10 online talks on healthy ageing not to miss this week

Anyone interested in the field of healthy ageing is in for a treat this week, with the European Week of Regions and Cities coinciding with the World Congress on Public Health to provide a fantastic array of talks over the next five days. Take a look at our picks below.
Tackling demographic change
Tue 13, October 2020
11:30 – 12:00 CET
The European Union is experiencing severe demographic challenges that are characterised in many places in the EU by a combination of three trends: a shrinking population, an ageing population (with an increase in the dependency ratio) and a low birth rate. Cohesion Policy is and remains the main EU instrument to tackle demographic decline in many regions of Europe. The MEP Cristina Maestre has been appointed shadow rapporteur for the REGI Committee on this matter. In cooperation with the Committee of the Regions, she will also discuss this topic from her personal experience coming from the Spanish region of Castilla-La Mancha, which has been suffering from demographic decline over the last few years.
Workshop: Healthy ageing and Public Health: a bound fate
Wed 14, October 2020
07.00 – 08:00 CET
The bio-psycho-social frailty: a key to the integrate territorial and hospital care in Europe
Regina Roller-Wirnsberger – Austria
Frailty and social support: the care services response to aging in Russia
Evdokiaya Kholostova – Russia
The challenges of aging in China: is healthy ageing a key for medium-long term sustainability of care?
Yfan Yang – China
Reshuffling community prevention and care: a new model for healthy ageing
Giuseppe Liotta – Italy
Workshop: Mental health of older people
Wed 14, October 2020
07.00 – 08:00 CET
Passive suicidal ideation in older adults from 12 European countries
Sunwoo Lee – Czechia
Prevalence of mild cognitive problems in Flemish Nursing homes
Patricia De Vriendt – Belgium
Monitoring changes in the organization of Dutch long-term care and their effects on the mental health and wellbeing of people with dementia
Henriette van der Roest – Netherlands
The impact of social stress and strain on cognitive function in older people
Jutta Lindert – Germany
Moderate exercise for Active Aging: results of a randomized controlled trial in people over 65 years
Mauro Giovanni Carta – Italy
Workshop: Retirement reforms and health in an ageing society: outputs of a multi-partner collaboration
Wed 14, October 2020
19.45 – 20.45 CET
Pensions reforms: what does policy needs from science
Tiziano Treu – Italy
Life expectancy inequalities and their evolution in Italy. How these impact on the equity of the pension system?
Chiara Ardito – Italy
The impact of retirement on physical, mental health and wellbeing
Vincenza Gianfredi – Italy
Understanding the relationship between alternative pension systems and healthy ageing: cross-national and quasi-natural experimental analyses of 27 EU countries
David Stuckler – Italy
Oral presentations: Elderly health
Thu 15, October 2020
07.00 – 08:00 CET
Interaction between physical activity and polygenic risk score for type-2 diabetes in older Americans
Mika Thompson – United States
Gender-related treatment gap in depression among the elderly: a study on 18 European countries
Luis Roxo – Portugal
The association between secondary care multimorbidity in mid-life and premature mortality
Marjorie Johnston – United Kingdom
Resilience factors associated with physical function in vulnerable older adults from four countries
Catherine Pirkle – United States
Factors associated with short term transitions in frailty status in the population ≥ 50 years of age
Johan Van der Heyden – Belgium
Effects of different types of retirement planning on the wellbeing of retired people in Taiwan
Nuan-Ching Huang – Taiwan
Physical activity benefits the elderly with Parkinson’s disease
Sunwoo Lee – Czechia
Physical activity promotion of elderly people as a complex intervention: supportive toolbox
Judith Tillmann – Germany
The Impact of early retirement, nation-related and personal characteristics on cognitive decline
Aviad Tur-Sinai – Israel
Workshop: How To Evaluate Digital Health: Three Examples Based On The Model Of Continuous eHealth Evaluation.
Fri 16, October 2020
09.45 – 10:45 CET
The acceptance of clinical decision support systems among clinicians in the treatment of neck and/or back pain.
Stephanie Jansen-Kosterink – Netherlands
Evaluation of a digital health gamification platform with older adults: An observational cohort study with a pre-test/post-test design.
Marian Hurmuz – Netherlands
A first long-term evaluation of the Council of Coaches application: An observational cohort study.
Harm Op den Akker – Netherlands