
The TSBank system will allow to match elderly volunteer work with the needs of people looking for help in particular areas.  The platform will be built on a modular system, where there’s a single ...

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The elderly often have large amounts of free time and high skill in specific areas. TSBank aims to give the elderly a way to use their time and skills in a way that is useful to society, enabling them to be active and feel needed, contributing to their well-being and reducing their dependency on care giving. To this end, TSBank will develop, validate, and deploy an online platform that allows the elderly to volunteer their skills and time to perform work on a set of areas. People looking for support can then consult the platform to look for volunteers that match the sought needs, and the platform puts both parties in contact.

Expected results and impact

TSBank will develop and validate a web-based service that will match volunteer elderly work with specific work needs, as well as prepare the exploitation of that service post-project. TSBank impact will include, among others:

  • improve the quality of life of the participant elderly by giving them a way to help others and use their time productively, which will increase their happiness and self-esteem;
  • reduce the stress on care-givers and family by giving the elderly a way to use their time;
  • develop an innovative matching service that serves as model for future similar services.


Partners involved in the TSBank project

Organization Type Country Website
IncreaseTime, SA SME Portugal www.increasetime.pt
Ana International Foundation End User Romania www.brainaging.ro
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland R&D Switzerland www.supsi.ch
  • Project name: Time and Skill Bank for Active Aging
  • Website: http://www.tsbank.eu
  • Coordinator: Increase Time, S.A.
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Starting date: 01.06.2016
  • Total budget: 723,000.00 €
  • Public contribution: 621,900.00 €


Gil Gonçalves

E.: gil.goncalves@itime.pt

T.: +351 229 396 355



The STAGE platform provides a simple application by means of which elderly users can choose the live performance or events’ package they want to access through common digital devices like tablets, ...

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The STAGE project aims to provide elderly people with an easy and affordable online access to live cultural events (i.e. theatre, operas, museums) worldwide. Being an older person is finally the moment when people can spend more time on activities they might not have enjoyed in the past because of a busy working life. The project’s ambition is to overcome limitations connected to health, economic situation, mobility and accessibility that the elderly often face and through an IT platform allow them to comfortably access cultural events anywhere, at any time improving their quality of leisure and social participation.

Expected results and impact

  • Engagement, targeting thousands of elderly people in Europe via end user associations;
  • Network of about 100 involved cultural stakeholders in business alliance;
  • 24 months’ time-to-market;
  • Standard channel for tickets’ sales, allowing everyone to purchase a theatre, concert or exhibition event for streaming vision at home;
  • Proactive participation in self-determining own leisure time and daily lifestyle;
  • Self-confidence and commitment to expand own education and culture.


Partners involved in the STAGE project

Organization Type Country Website
CNR ITC - National Research Council, Construction Technologies Institute R&D Italy www.itc.cnr.it
CEDEO di Chiariglione Leonardo EC SME Italy www.cedeo.net
Accademia Nazionale Cultura Sportiva End User Italy www.ancs.it
SIVECO Romania SA Large Industry Romania www.siveco.ro
Georama LLC SME Cyprus www.geoimaging.com.cy
ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. SME Poland www.asm-poland.com.pl
Pannon Business Network Association End User Hungary www.pbn.hu
InfomatiX Hungary SME Hungary www.infomatix.net
Materia End User Cyprus www.materia.com.cy
  • Project name: Streaming of Theatre and Arts for old aGe Entertainment
  • Website: www.stage-aal.eu 
  • Coordinator: National Research Council, Institute for Construction Technologies
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting date: 01.03.2016
  • Total budget: 1.887.824 €
  • Public contribution: 1.203.072 €


Dr. Luigi Biocca

E.: luigi.biocca@cnr.it

T.: +39 0690 672 863



The services accessed through the PALETTE platform will be chosen, based on the most important needs expressed by seniors with low computer literacy. These services will be organised around four ...

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Nowadays a real digital divide exists between people with low and high computer literacy. The restricted access to computer services can be a serious handicap for the less skilled. Therefore, the PALETTEv2 project aims at providing a web platform helping seniors with low computer literacy to stay socially, economically and physically active. The platform will provide a simplified access to many online services such as communication, lifelong learning, working services and well-being in order to promote the participation of everyone to the digital society and hence to society as a whole.

