Trieste Citizen Accelerator: Active & Healthy over 65
Digital & Social Transformation Skills for active and healthy living
How to harness today’s crisis to build good societies & silver economy opportunities in the future.
Urban Center Trieste,16-17th October 2021
The participation at Trieste Citizen Accelerator AAL 2021 is free of charge.

The Trieste Citizen Accelerator AAL 2021 is a 2 days event, organized by the Upper Adriatic Technology Park (Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico) within the context of the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 2021, that wants to gather the citizenship, in particular young generations and aged generations, for a specific challenge: addressing the loneliness & isolation problems of the society through Innovative & Tech solutions.
Trieste Citizen Accelerator 2021 will bring together citizens from various ages: students, civil society organisations, Civil society Organizations, family caregivers, support administrators, mentors from private and local/regional public authorities to jointly develop innovative & creative ideas/ tech solutions.
This initiative includes social participation between citizens and experts & the competition (hackathon) between teams.
How to participate?
For further information