
Patient-support tool TV-ASSISTDEM will help patients with dementia to keep control over their lives, increasing patients’ independence. The improved communication between patients and their (formal ...

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As Europe’s population is ageing, long-term care for elderly citizens will become an increasing cost for society. To manage this transition healthcare policy in the EU and individual Member States are heavily focused on extending the independent life of the elderly, with the dual aim of increasing their quality of life and reducing the costs of care. Dementia affects more than 6% of people aged 60+ and has a devastating effect on their independence – to date, there is no proven intervention to help dementia patients live a fulfilling life for longer. In this project, we will build on an innovative patient support tool to provide healthcare over a distance specifically targeted to patients with mild dementia that enables the interaction of voice, video, and health-related data using ordinary telephone lines connected to the internet.

Expected Results and Impact

The main indicators of impact will be the improvement in health-related quality of life and cognitive decline. These may result in financial savings for the healthcare system in each country, an estimated saving cost per patient/year for healthcare providers of 1800 euros.

This ICT solution can be used in almost every household in Europe, around the second half of 2020. Any older person living independently can be used by, helping to develop the concept of Ambient Assisted Living on an affordable and cost-effective way.  We offer total control of the Support Platform to the healthcare providers, versus proprietary connected TV solutions.


Partners involved in the TV AssisteDem project

Organization Type Country Website
IBIMA Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Málaga End User Spain
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche- Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione R&D Italy
Institut multidisciplinaire de science de données SME Switzerland
Smart Health TV Solution SME Spain
Asociación de familiares de personas con Alzheimer y otras demencias de Málaga End User Spain
  • Project name: TV-based ASSistive Integrated Service to SupporT European adults living with Dementia
  • Website:
  • CoordinatorIBIMA, Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Málaga
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting Date: 01.02.2017
  • Total budget: € 1.115.246
  • Public contribution: € 607.079


Elena Martin-Bautista


T.: +34671598903


EDLAH2 will take uniquely designed Apps, installed on a tablet device adding gamification principles to these as a package. This will encourage usage of the Apps and in turn improve/maintain the ...

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The fundamental objective of EDLAH2 is to research and observe/prove, if the gamification methodology used within sectors like the health and fitness sector, which is primarily aimed at athletic and physical capable people; could be successful in motivating older people to maintain good physical, mental and emotional practices, to improve or maintain their quality of life. This builds on and will add to, the product (MiCare), developed by KG&S in the UK and the research carried out, as a result of the EDLAH project.

Expected results and impact

EDLAH2 data will indicate gamification techniques, which can be utilised to motivate older people to maintain activities, that improve/maintain a healthy life. This in the areas of mental health (stimulation), physical health (monitoring, encouraging activity) and social life (communication, skills usage). This will result in the publication of 2/3 research papers. The developed apps and gamification engine utilised by the SMEs to add to their product lines, in both conventional web gaming (EVDS) and for KG&S within their product MiCare. It is hoped that for both this would take place within 18 months of the project completion.


Partners involved in the EDLAH 2 project

Organization Type Country Website
Karis Group Limited (KG&S) SME United Kingdom
EverdreamSoft SME Switzerland
Terzstiftung End User Switzerland
Université de Genève R&D Switzerland
Université du Luxembourg R&D Luxembourg
  • Project name: Enhanced Daily Living And Health 2
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Mike O’Connor
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting date: 01.06.2016
  • Total budget: €2,925,451
  • Public contribution: €1,727,394


Mike O’Connor


T.: 0044 196 260 1244



DayGuide assists adults with special needs in various domains necessary for an independent life at home, stimulating patient empowerment, and for actively participating in society. DayGuide is a ...

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DayGuide introduces a novel ICT-based system, supporting older adults suffering from mild cognitive impairment and early dementia in their daily life and their families. The system also supports persons living alone with no care person available on a regular basis. Persons with cognitive impairment experience various domestic challenges, depriving them from the pursuit of an independent, self-organised life at home. DayGuide responds directly to these challenges through technology allowing people to live as independent as possible for as long as possible. Informal caregivers benefit through improved information and exchange in a networked environment.

