take place:
- eWare Cloud that hosts core data
- eWare mobile application for the caregivers
- eWare API enables the Sensara technology and Tinybot technology to interface with the newly developed eWare eco-system.
Expected results and impact
Expected Impact on quality of life For people with dementia
Living an active and meaningful life with support of eWare can initiate activities for the person with dementia, while the formal- and informal carer can monitor the daily activity level and act accordingly. The informal carer can be reassured by the lifestyle monitoring in the house and the communication in such a way that he/she can give the person with dementia more space to life. The communication possibilities will trigger the person with dementia to become active without the necessary involvement of communication with others, and enable people with dementia to stay in contact with others. Lifestyle monitoring provides insight into the short- and long-term life patterns of a person with dementia, whereby it can result in better knowledge of the person’s specific – and eventually unserved – needs and how the formal and informal care can be adjusted accordingly.
Expected Impact on quality of life
For informal and professional carers, eWare will reduce stress and care burden. The goal is to optimise these effects.
Build resilience
The current in use lifestyle monitoring technology can build resilience among informal carers, as shown in practice in several projects across The Netherlands and Italy with people with dementia and their informal carers.
Improve quality, efficiency and effectiveness of care
The improvement of quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the care can be met by early warning for crisis situations (e.g. restlessness during the night, excessive toilet use indicates a possible bladder infection, prolonged inactivity in the kitchen which may indicate decreased food intake, etc.) provided by the lifestyle monitoring.
Expected impact on the market
eWare will contribute to a large(r) use of ICT/technology for people with dementia and their supporting community. Lifestyle monitoring is in use at the target group but in limited numbers. The planned developments in combination with large-scale trials in four countries – varying in geographical location from northern Europe to the south – with varying cultures and care financing systems – brings it a leap further.
We further foresee more European collaboration, including end-users, industry and other stakeholders in the value chain. eWare creates new European cooperation and is fully aware of the need for the European dimension, in particular in respect to creating a sustainable business model that can be applied across Europe. We further expect savings for the social/care system as people with dementia live in their homes for longer, thus delaying the move to institutionalised care. Currently available results show a positive trend that the current in use lifestyle monitoring technology can postpone the nursing home admission, but can also detect possible health problems at an early stage. The planned developments have the goal to strengthen this effect.
Partners involved in the eWare project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Vilans, national expert enter for the long-term care for The Netherlands | R&D | The Netherlands | www.vilans.nl |
Sensara B.V. | SME | The Netherlands | www.sensara.eu |
Tinybots B.V. | SME | The Netherlands | www.tinybots.nl |
ZZG Zorggroep | End User | The Netherlands | www.zzgzorggroep.nl |
INRCA | R&D | Italy | www.inrca.it |
Universita Politecnica Delle Marche | R&D | Italy | www.univpm.it |
JEF S.r.l. | SME | Italy | www.jef.it |
terzStiftung | End User | Switzerland | www.terzstiftung.ch |
NTNU | R&D | Norway | www.ntnu.edu |
ASCOM | Large Industry | Norway | www.ascom.com |
Stjørdal Kommune | End User | Norway | www.stjordal.kommune.no |
- Project name : Early Warning (by Lifestyle Monitoring) Accompanies Robotics Excellence
- Website: http://aal-eware.eu
- Coordinator : Vilans
- Duration : 36 Months
- Starting date : 01.06.2017
- Total budget : mi €2.2
- Public contribution : mi €1.3
Frailty leads to reduced competence in activities of daily living, independence, as well as secondary health problems and threats, e.g. falls, depression, anxiety and isolation. Frailty in persons with dementia interacts within a “vicious circle”, promoting physical decline.
CO-TRAIN will develop a coaching system for functional exercise training of frail people with dementia, consisting of training programs, a mobile sensor system with software for movement analysis and tracking, a web-based coaching portal and guidelines for motivating training instructions and online feedback on a smartphone.
Expected results and impact
Coaching system for functional exercise training of frail people with dementia including: Server software for physiotherapists, Android app with user interface for guiding the exercises and automatic feedback, motion sensors and mobile software for movement analysis in 3D.
Results of field trials: Test data from 60 participants in 3 countries, validated prototype.
Business idea: Software system for physiotherapists marketed by CareCenter Software GmbH, CREAGY AG, Synappz NVand distribution partners.
Partners involved in the CO-TRAIN project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH | R&D | Austria | www.ait.ac.at |
CareCenter Software GmbH | SME | Austria | www.carecenter.at |
CREAGY AG | SME | Switzerland | www.creagy.ch |
Movisie | R&D | The Netherlands | www.movisie.nl |
terzStiftung | End User | Switzerland | www.terzstiftung.ch |
De Wever | End User | The Netherlands | www.dewever.nl |
MAS Alzheimerhilfe | End User | Austria | www.alzheimer-hilfe.at |
Synappz Mobile Health | SME | The Netherlands | www.synappz.nl |
Kepler Universitätsklinikum GmbH | Large Industry | Austria | www.kepleruniklinikum.at |
- Project name: Coaching system for functional exercise training of frail people with dementia
- Website: www.cotrain.eu
- Coordinator: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
- Duration: 27 months
- Starting date: 01.03.2017
- Total budget: 2.66 mi €
- Public contribution: 1.55 mi €
Vizier strives to improve the lives of the elderly by providing them with the tools to live healthy and independently for a long period. It aims to design and develop an innovative solution for elderly users to close the digital divide and empower elderly users to fully benefit from the latest technological innovations to improve the management of their daily lives and to stay physically, mentally and socially active. Through an intuitive and natural user interface, the envisaged intelligent system solution aims to support the elderly in their daily lives and to promote behaviour change.
Expected results and impact
Vizier aims to develop an “open architecture”, which facilitates the development of an ecosystem and the possibilities for setting up partnership agreements that renders the product and services more commercially viable and scalable. Vizier will achieve a high commercialisation value, with the inclusion of existing proven technologies in combination cutting edge research solutions. The project strives to have a working prototype validated and evaluated in two countries at the end of the project. Vizier’s time-to-market perspective is estimated to be two years after the project end, where MyHomecare and its subcontractor Salaso, an experienced business partner in the domain, will strive to commercialise the product.
Partners involved in the Vizier project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
University of Geneva | R&D | Switzerland | www.unige.ch |
Dublin City University | R&D | Ireland | www.dcu.ie |
Servisource Healthcare Ltd T/A Myhomecare | End User / Large Industry | Ireland | www.myhomecare.ie |
NetUnion sàrl | SME | Switzerland | www.netunion.com |
Verhaert New Products & Services NV | SME | Belgium | www.verhaert.com |
Acapela Group S.A. | SME | Belgium | www.acapela-group.com |
Familiehulp vzw | End User | Belgium | www.familiehulp.be |
VIVA Association | End User | Switzerland | www.association-viva.org |
Salaso Health Solutions Ltd (subcontractor of Servisource) | SME | Ireland | www.salaso.com |
- Project name: The Elderly Friendly Interface to Modern Online Services and Internet of Things Appliances
- Website: http://www.aal-vizier.eu/
- Coordinator: University of Geneva
- Duration: 36 months
- Starting date: 01.01.2017
- Total budget: 3,7 mi €
- Public contribution: 1,8 mi €