MOBECS aims to enable and preserve the independence and mobility of older people via the development of small, non-stigmatising, easy-to-use, re-configurable and scalable stand-alone wearable emergency call and service systems. Tracking and localisation of a user, navigation, manual and automated alarm generation, voice control etc. are features to be integrated in close cooperation with the three defined end-user groups. The devices will be interoperable with a MOBECS service platform, existing smart-phones and domestic emergency call systems.
Expected results and impact
The MOBECS project results will maintain high quality services in the field of care and supervision of older persons. The complete service and its individual components will be used in the end-user organisations to both support the (in-)formal care givers in their work and to provide assistance/guidance in terms of mobility, security and safety. A transfer of the project results into other user segments is foreseen, while strengthening the project partners in the field of access service and user interfaces, communication infrastructure, end device manufacturing, prototyping and software development.
Partners involved in the MOBECS project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angwandten Forschung e.V. | R&D | Germany | www.idmt.fraunhofer.de |
ILPER Elektronik GmbH | SME | Germany | www.ilper.net |
BeeWare GmbH | SME | Germany | www.beeware.de |
IP Communications GmbH | SME | Austria | www.ahooly.com |
Johanniter Unfallhilfe e.V. | End User | Germany | www.johanniter.de |
Sonnweid AG | End User | Switzerland | www.sonnweid.ch |
- Project name: MOBECS – A Non-stigmatizing (MOB)ility and (E)mergency (C)all (S)ystem Ensuring A Safe Outdoor Mobility Chain
- Website: www.mobecs.eu
- Coordinator: Fraunhofer
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.07.2012
- Total budget: € 3.132.431
- Public contribution: € 1.989.650
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Wallhoff
E.: Frank.Wallhoff@idmt.fraunhofer.de
T.: +49 (0) 441 2172 432
Inclusion Society is a connected service system which will support organisations delivering an improved community care service. The aim is to help people adapt their lifestyle, improve their health, and feel connected. InS aims to encourage a change in behaviour by applying motivational techniques and thinking. The client uses a tablet PC & records health data via smart sensors. Social interaction with family, friends & care provider is supported by a network of cloud ‘portals’. InS will provide preventive health care for senior citizens at home and institutions, improving their security and quality of life.
Expected results and impact
InclusionSociety development will deliver 4 modules, where at an early stage homePad and the friends & family portal can be installed. The system will grow with their demands to cover the demands of care by bridging the homePad to Care Management System at the Service Provider’s centre. Further, when there will be a demand for medical support, the nursePad will be linked to follow up in home or in institutions for senior citizens. InclusionSociety will meet the goals to give senior citizens an opportunity to stay longer at home with a higher quality life as well as improving utilisation of the municipality facilities.
Partners involved in the InS project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Hospital Organiser AS | SME | Norway | www.hospitalorganiser.no |
Mediq AS | SME | Denmark | www.mediqdanmark.dk/ |
Alloy LTD | SME | United KIngdom | www.thealloy.com |
ViVit AS | SME | Norway | www.vivit.no |
- Project name: InclusionSociety- improving usability of the municipal health services and opening up access to the self- serve society
- Website: www.inclusionSociety.com
- Coordinator: Hospital Organiser AS Lysker w/ Oslo, Norway
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.03.2012
- Total budget: € 1.583.790
- Public contribution: € 813.839
To demonstrate that by using of ICT people with dementia can:
- be visually stimulated to walk and eat better than before
- plan, perform and control daily activities
- monitored in their movement patterns
In order to:
- preserve and improve their cognitive functions as long as possible
- stay in control of their life with help of informal and formal care when needed.
