
The Fit4Work system will be built from state-of-the-art components currently present in the market. It may be imagined as a smartphone extended with sensor-packed wearable device (smart ...

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The Fit4Work project will develop an innovative easy-to-use and unobtrusive system that will support older workers in reducing and managing physical and mental stress resulting from their occupation. The system will provide ambient ways of monitoring physical and mental activities at work. Smart algorithms will provide context-sensitive personalised recommendations for adjusting the workplace and behaviour at work, as well as define mid- and long-term lifestyle plans to meet the demands of the work taking into consideration the worker’s age.

Expected results and impact

Through its unobtrusive and unique integration of advanced software and hardware components, the Fit4Work system will enable persons aged 55 and over to be healthy and maintain good functional capacities for work. In this way the project answers the need to facilitate continuation of professional careers, making ageing workers aware of possibilities of better transition into ‘golden years’ of their work span and prepare enterprises to develop their work environments with age-related issues incorporated into the frame of their business.


Partners involved in the Fit4Work project

Organization Type Country Website
Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center R&D Poland
Eugeniusz Piasecki University School of Physical Education in Poznań R&D Poland
Jožef Stefan Institute R&D Slovenia
UnieKBO End User The Netherlands
SGS Tecnos S.A. Large Industry Spain
SC Teamnet International SA Large Industry Romania
Other Side Mirror S.L. SME Spain
  • Project name: Self-management of physical and mental fitness of older workers
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.639.826,80
  • Public contribution: € 1.910.850,50


Michał Kosiedowski


T.: +48 61 8582161



The wellbeing modules use a 3D sensor together with an RGB camera to provide feedback and to inform on how to change unhealthy situations (e.g. sitting position, malnutrition, too less water ...

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Wellbeing offers a holistic web-based platform, combining physical training, workplace ergonomics, nutritional balance and stress management in order to ensure a healthy life style at the workplace, especially focusing on the needs of older adults. Since older adults are working in very diverse fields, the project focuses on the main thing they all have in common in order to reach a broad target group: performing their job in a sitting position for a longer period of time. Hence the project supports e.g. secretaries, office clerks, technicians, lawyers at the same level and can be extended to new target groups easily.

Expected results and impact

The system will improve the quality of life of the end-users (older employees/white-collar-workers) in a twofold manner: 1) the system increases physical and cognitive fitness, which improves the employability in older age and counteract occupational age discrimination as well as early retirement; and 2) wellbeing motivates participants to change their lifestyles to healthier and more conscious ways of life, which improves physical mobility, agility, stress resistance and overall health status. Due to fostering a healthier lifestyle, wellbeing contributes to reduce the pension expenses.


Partners involved in the wellbeing project

Organization Type Country Website
CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH SME Austria
Vienna University of Technology R&D Austria
AIMC Advanced Information Management Consulting GmbH SME Austria
Fitbase Institut für Online Prävention GmbH SME Germany
Stichting Smart Homes R&D The Netherlands
Intrarom SA End User Romania
Ingeniería y Soluciones Informáticas S.L. SME Spain
University of Vienna, Department of Sociology End User Austria
  • Project name: Optimizing the Workplace of ELderly Laborers: BE IN Good health! (wellbeing)
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.500.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.600.000


DI Michael Brandstötter


T.: +43 (0)1 / 236 05 80



Three main tools will be used: an activity monitoring device, a feedback and support application framework and an innovative environmental circadian empowering system module, which includes the ...

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The main goal of the Clockwork project is to create a healthy and comfortable environment by supporting middle-aged to older adults in the improvement of their circadian rhythms. Particularly, the solution will target shift workers, such as healthcare professionals, who are greatly affected by chronodisruption, which can lead to health issues, long absences or early retirement. The objective will be achieved through the enhancement of external synchronisers that will help users maintain a healthy day and night rhythm by introducing some imperceptible modifications in their environment.

Expected results and impact

  • Identification of relevant chronodisruptors and parameters involved in their monitoring.
  • Portable Zeitgeber device.
  • Processing algorithms, including decision engine for various modes, signal processing and rule engine for situation interpretation.
  • Electronic hardware, incorporating signal processing and AI engines.
  • Intelligent, auto-regulated lighting device.