Expected results and impact

DayGuide will improve the Quality of Life for end-users. The main results will be: 1) Structuring daily activities for the elderly in early phases of MCI or dementia and providing significant improvement as it is oriented towards the specific needs of the person (user-centred design). 2) This also affects the quality of life of the carer. Preventing burden and stress in the support provider significantly reduces the need for pharmacological treatment of this group and prevents secondary diseases. 3) National policies aim for the elderly to live as long as possible in their own environment. The problems and the solution that DayGuide provides apply in the same way throughout Europe.


Partners involved in the DayGuide project

Organization Type Country Website
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria
Cubigo International NV SME Belgium
CREAGY AG SME Switzerland
Movisie R&D The Netherlands
terzStiftung End User Switzerland
De Wever End User The Netherlands
MAS Alzheimerhilfe End User Austria
Kadex BV SME The Netherlands
Kepler University Clinic GmbH R&D Autria
  • Project name: DayGuide
  • Website:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: @DayGuide
  • Coordinator: Dr. Heinrich Garn
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: 01.04.2016
  • Total budget: 2,2 mi €
  • Public contribution: 1,3 mi €


Dr. Heinrich Garn


T.: 0043 505504103





Three core components will be developed: an integration service with open and extensible APIs that allow integrating the system with third party devices, systems and infrastructures; user interfaces ...

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The number of malnourished seniors reaching emergency rooms is alarming. Socio-economic status, culture or personal preferences are some of the key elements to deliver food recommendations that are healthy and accepted. CordonGris will gather and manage data that are relevant for this purpose (e.g. activity monitoring, country-specific food composition tables, retailers’ information), make sense of these data and generate recommendations that balance healthy eating, physical activity and a budget constraint. CordonGris is providing the conditions for ‘flat-rate food’ to become a reality for seniors.

Expected results and impact

  1. Identification of main rules and development of algorithms to support a recommendation engine that fosters healthy eating on a budget.
  2. Integration with retailers and design of the service(s) in the three participating countries.
  3. Inclusively designed user interfaces.
  4. Reaching the market 2 years after project end.


Partners involved in the CordonGris project

Organization Type Country Website
Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS R&D Portugal
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa End User Portugal
SONAE - Modelo Continente Hipermercados, S.A. Large Industry Portugal
Red Ninja Studios SME United Kingdom
Can Cook SME United Kingdom
UnieKBO End User The Netherlands
  • Project name: CordonGris: Making sense of data to promote effortless healthy eating habits and autonomy for older adults
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Starting date: 01.05.2016
  • Total budget: 1,8 mi €
  • Public contribution: 1,3 mi €


Ana Correia de Barros


T.: (+351) 220 430 340



Technological breakthrough developments:  a platform which will be developed as the central experience centre and data collection hub in the Brain@Home project. Monitoring and improving/maintaining ...

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  • Develop a platform through which older persons can accede to a motivating, challenging and playful environment to engage in brain training and physical activity within the safety of their own home,
  • Build a hardware system using consumer-level portable devices for brain training
  • Construct a gaming platform for social-powered brain training. Games and activities are stored in cloud repositories. A user’s score in a game can be compared to the scores of other users using the system with the same type of exercise
  • A virtual community for older persons and caregivers, families, friends to share and disseminate knowledge and curiosities about interesting visits and travels
  • A system to store results and give access (web, mobile, etc) to this data and trends to users, caregivers and possibly to GP/family physicians.
  • To examine improvement in different domains such as well being, quality of life, and cognitive status following the training program

Expected results and impact

IT System: design definition according to the users’ needs and in time according to the project calendar.

Applications: definition of functionalities, development and test according to the defined project plan.

The scientific approach and the study design reflect the purpose of the research, and are in line with the major scientific findings in the field, going beyond the state of the art.

Involvement of the end-users in each developmental phase, to ensure system acceptance, usability and exploitability.

Business and cooperation agreements with at least 2 types of entities, if possible embracing at least 5 EU countries as well as efficient dissemination to stakeholders.

Proper approach to the market and end-user needs


Partners involved in the Brain@Home project

Organization Type Country Website
SIVECO Romania Large Industry Romania
Casa di Cura Privata del Policlinico Large Industry Italy
MediaHospital srl SME Italy
Pannon Business Network Association End User Hungary
Karma Interactive SME Hungary
University of Bucharest R&D Romania
  • Project name: Moving and enhancing brain training for an active life
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: SIVECO Romania
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting date: 02.06.2016
  • Total budget: 1,379,515.00 €
  • Public contribution: 849,184.00 €


Monica Florea


T.: +4 (021) 302 3300; 73-81



Tackling the shortcomings of a web platform, providing an overview of the AAL ecosystem and supporting informed decision making, the ActiveAdvice project aims to create an active advising and ...