Expected results and impact
- sustaining or improving cognitive functions in dementia patients by stimulating mirror neurons
- improved personal control over daily routines (supporting independence)
- increase in unrest behaviour and use of medication
- less demand on formal and informal care
- assessing the development of dementia by monitoring movement patterns with sensor technology
Partners involved in the ALFA project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Woonzorg Unie Veluwe | End User | Netherlands | www.wzuveluwe.nl |
VU University Amsterdam in partnership with TU University of Delft | R&D | Netherlands | www.psy.vu.nl |
Alzheimer Nederland | End User | Netherlands | www.alzheimer-nederland.nl |
T3LAB | R&D | Italy | www.t3lab.it |
NoemaLife | SME | Italy | www.noemalife.com |
EXEL | SME | Italy | www.exelmicroel.com |
Iniciativas Comunitarias de Desarrollo Estepa Sierra Sur | SME | Spain | |
Mondragon University | R&D | Spain | www.mondragon.edu |
- Project name: Active Living For Alzheimer-patients -ALFA
- Website: www.aal-alfa.eu
- Coordinator: HabiPro commissioned by Woonzorg Unie Veluwe
- Duration: 24 Months
- Starting Date: 01.01.2012
- Total budget: € 2.162.987,24
- Public contribution: € 1.321.540,24
FEARLESS is a project designed to detect a wide range of risks with a single sensor unit, enhancing mobility and enabling elderly to take active part in the self-serve society by reducing their fears. Another main focus of this project is the lack of expertise at the supplier side and thus the integration of important parts of the supply chain (i.e. network of electricians and electric shops).
It will utilise the flexibility of vision based sensors and combine it with acoustic event detection. This combination will significantly enhance the reliability of the overall system. The potential dangers, which can be detected with FEARLESS include smoke/fire, flooding, falls or sudden changes in daily life caused by a deterioration of the health condition. The overall aim of this project is the reduction of barriers (i.e. fears and concerns), which impedes the mobility of elderly people, often suffering from dementia or light loss of cognitive activities.
Expected results and impact
The social alarm technology is increasingly deployed to provide non-institutionalised care and to promote an independent lifestyle for the elderly population. The actual low penetration of the technology is expected to offer growth opportunities to information and communications infrastructure providers, social alarm equipment suppliers as well as community service providers.
The following technologies are proposed in the actual market:
- First-generation Alarms: These devices consist of a simple telephone unit and a pendant with a button that can be triggered when help is required by the user. The monitoring centre systems receive the call, which displays the caller’s identity and location, thereby enabling care staff to provide immediate response based on the level of urgency.
- Second-generation Alarms: This segment, otherwise known as telecare refers to the use of sensors such as smoke, fire and flood detectors, among others, which enable the care staff to respond to a crisis by providing immediate response in case of emergencies.
- Third-generation Alarms: This refers to a more advanced type of telecare service, which collects activity data automatically through various sensors on a continuous basis through the detection of various movements.
At present, the most mature market in the field of ICTs and ageing concerns social alarms (first generation). FEARLESS is an enrichment of the current home care services covering the third generation alarms market.
Partners involved in the FEARLESS project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
CogVis GmbH | R&D | Austria | www.cogvis.at |
Vienna University of Technology | R&D | Austria | caa.tuwien.ac.at |
University of Bamberg | End User | Germany | www.uni-bamberg.de |
TeSAN | End User | Italy | www.tesan.it |
i2CAT Technological Center | End User / R&D | Spain | www.i2cat.net |
InfoKom GmbH | End User / SME | Germany | www.infokom.de |
Linkcare Health Services | R&D | Spain | www.ipk.fraunhofer.de |
Fraunhofer IPK | R&D | Germany | |
Samariterbund Wien | End User | Austria | www.samariterbund.net |
Medical University of Vienna | R&D | Austria | www.meduniwien.ac.at |
- Project name: Fear Elimination As Resolution for Loosing Elderly’s Substantial Sorrows FEARLESS
- Website: www.cogvis.at
- Coordinator: CogVis GmbH, Pulverturmgasse 3, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.07.2011
- Total budget: € 2.680.777
- Public contribution: –
DI Michael Brandstötter, MSc
E.: brandstoetter@cogvis.at
T.: +43 1 997 1594 0
FoSIBLE aims at the well-being and self-esteem of older people by supporting an active life-style to prevent loneliness. FoSIBLE aims at providing bridging spaces to foster social interactions and experiences by acknowledging the diversity of preferences, needs and interests. Fosible will develop a Social TV community platform with game technologies and smart furniture and will provide adapted input devices including gesture recognition fostering social support between peers through virtual communities and entertainment applications.