Partners involved in the Clockwork project

Organization Type Country Website
Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS R&D Portugal
BCB Informática y Control SL SME Spain
Università degli Studi di Ferrara R&D Italy
Portugal Telecom Comunicações Large Industry Portugal
Ab.Acus Srl SME Italy
Grado Zero Espace SME Italy
RK Tech, Kft SME Hungary
  • Project name: Smart system for the management and control of shift workers’ circadian rhythms
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 02.06.2014
  • Total budget: € 1.643.367,97
  • Public contribution: € 959.171,00


Maximiliano Romero


T.: 00351 220 430 340


  The healthy@work project will apply state of the art development processes. The envisioned system consists of mobile and server based software components and will be complemented by different ...

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healthy@work wants to increase occupational health maintenance and well-being especially for older care giving professionals and office workers. The project helps to establish healthier behaviours in occupation and at home. It addresses the often-experienced gap between just knowing what would be good for your body and mind and actually starting to change your daily behaviour. The personalised adaptive workplace health promotion programme (healthy@work) is a mobile application platform and associated infrastructure that promotes healthy behaviour through small daily inputs, activities and monitoring.

Expected results and impact

The healthy@work project will apply state of the art development processes. The envisioned system consists of mobile and server based software components and will be complemented by different mobile, wearable and fixed sensor-systems. The mobile part of the system has to ensure that health-related activity data can be collected by using sensors which are integrated into smartphones (e.g. accelerometer, GPS, WLAN) or can be used or triggered by smartphones in conjunction with temporarily attached components within the building (e.g. NFC or QR-code) or on the body (wearable sensors).

End-users will be involved in Switzerland and United Kingdom through our local consortium partners CURAVIVA and Bournemouth Borough Council. End-users are involved in the requirement phase and the organization can act as a showcase enterprise that will implement a growing healthy@work programme during the different field trial iterations.


Partners involved in the healthy@work project

Organization Type Country Website
YouPers AG SME Switzerland
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Engineering & Architecture CEESAR - iHomeLab R&D Switzerland
Romus SME Switzerland
u-sentric SME Belgium
XIM Ltd. SME United Kingdom
Bournemouth Borough Council End User United Kingdom
CURAVIVA End User Switzerland
  • Project name: healthy@work
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: YouPers AG
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.04.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.277.571
  • Public contribution: € 1.179.069


Urs Baumeler


T.: +41 79 479 72 56



The AXO-SUIT is to comprehensively supplement the strength of elderly persons with feasible exoskeletons in undertaking volunteer work, which will be achieved through six workpackages: WP1(end user) ...

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The project brings together 3 universities and 5 companies active and experienced in R&D of assistive devices to specify the full-body personal mobility, reaching, and grasping requirements of elderly persons allowing them to continue managing their daily activities related to voluntary occupation (maintaining gardens or carrying groceries of more needy people) , as well as participating in local social activities while preserving their health and providing motivation to remain active and independent. Basic products comprising upper-, lower- and full-body assistive exoskeletons will be designed, developed, and validated.

Expected results and impact

AXOThe AXO-SUIT integrates recent advances in assistive technology to study and design exoskeletons and to meet the challenges in helping elderly workers. The results will include novel exoskeletons consisting of modules to allow integration to realise prototype upper-, lower- and full-body assistive suits. They will comprehensively supplement the strength of elderly persons with effective and affordable exoskeletons and improve directly their quality of life. The exoskeletons could also be extended to more aged persons, weak or disabled adults, or elder employees as their needs are similar.


Partners involved in the AXO-SUIT project

Organization Type Country Website
Aalborg University End User Denmark
University of Gävle End User Sweden
University of Limerick R&D Ireland
Welldana A/S End User Denmark
Bioservo Technologies AB Large Industry Sweden
MTD Precision Engineering Ltd SME Ireland
COMmeto bvba SME Belgium
Hjälpmedelsteknik Sverige End user Sweden
  • Project name: Assistive exoskeleton suitable for elderly persons / AXO-SUIT
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.10.2014
  • Total budget: € 2.788.762
  • Public contribution: € 1.641.470


Shaoping Bai


T.: +45-99409291



The project aims at integrating miniaturised physiological sensors into hearing glasses device with ambient sensors in order to gather ambient and physiological data and transform them into relevant ...

