The latest AAL projects launched in April 2020
AAL Programme is happy to see addition to its active project database with two new projects kicked-off in April, 2020. We are looking forward to see the development and follow their activities to foster digital health solutions for older adults! Read more about them below!

ReMember- Me
The ReMember-Me project is launched by 8 partners in 6 European countries, as an effort to develop a solution to detect and prevent cognitive decline early on. The solution will consist of a robot, screen games and sensors, which will capture data on the person’s status and engage the user in interesting and personalized brain training schemes according to their routines and preferences. The system will, also, provide a monitoring platform which will connect older adults with their network of caregivers, and a social platform connecting them with other people who wish to learn from older adults’ memories and experiences.
The emergence of the project idea was based on the premise that “People living with dementia* have a right to enjoy equity of service and service provision; to participate in decisions that affect them; to feel safe, take positive risks and enjoy freedom of choice; to have their strengths and experience acknowledged and used to maintain and develop skills; to attain and maintain maximum independence, health and wellbeing; to enjoy access to recreational, leisure and cultural life in their community.
Read more about the project here

H2HCare aims to support seniors with heart failure in their transition from acute (hospital) to the community (home) care by providing a robot-based coaching system for helping them to follow the recommended post-discharge treatment plan and lifestyle changes. Using the robot the H2HCare system will provide the following functionalities to end-users: (i) virtual coaching and a direct link with doctors for older adults during their convalescence empowering them to self-manage their recovery at home and avoid hospital readmission; (ii) support for increasing their adherence to post-discharge instructions; (4) assist health professionals through older adults accurate monitoring and follow-up for preventing re-hospitalization.
The kick-off meeting of the Active and Assisted Living (AAL)1 European project H2HCare (Social robot-based solution for elders’ Care management and coaching after discharge from Hospital to Home) took place Wednesday 22.04.2020. The meeting was organized by the H2HCare coordinator, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and due to the current EU context, was held online via Skype for Business. All project partners participated, met each other, discussed the project vision and planed the work for the coming months.
Read more about the project here