Expected results and impact
FoSIBLE is targeted around providing a TV-based Social Media Centre with services for :
- Staying in touch with relatives and friends, as well as contacting peer groups
- Participating in games and physical activity
- Sharing interests (cooking, poetry, etc.)
The project intends to provide new ways to control social technology applications, e.g. via tablet control, gestures, or smart furniture. An open platform will allow for additional integration and dissemination to end-users.
Partners involved in the FoSIBLE project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
University of Duisburg-Essen | R&D | Germany | www.uni-siegen.de |
University of Siegen | R&D | Germany | www.uni-siegen.de |
Fraunhofer Institute IMS | R&D | Germany | www.ims.fhg.de |
University of Technology of Troyes | R&D | France | www.utt.fr |
CURE – Center of Usability Research and Engineering | R&D | Austria | www.cure.at |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH | R&D | Austria | www.ait.ac.at |
Mauser Einrichtungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG | Large Industry | Germany | www.mauser-moebel.de |
Kaasa Solution GmbH | SME | Germany | www.kaasa.com |
Malakoff-Médéric Centre Les Arcades | End User | France | www.reseau.malakoffmederic.com |
- Project name: Fostering Social Interactions for a Better Life of the Elderly
- Website:
- Coordinator: University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Duration: 30 Months
- Starting Date: 01.05.2010
- Total budget: 2.879.451 €
- Public contribution: 1.871.030 €
Prof. Dr.-Ing Jürgen Ziegler & Steffen Budweg
T.: +49 203 379 – 2270
The overall project objective of the Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS) is to develop and validate a novel and highly innovative ICT Virtual Reality (VR) tool for the rehabilitation of motor deficits of the upper extremities after a brain lesion due to stroke. The specific project objectives are as follows:
- Development and integration of the hardware and software for the RGS including the rehabilitation scenarios, social network capability, user interface and the information management system.
- Development of user centred and neuroscientifically grounded diagnostic and training scenarios;
- Evaluation of the clinical impact of the RGS at the functional and neuronal ;
- Gathering of user requirements involving all the stakeholders using the RGS system and evaluation of the usability and accessibility of RGS.
Establish the theoretical and empirical foundation of the rehabilitation and diagnostics methods implemented in the system.
Expected results and impact
The RGS will directly improve the Quality of Life of the increasing number of Elderly people in need of rehabilitation for motor deficits of their upper extremities; and improve accessibility to healthcare therapy/home assistance and to a novel and highly innovative ICT based product.
We are now listing the most important aspects:
- Increase autonomy. The RGS allows the Elderly person to design their own rehabilitation schedule and work as much as they want at home, in coordination with other everyday life activities and in consultation with their health care provider. As explained in the introduction of this section, the Elderly person will have access to tele-rehabilitation, in the sense that the exercises will be done from home and the Secondary End User (healthcare provider) will be able to remotely follow their progress. If there are any abnormalities during their rehabilitation, an alert will automatically be sent to the healthcare provider.
- Empowerment and more equal access to services. Additionally, the low cost of the system renders it an affordable solution for the target population of end users.
- Accessibility, Usability and End User acceptance. The RGS is designed thinking about the End User and their needs, i.e. rehabilitation of upper extremities motor skill deficits, cognitive skills, usability and unfamiliarity for most End Users with the use of PCs.
- End User impact and Social relevance. The RGS will also allow elderly people to be direct users of technologies still in their initial market deployment phase. Furthermore, the RGS will give them access to a new world of VR computer based training scenarios.
- Access to ICT and an ICT novel product. The Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS) will allow the elderly person to take advantage of a novel ICT based product that allows the End User to efficiently manage their chronic long term condition by having access to individualised rehabilitation therapy from home in the shape of a VR based training.