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The AHEAD project aims at increasing the quality of life of elderly by assisting them for keeping an active and independent life. Physical and cognitive condition all decrease as a person is getting older. To improve quality of life of elderly, the project make use of devices that elderly people have already adopted: eyeglasses and hearing aid. The integration and combination of advanced and innovative sensing as well as ICT based modules will result in supporting system for improving daily life and health condition.

Expected results and impact

Hearing impairment constitutes an additional handicap to the natural process of aging that has a very negative impact in the quality of life, having a great impact in the human communication process, leading to isolation and sometimes to depression. Expected provided services will help elderly end users to life more independently, helping them in gaining confidence and supporting healthy life, and most important facilitating communication with other humans. Social, health and economic impact is ensured once the project achieve technological and user acceptance challenges.


Partners involved in the AHEAD project

Organization Type Country Website
Atos Large Industry Spain
Tecnalia R&D Spain
Innovationsmanufaktur SME Germany
Center for Usability Research and Engineering R&D Austria
Johanniter End User Austria
Cosinuss SME Germany
AuditData SME Denmark
Bruckhoff R&D Germany
Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe SME Germany
  • Project name: Augmented Hearing Experience and Assistance for Daily life
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Augmented Hearing Experience and Assistance for Daily life
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2013
  • Total budget: € 3.843.436
  • Public contribution: € 2.096.609


Manuel Marcelino Perez Perez


T.: +34 91 214 80 44



Bad life habits play a major role in developing and progression of age-related diseases: nutrition, medical therapies and physical exercise are among the keys for prevention and control. Regular ...

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The HELICOPTER proposal aims at exploiting ambient-assisted living techniques to provide older adults and their informal caregivers with support, motivation and guidance in pursuing a healthy and safe lifestyle. The proposal is targeted at 65+ adults, not suffering from major chronic diseases or severe disabilities, yet possibly being affected by (or being at risk of) metabolic or circulatory malfunctioning (e.g., hypertension, mild diabetes) or by mild cognitive deficits. Behavioural analysis is exploited to make health monitoring more effective and less invasive.

Expected results and impact


A heterogeneous sensor network will be designed and implemented, including environmental, wearable and clinical sensors. A global monitoring framework will be developed, in which all data converge toward a common database feeding a data analysis engine, capable of inferring from logged data current activity and behavioural information.

The inference model will involve medical knowledge as well as suitable “big data” analysis techniques. The HELICOPTER environment will be deployed and tested at several pilot sites, located in Sweden and in The Netherlands, for a 18 months period.


Partners involved in the HELICOPTER project

Organization Type Country Website
Me.Te.Da. S.r.l. SME Italy
Università degli Studi di Parma R&D Italy
SC Vision Systems SRL SME Romania
University of Skövde R&D Sweden
Laboratorio delle Idee S.r.l. SME Italy
Municipality of Skövde End User Sweden
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design SME Denmark
Coöperatie Slimmer Leven 2020 End User The Netherlands
International Business School, Jönköping University R&D Sweden
  • Project name: Healthy Life support through Comprehensive Tracking of individual and Environmental Behaviors
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Me.Te.Da. S.r.l.
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.07.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.880.010,00
  • Public contribution: € 1.655.905,00


Sandro Girolami, MeTeDa Srl


T.: +39 347 3572118

Paolo Ciampolini, University of Parma


T.: +39 0521 905828, +39 334 6669195,


SONOPA employs a set of available ICT technologies to develop an end-to-end solution for stimulating and supporting activities at home. Reminders and recommendations come through personalised ...

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Collected data enables the system to track variations in the daily activities over time in order to detect the right time to provide a recommendation. This allows for timely access to quantitative data from the user and allows the activation of individual and social recommendations. The offered recommendations can be in the form of suggesting individual activities at home, such as preparing meals or social interactions with peers.

