Each Partner State and Associate State of the AAL Association appoints a National Contact Person (NCP) who, as member of the AAL Management Unit (together with the CMU), is responsible for the respective national activities organising and implementing the AAL Joint Programme, the annual Work Programme and all objectives and obligations comprised in the Bilateral Agreement, performed (when applicable) according to the guidelines and procedures stated in the manuals of the AAL Association.
“The NCP is critical in advising potential participants about the balance between research and deployment components in the programme, and about its relationship with other European programmes.”
Interim Evaluation of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme, December 2010
Prerogatives of the NCPs
Prior to the conclusion of grant agreements
- The NCP/NFA of the project coordinator (the lead-NCP/NFA) organise the coordination and negotiation process of the collaborative project and ensure that valid national grant agreements are signed by all partners (i.e. consortia members and NFAs). For all such obligations the lead-NFA receive timely and appropriate support from the project coordinator and the other participating NFAs.
- All the NCPs/NFAs engaged in a collaborative project shall establish grant agreements with their national participants in the collaborative project within 60 calendar days after the presentation of the full proposal. The NCPs/NFAs shall also ensure that the funding of the project is in accordance with the funding rates set out in the General Agreement and the European Commission, the approved annual budget and the national funding rules.
Administration of projects selected for funding
- The lead NCP/NFA coordinates the administration of the collaborative project, ensuring that it comprises at least:
> an annual monitoring of the performance of the individual project partners
> a joint monitoring of the project on consortia level
- The lead-NCP/NFA coordinates and supervises the financial report of the project. For this purpose, he/she might request support from the project coordinator and the other participating national funding authorities
- The NCPs/NFAs are responsible for the administration of funded projects according to national laws and regulations, and according to the bilateral agreement.