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The ActiveAdvice project aims to deliver a fully functional ICT environment with specific web and mobile services for older adults and their relatives, for professionals in inclusive design and construction engineering across Europe, as well as for governments and municipalities involved in Active and Assisted Living (AAL). The ICT environment offers a holistic market overview, presenting regional, national and international AAL products and services in accordance with the needs of the end users, and combines it with a strong and integrated focus on the target market.

Expected results and impact

ActiveAdvice creates a novel ICT environment compromised from digital and human advisers, enhancing the information exchange and expert dialogue, as well as the technology and service uptake in the field of AAL. Through the creation of three service models tailored to the specific needs of the three target groups AAL2C, AAL2B and AAL2G, combined with the creation of an international network of Authorised Active Advisors from various business sectors related to AAL, an increased rate of awareness for and implementation of AAL solutions is reached across Europe.


Partners involved in the ActiveAdvice project

Organization Type Country Website
SYNYO GmbH SME Austria
Zurich University of Applied Sciences R&D Switzerland
Stichting Smart Homes R&D The Netherlands
Cybermoor Services SME United Kingdom
City of Alkmaar End User The Netherlands
Yellow Window NV SME Belgium (Flanders)
University of Porto - ICBAS.CINTESIS R&D Portugal
  • Project name: Decision Support Solutions for Independent Living using an Intelligent AAL Product and Service Cloud
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: SYNYO GmbH
  • Duration: 28 months
  • Starting date: 01.04.2016
  • Total budget: 1.337.463 €
  • Public contribution: 809.685 €


Stefan Ruscher, MSc


T.: +43 1 99 620 11 12



In an initial phase, end users will be contacted and a set of initial requirements will be developed. These requirements will be refined together with the partners and a final user requirements set ...

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The StayActive system aims to reduce the stress condition and health problems and work problems arising from stress for older end users, while at the same time supporting the organisation by enabling users to adhere to corporate policies more easily.

StayActive objectives are(i) increasing autonomy and productivity in older workers; (ii) promoting empowerment and more equal access to services; (iii) creating a product that has an impact on the end user audience and has social relevance; (iv) providing access to a novel ICT product for older workers, which would easily integrate in their daily life.

Expected results and impact

To develop the Stress and burn-out detection prototype system consisting in: wearable sensors and cloud system able to monitor continuously some of the biological signals for detecting and indicating the stress state; a mobile application in order to supports the user “just-in-time”, through personalised recommendations and various relaxation activities, including relaxation games. An important social and ethical issue is the ability of the StayActive system is to collect personal and sensitive data about an older worker. The challenge is to optimise between comfort / strong support, only possible when personal data are collected, and protection against unwanted data collection, which leads to less
StayActive support.


Partners involved in the StayActive project

Organization Type Country Website
ICT-based Solutions for Supporting Occupation in Life of Older Adults Large Industry Romania
Ana Aslan International Foundation End User Romania
RGB Medical Devices, S.A SME Spain
HI-Iberia Ingenieria y proyectos S.L. SME Spain
University of Geneva R&D Switzerland
ELearning Studios SME United Kingdom
  • Project name: StayActive
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Teamnet International SA
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2014
  • Total budget: 2 679 021 €
  • Public contribution: 1 536 395 €


Luminita Nicorici 


T.: +4 0724 244 774



Letitflow will provide a architecture and implementation of a workflow platform specialised for elderly workers. In order to facilitate the reuse of the platform on different domains, we will propose ...

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LetItFlow project aims to design and implement a workflow support system to help elderly hospital workers (mainly nurses) to accomplish their daily tasks and to the adaptation to new procedures and methods. The system should enable assistance by means of workers activity monitoring, portable communication tools, alerting services, adapted interaction interfaces or workflow management. It is based on fixed and mobile platforms that interact with the nurses to guide them in their work activities. Different Human-Computer interfaces are considered in order to adapt to the user activities and user profile.