Expected results and impact

The goals of the project are in line with the goals of the end-user organisations. Each organisation is expected to agree on an expected outcome with their end-users and work with them to achieve this. The ideal goal is that the individual end-user will develop an increased personal confidence and competency from using the system and recognise it as a user-friendly and easy-to-use technology device with flexible features. It is expected that end-user organisations working on the project will continue to suggest features that can further enhance the service.


Partners involved in the SONOPA project

Organization Type Country Website
Docobo R&D United Kingdom
Saxion University of Applied Sciences R&D The Netherlands
Smart Signs R&D The Netherlands
University of Deusto SME Spain
SpringTechno SME Germany
Blue Danube Robotic SME Austria
E-seniors SME France
Camera-Contact R&D France
The Christelijke Mutualiteit SME / End User Belgium
iMinds/Ghent University SME Belgium
  • Project name: SOcial Networks for Older adults to Promote an Active Life (SONOPA)
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Docobo Limited
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.05.2013
  • Total budget: € 3.238.818,93
  • Public contribution: € 1.444.061,22


Richard Plumbridge


T.: +44 (0) 1372 459866


People prefer to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. However, demographic changes, rising costs and new family structures are increasing the demands for new care solutions. ...

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The purpose of the project is to relieve informal caregivers through the use of information and communication technology.


The objectives are :

  • A developed and evaluated platform for informal caregivers in ambient assisted living.
  • An exploitation plan for the dissemination of the results.

Expected results and impact

The expected results is a platform for the delivery of self-care @ home services , as well as for stimulating and supporting daily activities at home by means of technologies that include smart sensing environments integrated with adaptable information system to connect elderly people with informal carers.

The SALIG++ product will be sold as individual licenses to elderly and informal caregivers, or as group licenses to care funders and formal caregivers. SALIG++ will primarily be paid by care funders. The market size is approximately 50 million people in need that will grow to about 75 million (2050).


Partners involved in the SALIG++ project

Organization Type Country Website
Stockholm University R&D Sweden
Divitel BV SME The Netherlands
Almende BV SME The Netherlands
HI Iberia SME Spain
TU Delft R&D The Netherlands
Stockholm LänsLandsting End User Sweden
Actimage SME Luxembourg
PIAP R&D Poland
  • Project name: Smart Assisted Living involving Informal careGivers
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.06.2014
  • Total budget: € 4.175.433,00
  • Public contribution: € 2.494.421,00


Gustaf Juell-Skielse


T.: +468161672


This always-on intelligent dashboard will be used to show status information and will enable communication and coordination towards the professional and the informal caregiver. The information to ...

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C4B will do on-demand and multi-stakeholder service design based on intelligent dashboard systems representing the status & context of the actors involved. The intelligent dashboard is an always-on interactive device that is easy to use for older adults. The system envisages improved and sustainable care provision by informal caregivers, optimized cooperation with formal caregivers and QoL improvement for the older adult. Better communication and cooperation in-between formal and informal caregivers are envisaged. C4B will support task delegation and community based care.

Expected results and impact

Realise and test a flexible and easy to use system that will support the elderly to interact with his/her support circle. Task overview, task delegation, care offerings and supporting intelligence captured through sensor networks will empower all actors involved. Co-creation and interoperability with other networks and services will leverage the go-to-market. The C4B project will test several business scenarios in order to come up with sustainable models for market introduction after the project finalisation in the four involved countries.




Partners involved in the Care4Balance project

Organization Type Country Website
iMinds R&D Belgium
Televic Healthcare Large Industry Belgium
connectedcare SME The Netherlands
Hogeschool Amsterdam R&D The Netherlands
Van Dorp Zorg en Welzijn Large Industry The Netherlands
AMSTA End User The Netherlands
Alcatel-Lucent Bell N.V Large Industry Belgium
Pervaya SME France
VigiSense Large Industry Switzerland
Hochschule Luzern – iHomeLab R&D Switzerland
  • Project name: Care4Balance – Care for balancing informal care delivery through on-demand and multi-stakeholder service design
  • Website:
  • Coordinator: iMinds
  • Duration: 30 Months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2013
  • Total budget: € 2.380.199
  • Public contribution€ 1.532.042


Ann Ackaert


T.: +32 473 29 56 51

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