Expected results and impact

The PALETTEV2 will break the digital divide suffered by the less skilled seniors by fostering their active involvement in social and economic activities through ICT services. The user centred approach will ensure the adequacy and accessibility of our platform on any devices as well as a fully personalised experience. To avoid ghettoisation we will ensure the compatibility with many existing applications. The final product and services of PALETTEV2 will be commercialised to different customers and stakeholders such as older adults, local government agencies, service providers and health insurance institutions.


Partners involved in the PALETTEv2 project

Organization Type Country Website
University Hospitals of Geneva R&D Switzerland www.hug-ge.ch
SC SIVECO Romania SA Large Industry Romania www.siveco.ro
Stichting Reflexion R&D The Netherlands www.re-flexion.eu
Knowledge Society Association SME Poland www.gb.pl.ssw.org.pl
The Prava poteza Institute SME Slovenia www.prava-poteza.si
VILANS SME The Netherlands www.vilans.nl
Stichting Smart Homes End User The Netherlands www.smart-homes.nl
KempenLIFE End User The Netherlands www.kempenlife.nl
University of Bucharest End User Romania www.unibuc.ro
  • Project name: PALETTEv2 – Participative Activity and Learning Environment offering Targeted ICT Tools for the Elderly
  • Website: http://www.palettev2.eu/
  • Coordinator: University Hospitals of Geneva
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting date: 01.04.2016
  • Total budget: € 2’014’440.00
  • Public contribution: € 1’366’051.50


Frederic Ehrler

E.: Frederic.ehrler@hcuge.ch

T.: +41223728697



Virtual assistance Software for the daily life of Elderly / Cloud Platform / Data Science / Tablets The PA consists of intelligent software that can integrate any existing and proven technology and ...

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Delivering Virtual Assistant “Anne” as an assistance for the daily life of elderly people.

Integration with Home automation systems.

The My Life, My Way project will provide a Personal Virtual Assistant that enables large groups of people to live independently longer by giving them an easy-to-use, most natural way to interact with supporting technology. The Personal Assistant (PA) is the result of a reliable and innovative technology.  It is able to learn autonomously from its users, their personal preferences and needs. While the technology in the background is quite complex, for the end users the PA is a friendly, human-looking avatar on their screen (be it computer, tv , tablet or smart phone). They can speak to the PA using natural language (speech recognition).

Expected results and impact

A seamless working Virtual Assistance software for elderly anytime- anywhere availale for caregiver organisations and individual elderly.

Home automation system(HAS) integration V.A. as an interface between Human -HAS.

Developing new features based on end-user input on existing V.A. software.

A B2Market commercial product development.


Partners involved in the MLMW project

Organization Type Country Website
ENGIE Services Zuid Nederland BV Large Industry The Netherlands www.engie-services.nl
Virtual Assistant BV SME The Netherlands www.virtask.nl
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts / iHomeLab R&D Switzerland www.hslu.ch
Bonacasa End User Switzerland www.bonacasa.ch
Senior Living Group End User Belgium www.srliving.be
UC Leuven-Limburg R&D Belgium www.ucll.be
Trivium MeulenBelt Zorg End User The Netherlands www.triviummeulenbeltzorg.nl
HAN University of applied Sciences R&D The Netherlands www.han.nl
Municipality of Deventer End User The Netherlands www.deventer.nl
  • Project name: MyLifeMyWay
  • Website: http://www.mylifemyway-aal.eu
  • Coordinator: ENGIE
  • Duration: 42 months
  • Starting date: 01.03.2016
  • Total budget: €2.077.178
  • Public contribution: €1.067.079


Arzu Barské

E.: arzu.barske@engie.com

T.: +31 6 133 943 61



The Kith&Kin system exists of hardware and software components. The basic hardware platform will be a standard/off-the-shelf tablet computer (with a set of application(s) running on it). ...