Expected results and impact

The platform aim to have a positive impact in:

  • The LetItFlow tool will alleviate the task of nurses by a better distribution of the workload. Distributed smart monitoring of the team and worker state will enhance collaborative work
  • It will ease a smooth adaptation to changes, the smart assignment and tailoring of tasks, will facilitate the work to nurses, feel more comfortable. The tool also support knowledge transfer in real life scenarios, by putting together young and elderly employees in several works

The project aim to overcome problems related with the foreseen lack of caregivers, by providing tools that ease their daily task.


Partners involved in the LetItFlow project

Organization Type Country Website
Integrasys SA SME Spain
Noldus Information Technology BV SME The Netherlands
Austrian Institute of Technology - AIT R&D Austria
SIVECO Romania SA Large Industry Romania
University Municipal Hospital from Bucharest End User Romania
Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena End User Spain
  • Project name: Active Distributed Workflow System for elderly
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Integrasys S.A.
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: 01.09.2014
  • Total budget: 1.450.783,00 €
  • Public contribution: 1.136.700,20 €


Pedro A. Ruiz


T.: +34 916316846



The KNOTS platform will be an interactive information system which will be able to display various information on a mobile end device or information terminal. To achieve this, an adaptable, ...

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The project ‘KNOTS’ addresses the aggregation and availableness of inter-generational knowledge. This includes the challenge of retaining knowledge of retiring workers inside a company or within a field of application and sharing it with other professionals and (post-employment) volunteers. KNOTS does not exclusively focus on older adults but integrates also younger persons in the area of care. The barrier-free accessibility and readiness of knowledge by speech-control or touch will support employees when working on cognitively demanding tasks in a way that enables them to perform critical tasks reliably.

Expected results and impact

The project aims at combining the following service models: the development of an accessible, adaptable, directing, supporting information (assistant) system; a user-friendly web portal for administrative purposes („Look and Feel“); an intuitive user interface on mobile devices (tablets) as well as for the internal service module, a simple integration into existing (network) structures; independence from mobile operating systems and recording information text based, video based or via speech recognition. This will influence the state-of-the-art of sharing information and knowledge. It will actually reduce barriers between different professions and persons.


Partners involved in the KNOTS project

Organization Type Country Website
Project Group Hearing-, Speech- and Audiotechnology, Fraunhofer IDMT R&D Germany
Protronic GmbH SME Germany
Eurotronik Kranj d.o.o. SME Slovenia
Johanniter Unfall Hilfe e.V. End User Germany
CareTech AB End User Sweden
Hemtjänstkompaniet AB End User Sweden
  • Project name: An interactive knowledge-transfer system for persons who care
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: An interactive knowledge-transfer system for persons who care
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: 01.07.2014
  • Total budget: 2.451.150 €
  • Public contribution: 1.396673 €


Dr.-Ing. Stefan Goetze


T.: +49 (0) 441 2172 432



During the DAPAS project we will build up an innovative solution, which is based on the needs of older adults and their relatives. DAPAS combines successful functions of different service partners. ...

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DAPAS mainly tries to solve the problems currently perceived in the area of distribution of AAL-products. The main objective is to develop a holistic, scalable and market-ready AAL- product through using existing AAL-projects and products. The project also  intends to build up the technical and organisational structures so that the product can be delivered smoothly throughout the whole service life cycle. During the project, we will evaluate the distribution process and impact of the packages on end-users in three countries – Portugal, Luxembourg and Austria – with varying cultures and languages.

Expected results and impact

Two of the facts which are analysed during the project are the (cost-)effectiveness and acceptance of the distribution process. As a result of the project, scientific statements to these facts should be clear. In addition, the effectiveness of service packages on the daily life of the users and their relatives from a user perspective shall be documented and the results will be utilised for further improvements. The acceptance of the different service packages from a market perspective is also an important measurement of the project and should be evident at the end of the project. The goal of the project is a market-ready product which does include all the predefined features.


Partners involved in the DAPAS project

Organization Type Country Website
exthex GmbH SME Austria
AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria
University of Deusto, eVIDA R&D Spain
Steftung Hellef Doheem End User Luxembourg
Medical University of Vienna R&D Austria
New Design University R&D Austria
Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra End User Portugal
Red Cross Styria End User Austria
  • Project name: DAPAS – Deploying AAL Packages at Scale
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: exthex GmbH
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: 01.09.2018
  • Total budget: 2,3 Mio  €
  • Public contribution: 1,7 Mio €


Paul Köberl


T.: +43 676 898 464 222

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