Partners involved in the RGS project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Heinrich Heine Universität | R&D | Germany | www.uni-duesseldorf.de |
Guger Technologies OEG | R&D / SME | Austria | www.gtec.at |
Fund. Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron | R&D / End User | Spain | www.vhir.org |
Tyromotion | R&D / SME | Austria | www.tyromotion.com |
Fundació IMIM | End User / R&D | Spain | www.imim.es |
Fundació TIC Salut | End User | Spain | www.ticsalut.cat |
- Project name: Rehabilitation Gaming System
- Website: http://rgs-project.upf.edu
- Coordinator: Universitat Pompeu Fabra – UPF, Spain
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.04.2009
- Total budget: € 2.291.001
- Public contribution: € 1.925.660
The objective of ROSETTA is to help community dwelling people with progressive chronic disabilities, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, to retain their autonomy and quality of life as much as possible and to support their (in)formal carers by developing and providing an ICT system that offers activity guidance and awareness services for independent living.
Expected results and impact
The proposed project ROSETTA focuses on the prevention, early detection and efficient management of treatable psychosocial and physical consequences of chronic diseases that are accompanied by progressive cognitive decline and an increased risk of straying and falling during the advanced stages of the disease.
ROSETTA will provide benefits for end-users:
- Increased ability to perform the activities of daily living and to maintain self-sufficiency for a longer period of time;
- A feeling of safety in one’s own home for a longer period of time;
- Improvement of the quality of life;
- Prevention of overload of the caregiver and as a result prevention of burn-out;
- Early detection of deviations in the patients’ behaviour.
Partners involved in the Rosetta project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Eaton Electric BV | SME | Netherlands | www.eaton.com |
AVICS BV | SME | Netherlands | www.avics.nl |
Landsbond der Christelijke Mutualiteiten | End User | Belgium | www.cm.be |
CPS Europe BV | SME | Netherlands | www.cps-europe.nl |
FRAUNHOFER-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. | R&D | Germany | www.iese.fraunhofer.de |
I+ | SME | Italy | www.ipiu.it |
Novay | R&D | Netherlands | www.novay.nl |
TNO Defense, Security and Safety | R&D | Netherlands | www.tno.nl |
Vilans | R&D | Netherlands | www.vilans.nl |
Vereniging voor Christelijk Hoger Onderwijs, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en Patientenzorg, waarvan uitgaand VU medisch centrum | R&D | Netherlands | www.vumc.nl |
Westpfalz-Klinikum GmbH | End User | Germany | www.westpfalz-klinikum.de |
Zorgpalet Baarn-Soest | End User | Netherlands | www.zorgpaletbaarnsoest.nl |
CIBEK technology + trading GmbH | SME | Germany | www.cibek.de |
- Project name: Rosetta Guidance and Awareness Services for Independent Living
- Website: www.aal-rosetta.eu
- Coordinator: TBO, The Netherlands
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.06.2009
- Total budget: € 3.273.350
- Public contribution: € 2.232.418
A Home Based Kit
SOFTCARE project aims to make a major advancement in the field of home monitoring by providing a home-based kit that will help to detect potential problems by delivering to carers relevant and useful information on senior users daily activity and will also warn carers in case of falls or abnormal behaviours that might be related with a dangerous situation. Additionally, SOFTCARE will also provide a voice communication channel between carers and senior users.
Expected results and impact
The SOFTCARE system will be formed by a set of devices of different kinds (mobile, static and gateway), the firmware contained on this devices and the server application that receives the data from the devices and before storing it processes it detecting activities and risk situations and generating the related alarms if required.
Additionally, the project will produce useful research results in the fields of usability of home monitoring systems, activity recognition based on accelerometer information and location and following the conclusions of the market survey executed during WP1 of the project.
Partners involved in the SOFTCARE project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
Centre de Recerca I Innovació de Catalunya, S.A. (CRIC) | R&D SME | Spain | www.cric.cat |
Forschungsinstitut des Wiener Roten Kreuzes (FRK) | End User | Austria | www.roteskreuz.at |
MeshWorks Wireless Ltd. (MWW) | SME | Finland | www.meshworkswireless.com |
HealthSystems Group (HEALTHSYSTEMS) | SME | United Kingdom | www.healthsysconsult.co.uk |
Central European Institute of Technology CEIT RALTEC | End User | Austria | www.ceit.at/ceit-raltec |
- Website: www.softcare-project.eu
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.11.2009
- Total budget: € 1.205.832,94
- Public contribution: € 649,834.99
The aim of the PAMAP project is to develop an ICT-based system for accurately monitoring the physical activity of elderly, in a clinical environment, as well as, in daily life. By putting in evidence possible deficits, health professionals are provided with objective information to enable well-founded diagnosis, better supervision of therapies, and better success measures. At the same time, by providing an entertaining and motivating user interface, the elderly should be encouraged to improve their level of physical activity.