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The Kith&Kin project tackles the problem of the progressive social isolation of older adults living alone and in far distance from their family members. It offers a solution for technology illiterate older adults to foster the communication and interaction with their family and friends by designing a new product which is based on well-known communication and interaction patterns. The innovative core of Kith&Kin is the tangible/haptic user interaction capability extending a standard tablet PC. The basic concept provides new ways of communication, gaming and sharing.

Expected results and impact

Kith&Kin will be based on clearly identified user wishes and needs, wants to support connectedness and enable older adults to participate in social life (crucial for personal satisfaction, well-being and quality of life). Kith&Kin wants to motivate to use and integrate ICT-based products in everyday life routines. It follows a strong user-centred/participatory design approach and will profoundly involve 20 user pairs. At the end of the project a concept prototype with simple interaction patterns is expected which can be brought to the market as an accessible (ease of use) and affordable (costs) solution within 2 years.


Partners involved in the KnK project

Organization Type Country Website
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria www.ait.ac.at
New Design University R&D Austria www.ndu.ac.at
Wetouch SME Austria www.wetouch.at
Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur – iHomeLab R&D Switzerland www.hslu.ch
soultank AG SME Switzerland www.soultank.ch
terzStiftung End User Switzerland www.terzstiftung.ch
YoooM bv. SME The Netherlands www.yooom.nl
CMO Flevoland End User The Netherlands www.cmo-flevoland.nl
  • Project name: Kith&Kin – connects you with your beloved ones
  • Website: www.kithnkin.eu
  • Coordinator: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: 01.04.2016
  • Total budget: 3,0 mi €
  • Public contribution: 1,8 mi €


Mr. Andreas Stainer-Hochgatterer

E.: andreas.stainer-hochgatterer@ait.ac.at

T.: +43.664.6207689



The progressive impact of dementia on memory, communication, behaviour, orientation, and mood can have serious implications for an individual’s wellbeing. Whilst there is currently no cure for ...

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There are 47 million people living with dementia worldwide and expected to increase to 131 million by 2050. A person with dementia experiences loss of function, especially memory, eventually affecting verbal communication and ultimately creating disconnection from the close ones such as family and friends. The SENSE-GARDEN project will create rooms that automatically adapt to the memories and lives of their visitors with dementia. The aim is to evoke and awaken emotions by providing stimuli to the different senses, such as sight, touch, hearing, and smell, leading to a re-connection with the reality around.

Expected Results and Impact

The main question to be answered in SENSE-GARDEN is: can we use a technological adaptive space, stimulating senses with music, images, smells, to be used as a therapy offered to older adults living with dementia to reduce the progression of the disease? The project will use these immersive spaces, simulating images of mountains, music of singing birds, and forest aromas. We expect to be able to access lost areas of the memory in persons with dementia and to help them re-connecting to reality. SENSE-GARDENS in four countries will be totally operating at project end to attract European marketing interest.


Partners involved in the SENSE-GARDEN project

Organization Type Country Website
University Hospital of North Norway R&D Norway www.ehealthresearch.no
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest End User Romania www.umfcd.ro
Odda Municipality End User Norway www.odda.kommune.no
Sta. Casa da Misericordia End User Portugal www.scml.pt
Compexin S.A. SME Romania www.compexin.ro
Vulpia Vlaanderen VZW End User Belgium www.vulpia.be
e-Point SME Belgium www.e-point-the-electronic-point-of-care.com
Norwegian University of Science and Technology R&D Norway www.ntnu.no
  • Project name: Virtual and memory adaptable spaces creating stimuli for the senses in ageing people with dementia
  • Website: sense-garden.eu
  • CoordinatorUniversity Hospital of North Norway
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2017
  • Total budget: € 2,1 mi
  • Public contribution: € 1.3 mi


Artur Serrano

E.: jarturserrano@gmail.com,

T.: +47 9668 3435


SUCCESS takes into account verbal and non-verbal communication. To provide an interesting and innovative way of teaching and guidance, SUCCESS will support the user through conversations with an ...

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Due to growing life expectancy and unhealthy lifestyles, dementia is a fast growing chronic disease that affects the behaviour and communication abilities of people living with this neurological disorder. Caregivers are often challenged by this fact, which could lead to stress, helplessness, aggressive situations and caregiver burnout.