Expected results and impact
The expected result of the PAMAP project is a modular ICT solution, composed of several self-contained system components: sensory equipment, algorithms and software for physical activity analysis, visualisation, and patient feedback, and an Electronic Health Record application with web and i-TV interfaces.
The purpose of this system is to support physical activity monitoring for private (prevention) and professional (secondary prevention and rehabilitation) purposes.
Partners involved in the PAMAP project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
DFKI | R&D | Germany | www.dfki.de |
INTRACOM TELECOM | R&D / Large Industry | Greece | www.intracom-telecom.com |
University of Compiegne | R&D | France | www.utc.fr |
TRIVISIO Prototyping GmbH | SME | Germany | www.chu-rennes.fr |
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rennes | End User | France | www.chu-rennes.fr |
- Project name: Physical Activity Monitoring for Aging People
- Website: http://www.pamap.org
- Coordinator: DFKI, Germany
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.07.2009
- Total budget: € 2.771.929
- Public contribution: € 1.987.369
The project will advance the state-of-the-art in fields of tele-healthcare and ambient intelligence (AmI) and enhance the elderly’s personal environment with audio-visual, sensor / motoric monitoring, and automation abilities for tracing vital signs, activity, behaviour and health condition, and detecting risks and critical situations as well as providing, proactively and reactively, effective and efficient support at home.
Then, in order to focus on the specific risks and problems experienced by elder individuals and due to the growing gap between urban and rural areas, the project is aimed to enable professional carers to access remotely past activity and medical data of their patients at anytime and from anywhere, and to promptly diagnose and react to health and life risks.
Expected results and impact
Regarding REMOTE’s progress beyond the state-of-the-art in integration of technologies and products, the following areas are characteristic.
- Open reference architectures and ontologies;
- Intelligent agents and AmI framework;
- Wearables, sensors and health/activity monitoring
- Independent living applications;
- Social support applications;
- In-home and domotic sensors and localisation systems;
- User interfaces and adaptive systems;
- Tele-healthcare products and services;
- Information extraction and use;
- Understanding of (chronic) and age-related conditions;
- Patient modelling (the medical perspective;
- User modelling (the human-machine interaction perspective;
- Elderly-friendly user interface design & development;
- Evaluation methods and tools;
- Guidelines, standards and policy.
Partners involved in the REMOTE project
Organization | Type | Country | Website |
SIEMENS S.A. | Large Industry | Spain | www.siemens.com |
TSB Soluciones S.A. | SME | Spain | www.tsbtecnologias.es |
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | R&D | Spain | www.lst.tfo.upm.es |
Fundación para la Investigación Médica Aplicada | R&D | Spain | www.cima.es |
Saliwell (renamed to Peh-Med Ltd.) | SME | Israel | www.saliwell.com |
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas | R&D | Greece | www.certh.gr |
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas | R&D | Greece | www.ics.forth.gr |
Netscouts gemeinnuetzige GmbH | R&D | Germany | www.netscouts-ggmbh.de |
Abama Technologies S.L. | SME | Spain | www.abama.es |
University Hospital of North-Norway (UNN) - Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine | R&D | Norway | telemed.no |
The European Older People´s Platform | End User | Belgium | www.age-platform.org |
Bluepoint IT Solutions | SME | Romania | www.bluepoint-it.ro |
Medea SRL | SME | Italia | www.medeaproject.eu |
Fraunhofer-Institut für Biomedizinische Technik | R&D | Germany | www.ibmt.fraunhofer.de |
Ortholine Ltd. | SME | Israel | www.ortholine.co.il |
- Project name: Remote health and social care for independent living of isolated elderly with chronic conditions
- Website: www.remote-project.eu
- Coordinator: CERTH-IBBR, Greece
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.06.2009
- Total budget: € 3.410.726
- Public contribution: € 2.249.194