The SUCCESS project provides an innovative mobile training application to support formal and informal caregivers to appropriately interact with people with dementia. The application provides evidence-based communication and intervention strategies and guides the user to effectively respond to specific situations in dementia care.

Expected Results and Impact

SUCCESS delivers a fully integrated mobile pilot application that will be evaluated in long-term field studies in Austria and Romania. The results of this study will form the basis for the finalization of the SUCCESS business model and the subsequent market introduction of the SUCCESS solution within 2-3 years after project end. The go-to-market strategy is twofold: Following a B2C approach SUCCESS will directly address informal caregivers of people with dementia. In addition, providers of social services will be approached in order to provide SUCCESS for their employees (B2B2C). The SUCCESS solution will relieve caregiver stress and their self-stigma but will also increase the well-being and communication of people living with dementia by improving the relationships with their caregivers.


Partners involved in the SUCCESS project

Organization Type Country Website
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria http://www.ait.ac.at
Exthex SME Austria http://www.exthex.com
Citard Services Ltd SME Cyprus http://www.citard-serv.com
Romanian Alzheimer Society End User Romania http://www.alz.ro
EURAG Österreich End User Austria http://www.eurag.at
University of Lethbridge R&D Canada http://www.uleth.ca
Singular Logic Romania Computer Application SRL Large Industry Romania http://www.singularlogic.eu
University of Oslo R&D Norway http://www.uio.no
University of Cyprus R&D Cyprus http://www.ucy.ac.cy
  • Project name: Successful caregiver communication and everyday situation support in dementia care
  • Website: http://www.success-aal.eu
  • CoordinatorAIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2017
  • Total budget: € 1,7 mil
  • Public contribution: € 1.2 mil


Markus Garschall

E.: markus.garschall@ait.ac.at

T.: +43 50550-4534


Within the gAALaxy project bundles of existing innovative AAL solutions will be combined and interoperable with professional home automation systems in order to deliver a unique and unified end-user ...

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The motivation behind gAALaxy is to support older adults in staying autonomously and socially active in their familiar environment and in introducing them to AAL-technologies while using an ambient and activating approach. The unique holistic approach of gAALaxy is the merging of stand-alone solutions that support elderly people in their core areas of life by combining home automation with AAL products and services on an adaptable and modular “AAL ready Smart Home” system that fits into the changing life phases of the user.

Expected results and impact

Next to the expected result that market-ready AAL-solutions will benefit from the interoperability created by gAALaxy and the creation of AAL scenarios that also make use of the capabilities of Smart Home solutions the project aims to measure the effects on Quality of Life aspects by primary as well as secondary end-users. By doing so the project will, besides providing new standardised APIs, at like a business catalyst for AAL products to easier reach customers and sales channels. Even after the project duration it is planned to have an ongoing cooperation based on gAALaxy to integrate more solutions and to develop AAL scenarios using other technologies.


Partners involved in the gAALaxy project

Organization Type Country Website
University of Innsbruck R&D Austria www.uibk.ac.at
University of Antwerp R&D Belgium www.uantwerpen.be
European Academy of Bolzano / Bozen R&D Italy www.eurac.edu
Austrian Red Cross – Freiwillige Rettung Innsbruck End User Austria www.roteskreuz-innsbruck.at
Privatklinik Villa Melitta – Casa di Cura End User / SME Italy www.villamelitta.it
CogVis GmbH SME Austria www.cogvis.at
Fifthplay n.v. SME Belgium www.fifthplay.com
SIS Consulting GmbH SME Austria www.sis-consulting.com
SF1 Bvba SME Belgium www.sf1.services
  • Project name: gAALaxy – The universal system for independent and interconnected living at home
  • Website: www.gaalaxy.eu
  • Coordinator: University of Innsbruck – Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting date: 01.05.2016
  • Total budget: 3,785,408.81 €
  • Public contribution: 2,072,994.94 €


Felix Piazolo

E.: Felix.Piazolo@uibk.ac.at

T.: +43 512 5705123



The Follow.Me platform (GPS tracker, smartwatch app and web app) aims to create an easy to use system to locate people and provide information when they leave a specific area (the house, the ...

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Follow.Me aims to satisfy people’s desire of monitoring the position of elderly people with different forms of dementia and Alzheimer, in order to prevent danger situations. Caregivers and family members will be able to track their patients and loved ones using geofencing technologies in order to know when they leave or enter a given area, the speed they are travelling, send them notifications that will appear on the watch and even call them. They will be able to create safe areas, unsafe areas and alarms when the Follow.Me device leaves a given location or when it arrives at a given place.

Expected results and impact

The outcomes of Follow.me will be an integrated solution consisting of: an application developed for smartwatches available on the market (iOS and Android) for the localisation of the elderly and people with mental disorders in an outdoor and indoor; an indoor location system based on an innovative use of Wi-Fi technology/BLE for an easy localisation of the patient; cloud-based services, available for families and medical workers, that can generate a wide range of alarms and to ensure a rapid and timely communication with the patient through the use of PCs or Smartphones.


Partners involved in the Follow.Me project

Organization Type Country Website
Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica R&D Italy www.consorzio-cini.it
University and Emergency Hospital of Bucharest End User Romania www.suub.ro
SIVECO Large Industry Romania www.siveco.ro
Austrian Institute of Technology R&D Austria www.ait.ac.at
MobiMesh SME Italy www.mobimesh.eu
Epsilon SME Italy www.epsilonline.com
SYNYO GmbH SME Austria www.synyo.com
LiCalab vzw End User Belgium www.licalab.be
Wit-Gele Kruis Limburg vzw End User Belgium www.witgelekruis.be
  • Project name: Follow.Me
  • Website: http://followmeproject.eu/overview.html
  • Coordinator: Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica (CINI)
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Starting date: 01.06.2016
  • Total budget: 2,2 mi €
  • Public contribution: 1,1 mi €


Stefano Avallone

E.: stavallo@unina.it

T.: +39 081 768 3902



Within the AAL-JP project EnterTrain, an exercise gaming platform will be developed and evaluated in cooperation with end-user, combining three core aspects of AAL: technology, end-user and ...

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The objective of EnterTrain is given by its name: enhancing the health and quality of life of independently living older adults by motivating them for physical Training in an Entertaining way. To enhance physical activity of older adults, exergames can be used – these are computer games which are played via body movement and thus have the inherent effect of unobtrusive physical exercise. However, there are known barriers to be overcome. Hence, what is needed is an innovation: a platform that automatically and continuously adapts to the user’s preferences, skills and mobility.

Expected results and impact

The objective of EnterTrain is to enhance the health and quality of life of older adults by motivating them for physical training, since regular physical activity has positive effects towards the own independence in life. However, many older adults are not able or find no pleasure in doing physical activities. Hence, EnterTrain is highly personalised, motivates and considers the health of the user: for the younger and/or physically fitter, playing on EnterTrain serves as preventive measure against loss of physical resources in older age, whereas it helps to maintain existing resources or even build up physical fitness in older age.


Partners involved in the EnterTrain project

Organization Type Country Website
CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH SME Austria www.cogvis.at
Vienna University of Technology, Inst. for Computer Aided Automation 183 R&D Austria www.caa.tuwien.ac.at
University of Vienna, Department of Sociology R&D Austria www.soz.univie.ac.at
Samariterbund Wien End User Austria www.samariterbund.net
SilverFit BV SME The Netherlands www.silverfit.com
Geriatrische Klinik St. Gallen R&D Switzerland www.gesundheitundalter.ch
BluePoint SME Romania www.bluepoint-it.ro
National Foundation for the Elderly End User The Netherlands www.ouderenfonds.nl
  • Project name: Entertainment by Training on a Personalized Exergame Platform
  • Website: www.entertrain-project.eu
  • Coordinator: CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: 01.04.2016
  • Total budget: 3.1 M€
  • Public contribution: 2 M€


Dr. Rainer Planinc

E.: planinc@cogvis.at

T.: +43 (0)1 / 236 05 80


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